< 2 Reis 12 >

1 No sétimo ano de Jeú começou a reinar Joás, e reinou quarenta anos em Jerusalém. O nome de sua mãe foi Zíbia, de Berseba.
In the seventh year of Jehu, the reign of Joash began; he reigned for forty years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Zibiah, of Beersheba.
2 E Joás fez o que era coreto aos olhos do SENHOR todo o tempo que o sacerdote Joiada o conduziu.
Joash did what was right in the eyes of Yahweh all the time, because Jehoiada the priest was instructing him.
3 Contudo isso os altos não se tiraram; que ainda sacrificava e queimava o povo incenso nos altos.
But the high places were not taken away. The people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.
4 E Joás disse aos sacerdotes: Todo o dinheiro das santificações que se costuma trazer à casa do SENHOR, o dinheiro dos que passam no censo, o dinheiro pelas pessoas, cada qual segundo seu valor, e todo o dinheiro que cada um de sua própria vontade põe na casa do SENHOR.
Joash said to the priests, “All the money that is brought in as sacred offerings into the house of Yahweh, that money for which each person is assessed—whether it is the money collected in the census, or the money received from personal vows, or the money brought in by people motivated by Yahweh in their hearts to give—
5 Recebam-no os sacerdotes, cada um de seus familiares, e reparem as fendas do templo de onde quer que se achar abertura.
the priests should receive the money from one of their treasurers and repair whatever damage is found in the temple.”
6 Porém o ano vinte e três do rei Joás, não haviam ainda reparado os sacerdotes as aberturas do templo.
But by the twenty-third year of King Joash, the priests had not repaired anything in the temple.
7 Chamando então o rei Joás ao sacerdote Joiada e aos sacerdotes, disse-lhes: Por que não reparais as aberturas do templo? Agora, pois, não tomeis mais o dinheiro de vossos familiares, mas sim dai-o para reparar as fendas do templo.
Then King Joash called for Jehoiada the priest and for the other priests; he said to them, “Why have you not repaired anything in the temple? Now take no more money from your taxpayers, but take what has been collected for repairs of the temple and give it to those who can make the repairs.”
8 E os sacerdotes consentiram em não tomar mais dinheiro do povo, nem ter cargo de reparar as aberturas do templo.
So the priests consented to take no more money from the people and not repair the temple themselves.
9 Mas o sacerdote Joiada tomou uma arca, e fez-lhe na tampa um furo, e a pôs junto ao altar, à direita quando se entra no templo do SENHOR; e os sacerdotes que guardavam a porta, punham ali todo o dinheiro que se metia na casa do SENHOR.
Instead, Jehoiada the priest took a chest, bored a hole in its lid, and set it beside the altar, on the right side as one comes into the house of Yahweh. The priests who were guarding the temple entrance put into it all the money that was brought to the house of Yahweh.
10 E quando viam que havia muito dinheiro no arca, vinha o notário do rei e o grande sacerdote, e contavam o dinheiro que achavam no templo do SENHOR, e guardavam-no.
Whenever they saw that there was much money in the chest, the king's scribe and the high priest would come and put the money in bags and then count it, the money found in the temple of Yahweh.
11 E davam o dinheiro suficiente em mão dos que faziam a obra, e dos que tinham o cargo da casa do SENHOR; e eles o gastavam em pagar os carpinteiros e mestres que reparavam a casa do SENHOR,
They gave the money that was weighed out into the hands of men who took care of the temple of Yahweh. They paid it out to the carpenters and the builders who worked on the temple of Yahweh,
12 E os pedreiros e cortadores de pedras; e em comprar a madeira e pedra lavrada para reparar as aberturas da casa do SENHOR; e em tudo o que se gastava na casa para repará-la.
and to the masons and the stonecutters, for buying timber and cutting stone to repair the temple of Yahweh, and for all that was needed to be paid to repair it.
13 Mas daquele dinheiro que se trazia à casa do SENHOR, não se faziam bacias de prata, nem saltérios, nem bacias, nem trombetas; nem nenhum outro vaso de ouro nem de prata se fazia para o templo do SENHOR:
But the money that was brought into the house of Yahweh did not pay to make for it any silver cups, lamp trimmers, basins, trumpets, or any gold or silver furnishing.
14 Porque o davam aos que faziam a obra, e com ele reparavam a casa do SENHOR.
They gave this money to those who did the work of repairing the house of Yahweh.
15 E não se tomava em conta aos homens em cujas mãos o dinheiro era entregue, para que eles o dessem aos que faziam a obra: porque o faziam eles fielmente.
In addition, they did not require the money paid for repairs to be accounted for by the men who received it and paid it to the workmen, because these men were honest.
16 O dinheiro pelo delito, e o dinheiro pelos pecados, não se metia na casa do SENHOR; porque era dos sacerdotes.
But the money for the guilt offerings and the money for the sin offerings was not brought into the temple of Yahweh, because it belonged to the priests.
17 Então subiu Hazael rei da Síria, e lutou contra Gate, e tomou-a; e Hazael decidiu subir contra Jerusalém;
Then Hazael king of Aram attacked and fought against Gath, and took it. Hazael then turned to attack Jerusalem.
18 Pelo que tomou Joás rei de Judá todas as ofertas que havia dedicado Josafá, e Jorão e Acazias seus pais, reis de Judá, e as que ele havia dedicado, e todo o ouro que se achou nos tesouros da casa do SENHOR, e na casa do rei, e enviou-o a Hazael, rei da Síria; e ele se partiu de Jerusalém.
Joash king of Judah took all the things that Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had set apart, and what he had set apart, and all the gold that was found in the storerooms of the houses of Yahweh and of the king and he sent them to Hazael king of Aram. Then Hazael went away from Jerusalem.
19 Os demais dos feitos de Joás, e todas as coisas que fez, não estão escritos no livro das crônicas dos reis de Judá?
As for the other matters concerning Joash, all that he did, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Judah?
20 E seus servos se levantaram, fizeram uma conspiração, e mataram a Joás na casa de Milo, quando ele estava descendo a Sila;
His servants arose and plotted together; they attacked Joash in Beth Millo, on the way that goes down to Silla.
21 Pois Jozacar filho de Simeate, e Jozabade filho de Somer, seus servos, feriram-lhe, e ele morreu. E sepultaram-lhe com seus pais na cidade de Davi, e reinou em seu lugar Amasias seu filho.
Jozabad son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad son of Shomer, his servants, attacked him, and he died. They buried Joash with his ancestors in the city of David, and Amaziah, his son, became king in his place.

< 2 Reis 12 >