< Números 6 >

1 E falou o SENHOR a Moisés, dizendo:
Yahweh also said this to Moses/me:
2 Fala aos filhos de Israel, e dize-lhes: O homem, ou a mulher, quando se separar fazendo voto de nazireu, para dedicar-se ao SENHOR,
“Tell this to the Israeli people: ‘If any of you [wants to] make a solemn promise to dedicate himself to belong to me in a special way, [after you obey these instructions], you will be called a Nazir-man, [which means “dedicated man”].
3 Se absterá de vinho e de bebida forte; vinagre de vinho, nem vinagre de bebida forte não beberá, nem beberá algum licor de uvas, nem tampouco comerá uvas frescas nem secas.
You must not drink any wine or other alcoholic/fermented drink. You must not drink any vinegar made from wine or from any other alcoholic/fermented drink. You must not drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins.
4 Todo o tempo de seu nazireado, de tudo o que se faz de vide de vinho, desde os caroços até a casca, não comerá.
You must not eat anything that comes from grapevines, not even the skins or seeds of grapes, during the time that you are a Nazir-man.
5 Todo o tempo do voto de seu nazireado não passará navalha sobre sua cabeça, até que sejam cumpridos os dias de sua separação ao SENHOR: santo será; deixará crescer as pontas do cabelo de sua cabeça.
‘Even your hair will be dedicated to me during the time that you area Nazir-man, so you must never allow anyone to cut your hair. Until the time that your solemn promise to dedicate yourself to me is ended, you must allow your hair to grow long.
6 Todo o tempo que se separar ao SENHOR, não entrará a pessoa morta.
And you must not go near a corpse during the time that you are a Nazir-man.
7 Por seu pai, nem por sua mãe, por seu irmão, nem por sua irmã, não se contaminará com eles quando morrerem; porque consagração de seu Deus tem sobre sua cabeça.
Even if the person who died is your father or your mother or your brother or your sister, you must not cause yourself to become unacceptable to me [by coming close to the corpse]. Your long hair [MTY] shows that you belong to me in a special way, so you must not cut your hair.
8 Todo o tempo de seu nazireado, será santo ao SENHOR.
You are required to keep doing this all the time that you are dedicated to me in this special way.
9 E se alguém morrer muito de repente junto a ele, contaminará a cabeça de seu nazireado; portanto o dia de sua purificação rapará sua cabeça; ao sétimo dia a rapará.
‘If anyone dies very suddenly when he is near you, then your hair that you have dedicated to me is no longer sacred. So you must wait seven days and then shave it all off. Then you must perform a special ritual to cause yourself to become acceptable to me again.
10 E o dia oitavo trará duas rolinhas ou dois pombinhos ao sacerdote, à porta do tabernáculo do testemunho;
The next day you must bring two doves or two young pigeons to the priest at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
11 E o sacerdote fará um em expiação, e o outro em holocausto: e o expiará do que pecou sobre o morto, e santificará sua cabeça naquele dia.
‘The priest must [kill the birds and] offer them as sacrifices. One of them will be an offering to enable me to forgive you for the sins you have committed, and the other will be an offering that is burned completely to please me. [After the priest burns them on the altar], I will forgive you for having come close to a corpse, and [when] your hair [grows again it] will be dedicated to me again.
12 E consagrará ao SENHOR os dias de seu nazireado, e trará um cordeiro de ano em expiação pela culpa; e os dias primeiros serão anulados, porquanto foi contaminado seu nazireado.
The amount of time that you were set apart for me the previous time does not count, because you had become unacceptable to me [by coming close to a corpse] during the time that you were a Nazir-man. So you must again make a solemn promise to dedicate yourself to me for the entire amount of time that you indicated the previous time. And you must also sacrifice a one-year-old lamb for not doing what you were required to do.
