< Luka 24 +

1 Dănzorja ăn duminikă mujeri apljikat la gruapă ku jarbilje š ku unturilje karje miruasă če lja pripremit.
The however on [the] first [day] of the week dawn very early to the tomb they came bringing that they had prepared spices (and certain with them. *K*)
2 Kănd jalje ažuns, avizut k je buluvanu karje ăvilja ulazu la gruapă runkat ăn partje.
They found then the stone rolled away from the tomb.
3 Auntrat ănontru, ali na găsăt tjela alu Domnuluj Isusuluj.
(and *k*) Having entered (however *no*) not they found the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 Pănd jalje aša astat zbunjitje păntruv aja če sa dogodit, dăturdată pănglă jej sa pojavit doj omurj ăn cualje karje blistjaštje.
And it came to pass while (perplexing *N(k)O*) they about this that behold men two stood by them in (garment dazzling. *N(k)O*)
5 Mujerilje sa spirjat š sa poklonit ku lica kătri pămănt. Doj omurj lja tribat: “Dăče kătăc p viuv ăntră morc?
Terrified then were becoming they and bowing (their faces *N(k)O*) to the ground they said to them; Why seek you the living among the dead?
6 Nuje aiča. Auskrăsnit! Dali nu vu găndic če vam zăs još ăn Galileja:
Not He is here but He is risen! do remember how He spoke to you yet being in Galilee
7 ‘Jo, Bijatu alu Omuluj, mora s fiuv predajit ăn mănj alu grešnikulor š jej p minje osă m razapnjaskă, ali jo aldă trje zălje osă m skol dăla morc.’”
saying The Son of Man that it behooves to be delivered into hands of men sinful and to be crucified and on the third day to arise.
8 Jalje sa dat d gănd k Isusu aja azăs.
And they remembered the declarations of Him,
9 Š sa tors dăla gruapă s javjaskă alu unsprjače apostolurj š alu toc alcilor.
And having returned from the tomb they related these things all to the eleven and to all the rest.
10 Irja alja Marija d trg Magdala, Ivana š Marija, mama alu Jakov, š još njeke mujerj. Arubit tot alu apostolilor če sa dogodit,
It was now Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary the [mother] of James and the other women with them; (who *k*) were telling to the apostles these things,
11 ali alu apostolilor sa spurut k tot aja mujerj aizmislit. Š nu lja krizut alu mujerilor.
And appeared before them like folly the declarations (of them *N(k)O*) and they were not believing in them.
12 Ipak, Petar dă fuga pănla gruapă. Kănd ažuns, s ujtă ănontru ali na vizut nimika osim skumpă albă plahtă ăn karje irja Isusu. Apljikat dăla gruapă š s ăntriba če sa dogodit.
But Peter having risen up he ran to the tomb, and having stooped down he sees the linen strips (lying *k*) alone and he went away in (himself *NK(o)*) wondering at that having come to pass.
13 Ăn zuvaja doj učenikurj alu Isusuluj pljakă ăn sat Emaus, dăpartje d Jeruzalem njeđe unsprjače kilomjatrje.
And behold two of them on same the day were going to a village being distant stadia sixty from Jerusalem whose name [is] Emmaus.
14 P drum arubit d tot ča fost.
and they themselves were talking with one another about all which having taken place these things.
15 Pănd jej aša arubit š raspravlja ăntră jej, avinjit Isusu š pljakă ku jej.
And it came to pass during the talking by them and reasoning that Himself (*k*) Jesus having drawn near He was walking along with them.
16 Ali alu vojki alor irja skuns s l kunaskă.
but the eyes of them were held not to know Him.
17 Isusu lja antribat: “D čaja aja raspravljic pănd putujic?” Jej astat pljinj d tugă.
He said then to them; What words [are] these that you exchange with one another walking? And (they stood still *N(K)O*) looking sad.
18 Unu dăn jej, karje s kjamă Kleofa, ja odgovorit: “Tu ješt jedini om karje avinjit d praznik ăn Jeruzalem karje nu štije ča fost ăn zuviljaštja.”
Answering now (the *k*) one (from of them *O*) (whose *k*) (name *NK(o)*) Cleopas said to Him; You yourself alone visit (in *k*) Jerusalem and not have known the [things] having come to pass in it in days these?
