< Marcos 11 >

1 E quando se aproximaram de Jerusalém, de Betfagé, e de Betânia, junto ao monte das Oliveiras, [Jesus] enviou dois de seus discípulos,
And when they draw nigh to Jerusalem and to Bethany, to the Mount of Olives, He sends away two of His disciples,
2 dizendo-lhes: Ide ao vilarejo que está adiante de vós; e assim que nela entrardes, achareis um jumentinho amarrado, sobre o qual ninguém se sentou; soltai-o, e trazei-o.
and says to them, Go into the village over against you: and immediately entering into it, you will find a colt tied, on which no one of men has ever sat; loosing him, lead him away.
3 E se alguém vos disser: Por que fazeis isso?, dizei: O Senhor precisa dele, e logo o devolverá para cá.
And if any one may say to you, Why do you this? say to him, that the Lord hath need of him; and immediately he sends him hither.
4 Eles foram, e acharam um jumentinho amarrado à porta, do lado de fora em uma esquina, e o soltaram.
Then they departed, and found the colt tied at the door without at the crossing of the road; and they are loosing him.
5 E alguns dos que ali estavam lhes perguntaram: Que fazeis, soltando o jumentinho?
And certain ones of those standing there said to them, What are you doing, loosing the colt?
6 Eles lhes disseram como Jesus [lhes] havia dito, e os deixaram ir.
And they said to them as Jesus commanded: and they permitted them.
7 Então trouxeram o jumentinho a Jesus. Lançaram sobre ele suas roupas, e [Jesus] sentou-se sobre ele.
And they lead the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and He sat on him.
8 Muitos estendiam suas roupas pelo caminho, e outros [espalhavam] ramos que haviam cortado dos campos.
And many strewed their garments in the road; and others were cutting down the branches of the trees, (and strewing them in the road),
9 E os que iam adiante, e os que seguiam, clamavam: Hosana, bendito o que vem no Nome do Senhor!
And those going before, and those following after, continued to cry out, Hosanna: blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord:
10 Bendito o Reino que vem, [o Reino] do nosso pai Davi! Hosana nas alturas!
blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in the highest!
11 [Jesus] entrou em Jerusalém, e no Templo. E depois que ter visto tudo em redor, e sendo já tarde, ele saiu para Betânia com os doze.
And He came into Jerusalem, into the temple; and looking round upon all things, the hour being already late, He went out into Bethany along with the twelve.
12 E no dia seguinte, quando saíram de Betânia, ele teve fome.
And on the morrow, they going out from Bethany, He was hungry.
13 E vendo de longe uma figueira que tinha folhas, [veio ver] se acharia alguma coisa nela; mas ao chegar perto dela, nada achou, a não ser folhas, pois não era o tempo de figos.
And seeing a fig-tree at a distance, having leaves, He came, if perchance He shall find something on it: and having come to it, He found nothing except leaves; for it was not the time of the figs.
14 Então [Jesus] lhe disse: Nunca mais ninguém coma fruto de ti! E seus discípulos ouviram isso. (aiōn g165)
And responding He said to it, Let no one ever eat fruit from thee. And His disciples heard Him. (aiōn g165)
15 Depois vieram a Jerusalém. E entrando [Jesus] no Templo, começou a expulsar os que vendiam e compravam no Templo; e revirou as mesas dos cambiadores, e as cadeiras dos que vendiam pombas.
And they come into Jerusalem: and He having come into the temple, began to cast out the buyers and sellers in the temple, and He overturned the tables of the money-exchangers, and the seats of those selling doves;
16 E não consentia que ninguém levasse vaso algum pelo Templo.
and He did not suffer that any one should carry a vessel through the temple.
17 E ensinava, dizendo-lhes: Não está escrito: Minha casa será chamada casa de oração de todas as nações? Mas vós fizestes dela esconderijo de ladrões!
And He was teaching, saying to them, Is it not written, That my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the Gentiles? But you have made it a den of thieves.
18 Os chefes dos sacerdotes e os escribas ouviram isso, e buscavam uma maneira de o matar; pois o temiam, porque toda a multidão estava admirada do ensino dele.
And the scribes and high priests heard Him, seeking how they might destroy Him: for they feared Him, because all the multitude were delighted with His teaching.
19 E como já era tarde, eles saíram fora da cidade.
And when it was evening, He departed out of the city.
20 E passando pela manhã, viram que a figueira estava seca desde as raízes.
And going along in the morning, they saw the fig-tree utterly withered from the roots.
21 Pedro se lembrou disso, e disse-lhe: Mestre, eis que a figueira que amaldiçoaste, se secou.
And Peter remembering says to Him, Master, behold, the fig-tree which thou didst execrate is withered away.
22 E respondendo Jesus, disse-lhes: Tende fé em Deus.
And Jesus responding says to them, Have God's faith.
23 Em verdade vos digo que qualquer um que disser a este monte: Levanta-te, e lança-te no mar; e não duvidar em seu coração, mas crer que se fará o que diz, tudo o que disser lhe será feito.
Truly I say unto you, That whosoever may say to this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and may not doubt in his heart, but believe that what he says does take place; it shall be unto him.
24 Portanto eu vos digo que tudo o que pedirdes orando, crede que recebereis, e vós [o] tereis.
Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever you pray for and ask, believe that you just now received them, and they shall be unto you.
25 E quando estiverdes orando, perdoai, se tendes algo contra alguém, para que o vosso Pai, que [está] nos céus, vos perdoe vossas ofensas.
And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have aught against any one; in order that your Father who is in the heavens may forgive you your trespasses.
27 Depois voltaram a Jerusalém; e, enquanto ele andava pelo Templo, vieram a ele os chefes dos sacerdotes, os escribas, e os anciãos.
They come again into Jerusalem. And He walking round in the temple, the high priests, and scribes, and elders come to Him;
28 E disseram-lhe: Com que autoridade fazes estas coisas? Ou quem te deu esta autoridade, para fazerdes estas coisas?
and they said to Him, By what authority are you doing these things? and who gave you this authority that you may do them?
29 Jesus lhes respondeu: Também eu vos farei uma pergunta, e respondei-me; então vos direi com que autoridade faço estas coisas.
And Jesus said to them, I will ask you one word, and you respond to me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things:
30 O batismo de João era do céu ou dos homens? Respondei-me.
Was the baptism of John from heaven, or from men? answer me.
31 E eles argumentavam entre si, dizendo: Se dissermos do céu, ele dirá: Por que, pois, não crestes nele?
And they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we may say, It is from heaven; He will say, Why did you not believe on him?
32 Porém, se dissermos dos homens, tememos ao povo, porque todos consideravam que João era verdadeiramente profeta.
But if we may say, From men; they feared the people: for all held John that he was a prophet.
33 Então responderam a Jesus: Não sabemos. E Jesus lhes replicou: Também eu não vos direi com que autoridade faço estas coisas.
And responding they say to Jesus, We do not know. And Jesus says to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.

< Marcos 11 >