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1 Então Elifaz o temanita respondeu, dizendo:
Then Eliphaz, from Teman, replied to Job. He said,
2 Se tentarmos falar contigo, ficarás incomodado? Mas quem poderia deter as palavras?
“Will you please let me say something to you? I am not [RHQ] able to remain silent [any longer].
3 Eis que tu ensinavas a muitos, e fortalecias as mãos fracas;
In the past, you have instructed/taught many people, and you have encouraged those who were weak.
4 Tuas palavras levantavam aos que tropeçavam, e fortificavas os joelhos que desfaleciam.
By what you said, you have helped those who (needed spiritual help/almost quit trusting in God) [MET], and you have enabled them to become spiritually strong again [MET].
5 Mas agora [isso] que aconteceu contigo, tu te cansas; e quando [isso] te tocou, te perturbas.
But now, when you experience disasters, you become discouraged. The disasters hit you, and you are stunned.
6 Por acaso não era o teu temor [a Deus] a tua confiança, e a integridade dos teus caminhos tua esperança?
You revere God; (does that not cause you to trust [in him]?/that should cause you to trust [in him].) [RHQ] If you were guiltless, you would [RHQ] be confident that [God] would not [have allowed] these disasters [to] happen to you!
7 Lembra-te agora, qual foi o inocente que pereceu? E onde os corretos foram destruídos?
Think about this: Do innocent people die [while they are still young] [RHQ]? Does God get rid of godly people [RHQ]? [No!]
8 Como eu tenho visto, os que lavram injustiça e semeiam opressão colhem o mesmo.
What I have experienced is this: [Just as] [MET] farmers who plant bad [seeds] do not harvest good [crops], [just as those who start] trouble for others, later bring trouble on themselves.
9 Com o sopro de Deus eles perecem, e pelo vento de sua ira são consumidos.
They die when God angrily blows his breath on them, when he is very angry with them.
10 O rugido do leão, a voz do leão feroz, e os dentes dos leões jovens são quebrantados.
[Even though wicked people may be very powerful like] young lions, [God] will get rid of them [MET].
11 O leão velho perece por falta de presa, e os filhotes da leoa se dispersam.
[They will die like] fierce lions [that] starve to death when there are no animals that they can kill and eat, and [their children will be separated from each other like] young lions separate from each other [to find food].”
12 Uma palavra me foi dita em segredo, e meu ouvidos escutaram um sussurro dela.
“I heard a message that someone came and whispered to me.
13 Em imaginações de visões noturnas, quando o sono profundo cai sobre os homens,
He spoke to me at night when I was having a bad dream that disturbed/frightened me while I was fast asleep.
14 Espanto e tremor vieram sobre mim, que espantou todos os meus ossos.
It caused me to be afraid and tremble; it caused all my bones to shake.
15 Então um vento passou por diante de mim, que fez arrepiar os pelos de minha carne.
A ghost glided past my face and caused the hair on [on the back of] my neck to stand straight up.
16 Ele parou, mas não reconheci sua feição; uma figura estava diante de meus olhos, e ouvi uma voz quieta, [que dizia]:
It stopped, but I could not see what form it had. But [I could sense that] there was some being in front of me, and it said in a quiet voice,
17 Seria o ser humano mais justo que Deus? Seria o homem mais puro que seu Criador?
‘(Does God consider anyone to be righteous?/No human beings can be righteous in God’s sight!) [RHQ] (Their creator cannot consider them to be pure./Can their creator consider them to be pure?) [RHQ]
18 Visto que ele não confia em seus servos, e considera seus anjos como loucos,
God cannot be sure that his own angels [will always do what is right]; he declares that some of them have done what is wrong.
19 Quanto mais naqueles que habitam em casas de lodo, cujo fundamento está no pó, e são esmagáveis como a traça!
So he certainly cannot trust human beings who were made from dust and clay, who are crushed as easily as moths are crushed!
20 Desde a manhã até a tarde são despedaçados, e perecem sempre, sem que ninguém perceba.
People are sometimes well in the morning, but in the evening they are dead. They are gone forever and do not even know it (OR, and no one pays any attention to it).
21 Por acaso sua excelência não se perde com eles mesmos? Eles morrem sem sabedoria.
They are like [MET] tents that collapse [suddenly]: They die [suddenly] before they become wise.’”

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