< Притчи 5 >

1 Сын мой! внимай мудрости моей, и приклони ухо твое к разуму моему,
My son, listen carefully to some [more] wise things that I will tell you. Listen well to what I am going to teach you.
2 чтобы соблюсти рассудительность, и чтобы уста твои сохранили знание. Не внимай льстивой женщине;
If you do that, you will be able to choose wisely [what to do], and you will know [the right things] to say [MTY].
3 ибо мед источают уста чужой жены, и мягче елея речь ее;
What an immoral woman says [to you may be] as sweet as honey, and sound smoother than olive oil [feels on your skin],
4 но последствия от нее горьки, как полынь, остры, как меч обоюдоострый;
but the result [of being with her] will be bitter like gall and [injure you as badly], like being cut with a sharp two-edged sword.
5 ноги ее нисходят к смерти, стопы ее достигают преисподней. (Sheol h7585)
If you go where she goes [MTY], you will go down to where the dead people are. Her steps will lead you straight to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
6 Если бы ты захотел постигнуть стезю жизни ее, то пути ее непостоянны, и ты не узнаешь их.
She is not concerned about the roads that lead to a [long] life. She walks [down] a crooked path, and she does not realize [that she is on the wrong road].
7 Итак, дети, слушайте меня и не отступайте от слов уст моих.
So now, my sons, listen to me. (Never turn aside from/always remember) [LIT] what I am about to tell you.
8 Держи дальше от нее путь твой и не подходи близко к дверям дома ее,
Run away from immoral women! Do not go near the doors of their houses!
9 чтобы здоровья твоего не отдать другим и лет твоих мучителю;
If you enter the home of one of them, you will lose your (self-respect/good reputation) and [that woman’s husband] will not act mercifully toward you; he will [kill you and] take everything that you have acquired during your life!
10 чтобы не насыщались силою твоею чужие, и труды твои не были для чужого дома.
Foreigners will take your money, and [all] the good things that you have worked for will (end up in their hands/become their possessions).
11 И ты будешь стонать после, когда плоть твоя и тело твое будут истощены, -
And when you are about to die, you will groan [with severe pain] because diseases [that you have gotten from being immoral] will be destroying your body.
12 и скажешь: “Зачем я ненавидел наставление, и сердце мое пренебрегало обличением,
Then you will say, “I hated it [when people tried to] correct me. I despised [people when they] reproved/rebuked me.
13 и я не слушал голоса учителей моих, не приклонял уха моего к наставникам моим:
I did not heed what my teachers said! I paid no attention to those who [tried to] teach me [something about my behavior].
14 едва не впал я во всякое зло среди собрания и общества!”
[Now] I am almost ruined, and I will be disgraced in public gatherings.”
15 Пей воду из твоего водоема и текущую из твоего колодезя.
Like a man is refreshed by drinking water from his own well [MET], enjoy [having sex] [EUP] only with your own wife.
16 Пусть не разливаются источники твои по улице, потоки вод - по площадям;
Like you would not waste good water by pouring it into the street, [you should not have sex with other women]. [MET, EUP]
17 пусть они будут принадлежать тебе одному, а не чужим с тобою.
Enjoy [having sex] only with your wife; do not [have sex with] other women.
18 Источник твой да будет благословен; и утешайся женою юности твоей,
Let your wife be a source of great pleasure to you. (Be happy/[Enjoy sex]) with the woman whom you married when you were both young.
19 любезною ланью и прекрасною серною: груди ее да упоявают тебя во всякое время, любовью ее услаждайся постоянно.
She is as pretty and graceful [as] a young female deer. Allow her breasts to always satisfy you. Allow her lovemaking to excite you.
20 И для чего тебе, сын мой, увлекаться постороннею и обнимать груди чужой?
My son, do not be [RHQ] captivated/charmed by an immoral woman! Do not fondle the breasts of another man’s wife!
21 Ибо пред очами Господа пути человека, и Он измеряет все стези его.
[I say that] because Yahweh sees clearly everything that we do; he knows [where we are going on] the roads that we walk on.
22 Беззаконного уловляют собственные беззакония его, и в узах греха своего он содержится:
Evil men’s sinful desires hold them fast; their sins are [like] ropes that bind them.
23 он умирает без наставления, и от множества безумия своего теряется.
Evil men [will] die because they are unable to say “No” to their desires; they [will] (go astray/be lost) because of the foolish things that they do.

< Притчи 5 >