13 Esta é, pois, a lei do nazireu no dia que se cumprir o tempo de seu nazireado: Virá à porta do tabernáculo do testemunho;
‘When the time that you promised to dedicate yourself to me is ended, go to the entrance of the Sacred Tent
14 E oferecerá sua oferta ao SENHOR, um cordeiro de ano sem mácula em holocausto, e uma cordeira de ano sem defeito em expiação, e um carneiro sem defeito por sacrifício pacífico:
and offer as sacrifices to me three animals that have no defects: Offer a one-year-old ram that will be burned completely, a one-year-old female lamb as a sacrifice to enable me to forgive your sins, and one full-grown ram as a sacrifice to maintain fellowship with me.
15 Além disso um cesto de pães ázimos, tortas de boa farinha amassadas com azeite, e massas não fermentadas untadas com azeite, e sua oferta de cereais, e suas libações.
‘When you bring those animals, you must also bring some wine to offer as a sacrifice. And you must also bring a basket of bread that you have made with very good flour and [olive] oil. But you must not put any yeast in the bread. Also brush/spread some [olive] oil on some thin wafers and bring them to the priest.
16 E o sacerdote o oferecerá diante do SENHOR, e fará sua expiação e seu holocausto:
‘The priest will put the young lamb and the young ram on the altar and completely burn them, in order that I will be pleased and will forgive you for your sins.
17 E oferecerá o carneiro em sacrifício pacífico ao SENHOR, com o cesto dos pães ázimos; oferecerá também o sacerdote sua oferta de cereais, e suas libações.
Then he will kill the full-grown ram as an offering to restore fellowship with me, and he will also burn on the altar some of the bread and the grain and wine.
18 Então o nazireu rapará à porta do tabernáculo do testemunho a cabeça de seu nazireado, e tomará os cabelos da cabeça de seu nazireado, e os porá sobre o fogo que está debaixo do sacrifício pacífico.
‘After that, you must [stand at] the entrance of the Sacred Tent and shave off your hair. Then you must put that hair in the fire that is under the [animal that has been sacrificed] on the altar to maintain fellowship with me.
19 Depois tomará o sacerdote a coxa cozida do carneiro, e uma torta sem levedura do cesto, e uma massa sem levedura, e as porá sobre as mãos do nazireu, depois que for estragado seu nazireado:
‘The meat from the ram’s shoulder must be boiled. After it is cooked, the priest will take it along with one of the loaves of bread and one wafer which has been brushed with [olive] oil, and he will put them in your hands.
20 E o sacerdote moverá aquilo, oferta movida diante do SENHOR; o qual será coisa santa do sacerdote, a mais do peito movido e da coxa separada: e depois poderá beber vinho o nazireu.
Then the priest will [take them back and] lift them up high to dedicate them to me. They now belong to the priest, and he is permitted to eat some of the meat from the ram’s shoulder and from its ribs and from one of its thighs, because that meat is his share of the sacrifice. After that, you will no longer be a Nazir-man, and you will again be permitted to drink wine.
21 Esta é a lei do nazireu que fizer voto de sua oferta ao SENHOR por seu nazireado, a mais do que sua mão alcançar: segundo o voto que fizer, assim fará, conforme a lei de seu nazireado.
‘Those are the regulations about the offerings that Nazir-men solemnly promise to bring to me to end their time of being dedicated to me. They must bring these offerings, but if they want to, they may bring additional offerings. And they must do everything that they solemnly promised to do when they dedicated themselves to me.’”
22 E o SENHOR falou a Moisés, dizendo:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
23 Fala a Arão e a seus filhos, e dize-lhes: Assim abençoareis aos filhos de Israel, dizendo-lhes:
“Tell Aaron and his sons that when they [ask me to] bless the people, they must say,
24 O SENHOR te abençoe, e te guarde:
‘I desire that Yahweh will bless you and protect you,
25 Faça resplandecer o SENHOR seu rosto sobre ti, e tenha de ti misericórdia:
and that he will smile at you and act kindly toward you,
26 O SENHOR levante a ti seu rosto, e ponha em ti paz.
and that he will be good to you [IDM] and cause things to go well for you.’”
27 E porão meu nome sobre os filhos de Israel, e eu os abençoarei.
Then Yahweh said, “If Aaron and his sons ask me to bless the Israeli people, truly I will bless them.”

< Números 6 >