19 Isusu ăntrijabă: “Če afost?” Azăs: “Pa aja ča fost ku Isusu dăn Nazaret. Jel irja proroku š tuată lumja aputut s vjadă ku vorbilje š ku djela aluj k la trimjes Dimizov.
And He said to them; What things? And they said to Him; The [things] concerning Jesus (of Nazareth, *N(k)O*) who was a man a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,
20 Pănglă aja glavni popurlje š alji noštri altje članurlje alu vječe Amarje la predajit s fije osudit p muartje š la dat s l razapnjaskă.
that then delivered up him the chief priests and the rulers of us to [the] judgment of death and crucified Him.
21 A noj njam nadit k jel ăla karje osă spasaskă p narodu alu Izrael dăla dušmanu aluj, već atrikut trje zălje d kănd je mort.
We ourselves however were hoping that He himself it is who is about to redeem Israel. But indeed (also *no*) with all these things [the] third this day brings (today *ko*) away from which these things came to pass.
22 Ali aja nuje tot k š njeke mujeri karje l pratja ku toc noj, nja zbunjit p noj: čim asvanit zuva jalje apljikat la gruapă,
However also women certain out from us amazed us Having been (at dawn *N(k)O*) to the tomb
23 ali ačija na găsăt tjela aluj. Avinjit š azăs k lji sa pokazăt anđelurlje š lja zăs k Isusu viuv.
and not having found the body of Him they came declaring also a vision of angels to have seen who say He [is] living.
24 Njeki dăn noj adat fuga la gruapă š angăsăt k je gruapa guală baš kum azăs mujerilje, ali na vizut p Isusu k je viuv.”
And went some of those with us to the tomb and found [it] so even as also the women said, Him however not they saw.
25 P aja Isusu lja zăs: “O kum ištjec nerazumni! Dăče vuavă grjev s kridjec ăn aja ča zăs prorokurlje?
And He himself said to them; O foolish and slow of heart to believe in all that spoke the prophets;
26 Dali nu tribja Kristu s trpjaskă tot majdată njego če s ănčapje s vladjaskă p toc?”
Surely these things it was necessary for to suffer the Christ and to enter into the glory of Him?
27 Aša Isusu lja objasnit tot če Mojsije š toc prorokurlje azăs ăn Svăntă pismă d jel.
And having begun from Moses and from all the Prophets (He interpreted *N(k)O*) to them in all the Scriptures the [things] concerning (of Himself. *NK(o)*)
28 Kănd avinjit upruapje d sat undje pljakă, Isusu sa fukut k vrja s pljače maj dăpartje.
And they drew near to the village where they were going, and He himself (appeared *N(k)O*) farther to be going.
29 Ali jej la nagovorit: “Rămăj ku noj! Već je sara. Vinje nuaptja!” Aša auntrat ăn kasă s rămăje ku jej.
And they constrained Him saying; do abide with us, for toward evening it is and has declined (now *no*) the day. And He entered in to abide with them.
30 Pănd afost ku jej la astal, Isusu alat mălaju, zahvaljit alu Dimizovuluj, la frănt š la dat alor.
And it came to pass during the reclining of Him with them having taken the bread He blessed [it] and having broken [it] He was giving [it] to them.
31 Atunča alor sa diškis vojki š jej la kunuskut. Ali jel la vojki alor anistanit.
Of them then were opened the eyes and they knew Him; And He himself vanished being seen from them.
32 A jej azăs unu alu altuluj: “Kum nja fost pljinje inimilje kănd p drum rubja ku noj š nji objasnja Svănta pisma!”
And they said to one another; Surely the heart of us burning it was within us as He was speaking with us on the road (and *k*) as He was opening to us the Scriptures?
33 Sa skulat š sa tors ăn Jeruzalem. Apljikat la lok undje sa străns unsprjače apostolurj š p alcă sljedbenikurj alu Isusuluj.
And having risen up on [that] same hour they returned to Jerusalem and they found (gathered *N(k)O*) the eleven and those with them
34 Jej zăče: “Istina je, Domnu Isusu auskrisnit. Sa ukazăt alu Šimunuluj!”
saying that Indeed has risen the Lord and He has appeared to Simon.
35 Atunča š ăštja alji doj rubja če sa dogodit p drum š kum akunuskut p Isusu pănd jel afrănt mălaju.
And they themselves were relating the [things] on the road and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
36 Pănd jej doj rubja, Isusu dăturdată astat ăntră jej toc. Lji zăče: “Mir vuavă!”
These things now when they are telling He Himself (*k*) (Jesus *K*) stood in midst of them and says to them; Peace to you.
37 Ali lja afost frikă daja če găndit k vjadje măroj.
Having been terrified however and filled with fear having been they were thinking [themselves] a spirit to see.
38 Š Isusu lji zăče: “Dăče vu frikă? Dăče ăn voj s fače sumnje ăn inimă?”
And He said to them; Why troubled are you and through why doubts do come up in (the heart *N(k)O*) of you?
39 Atunča lja arătat mănjilje š pičuarilje š azăs: “Ujtacăvă la rănj! Jo sănt aja! Punjec mănilje p minje š osă vidjec! Măroji narje karnje š vuasă kašă če lji am jo!”
do see the hands of Me and the feet of Me that I myself am He himself; do touch Me and do see for a spirit flesh and bones not has even as Me myself you see having.
And this having said (He showed *N(k)O*) to them the hands and the feet.
41 A jej d radost na putut s krjadă alu vojki alor, njego sa mirat. Jel ăntrijabă: “Avjec čiva d mănkat?”
Still now while are disbelieving they for the joy and amazement He said to them; Have you anything to eat here?
42 Ja dat krod d pjaštje pržăt,
And they gave to Him of a fish broiled part (and from honeycomb tablet. *KO*)
43 a jel l ja š mălănk pănglă jej.
And having taken [it] before them He ate [it].
44 Atunča zăče: “Asta če sa dogodit upravo aja če vam zăs k osă dogodjaskă. Pănd majdată amfost ku voj, vam zăs: atribut s s ispunjaskă tot če skrije d minje ăn zakonu alu Mojsije, ăn knjige d prorokurj š ăn Psalmi.”
He said now (unto *no*) (to them; *N(k)O*) These [are] the words (of mine *NO*) which I spoke to you still being with you that it behooves to be fulfilled all things which written in the law of Moses and (in the *no*) Prophets and in [the] Psalms concerning Me.
45 Atunča lja žutat s razumjaskă čije skris ăn Svăntă pismă.
Then He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures
46 Kănd azavršăt jel azăs: “Kašă kum vidjec, aša skrije ăn Svăntă pismă k jo, Kristu, trjebje s trpjesk š s mor š aldă trje zălje s m skol dăla morc
And He said to them that Thus it has been written (and thus it was necessary for *K*) Was to suffer the Christ and to rise out from [the] dead on the third day
47 š ku autoritetu alu mjov s rubjaskă alu tuată lumja k trjebje s s okrinjaskă dăla grešală š Dimizov osă lji oprostjaskă grešala. Osă ănčipjec ăn Jeruzalem
and to be proclaimed in the name of Him repentance (to *N(K)O*) forgiveness of sins to all nations (having begun *N(k)O*) from Jerusalem.
48 s zăčec alu alcilor aja če voj auzăt š avizut dăla minje.
You yourselves (now *k*) (are *ko*) witnesses of these things,
49 A jo osă vu trimjet p Sufljetu alu Svăntuluj, p karje Tatimjov ăn čerj aobečit k vuavă osă vije. Răminjec ăn trg Jeruzalem pănd Dimizov nu trimjatje p voj săla d sus!”
And behold (I myself am sending *NK(o)*) the promise of the Father of Mine upon you. you yourselves however do remain in the city (Jerusalem *k*) until that you may be clothed with from on high power.
50 Isusu atunča askos p učenikurlje aluj d trg Jeruzalem pănla lok upruapje d sat Betanija. Ănklo adrikat mănilje š sa rugat s lji blagoslovjaskă Dimizov.
He led now them out until (to *N(k)O*) Bethany, and having lifted up the hands of Him He blessed them.
51 Pănd lja blagoslovit, Isusu afost drikat p čerj tot pănd nu lja nistanit dăn vojk.
And it came to pass during the blessing by Him them He was separated from them and was carried up into heaven.
52 Učenikurlje sa poklonit la Isusu, a atunča jej sa tors ku marje radost ăn Jeruzalem.
And they themselves having worshiped Him returned to Jerusalem with joy great
53 Atunča irja stalno ăn Hram š slavja p Dimizov.
and were (through *N(K)O*) (all [times] *N(k)O*) in the temple (praising and *KO*) blessing God. (Amen *K*)

< Luka 24 +