< 2 Crônicas 31 >

1 E acabando tudo isto, todos os israelitas que ali se acharam sairam ás cidades de Judah e quebraram as estatuas cortaram os bosques, e derribaram os altos e altares por toda Judah e Benjamin, como tambem em Ephraim e Manasseh, até que tudo destruiram: então tornaram todos os filhos de Israel, cada um para sua possessão, para as cidades d'elles.
Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah, and broke in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Asherim, and broke down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.
2 E estabeleceu Ezequias as turmas dos sacerdotes e levitas, segundo as suas turmas, a cada um segundo o seu ministerio; aos sacerdotes e levitas para o holocausto e para as offertas pacificas; para ministrarem, e louvarem, e cantarem, ás portas dos arraiaes do Senhor.
Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the cohanim and the Levites after their divisions, every man according to his service, both the cohanim and the Levites, for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister, and to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the camp of the LORD.
3 Tambem estabeleceu a parte da fazenda do rei para os holocaustos; para os holocaustos da manhã e da tarde, e para os holocaustos dos sabbados, e das luas novas, e das solemnidades: como está escripto na lei do Senhor.
He appointed also the king's portion of his substance for the burnt offerings, for the morning and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is written in the law of the LORD.
4 E ordenou ao povo, aos moradores de Jerusalem, que dessem a parte dos sacerdotes e levitas; para que se podessem esforçar na lei do Senhor.
Moreover he commanded the people who lived in Jerusalem to give the portion of the cohanim and the Levites, that they might give themselves to the law of the LORD.
5 E, depois que este dito se divulgou, os filhos de Israel trouxeram muitas primicias de trigo, mosto, e azeite, e mel, e de toda a novidade do campo: tambem os dizimos de tudo trouxeram em abundancia.
As soon as the commandment came abroad, the children of Israel gave in abundance the first fruits of grain, new wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field; and the tithe of all things brought they in abundantly.
6 E aos filhos de Israel e de Judah, que habitavam na cidade de Judah tambem trouxeram dizimos das vaccas e das ovelhas, e dizimos das coisas sagradas que foram consagradas ao Senhor seu Deus: e fizeram muitos montões.
The children of Israel and Judah, who lived in the cities of Judah, they also brought in the tithe of cattle and sheep, and the tithe of dedicated things which were consecrated to the LORD their God, and laid them by heaps.
7 No terceiro mez começaram a fazer os primeiros montões: e no setimo mez acabaram.
In the third month they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month.
8 Vindo pois Ezequias e os principes, e vendo aquelles montões, bemdisseram ao Senhor e ao seu povo Israel.
And when Hezekiah and the leaders came and saw the heaps, they blessed the LORD, and his people Israel.
9 E perguntou Ezequias aos sacerdotes e aos levitas ácerca d'aquelles montões.
Then Hezekiah questioned the cohanim and the Levites concerning the heaps.
10 E Azarias, o summo sacerdote da casa de Zadok, lhe fallou, dizendo: Desde que esta offerta se começou a trazer á casa do Senhor, houve que comer e de que se fartar, e ainda sobejo em abundancia; porque o Senhor bemdisse ao seu povo, e sobejou esta abastança.
Azariah the chief cohen, of the house of Zadok, answered him and said, "Since people began to bring the offerings into the house of the LORD, we have eaten and had enough, and have left plenty: for the LORD has blessed his people; and that which is left is this great store."
11 Então disse Ezequias que se preparassem camaras na casa do Senhor, e as prepararam.
Then Hezekiah commanded them to prepare rooms in the house of the LORD; and they prepared them.
12 Ali metteram fielmente as offertas, e os dizimos, e as coisas consagradas: e tinha cargo d'isto Conanias, o levita maioral, e Simei, seu irmão, o segundo.
They brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: and over them Conaniah the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his brother was second.
13 E Jehiel, e Azarias, e Nahath, e Asahel, e Jerimoth, e Jozabad, e Eliel, e Ismachias, e Mahath, e Benaias, eram superintendentes debaixo da mão de Conanias e Simei seu irmão, por mandado do rei Ezequias, e de Azarias, maioral da casa de Deus.
Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismakiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overseers under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of God's house.
14 E Kore filho de Jimna, o levita, porteiro da banda do oriente, tinha cargo das offertas voluntarias de Deus, para distribuir as offertas alçadas do Senhor e as coisas sanctissimas.
Kore the son of Jimnah the Levite, the keeper of the east gate, was over the freewill offerings of God, to distribute the offerings of the LORD, and the most holy things.
15 E debaixo das suas ordens estavam Eden, e Miniamin, e Jesua, e Semaias, Amorias, e Sechanias nas cidades dos sacerdotes, para distribuirem com fidelidade a seus irmãos, segundo as suas turmas, tanto aos pequenos como aos grandes;
Under him were Eden, and Miniamin, and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah, alongside the cohanim, to faithfully make disbursements to their brothers by divisions, as well to the great as to the small:
16 Além dos que estavam contados pelas genealogias dos machos, da edade de tres annos e d'ahi para cima; a todos os que entravam na casa do Senhor, para a obra de cada dia no seu dia, pelo seu ministerio nas suas guardas, segundo as suas turmas.
besides those who were reckoned by genealogy of males, from three years old and upward, even everyone who entered into the house of the LORD, as the duty of every day required, for their service in their offices according to their divisions.
17 E os que estavam contados pelas genealogias dos sacerdotes, segundo a casa de seus paes; como tambem os levitas, da edade de vinte annos e d'ahi para cima, nas suas guardas, segundo as suas turmas:
This is the enrollment of the cohanim by their fathers' houses, and the Levites from twenty years old and upward, in their offices by their divisions;
18 Como tambem conforme ás genealogias, com todas as suas creanças, suas mulheres, e seus filhos, e suas filhas, por toda a congregação: porque com fidelidade estes se sanctificavam nas coisas consagradas.
and those who were reckoned by genealogy of all their little ones, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, through all the congregation: for in their office of trust they sanctified themselves in holiness.
19 Tambem d'entre os filhos d'Aarão havia sacerdotes nos campos dos arrabaldes das suas cidades, em cada cidade, homens que foram contados pelos seus nomes para distribuirem as porções a todo o macho entre os sacerdotes e a todos os que estavam contados pelas genealogias entre os levitas.
Also for the descendants of Aaron the cohanim, who were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities, in every city, there were men who were mentioned by name, to give portions to all the males among the cohanim, and to all who were reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
20 E assim fez Ezequias em todo o Judah: e fez o que era bom, e recto, e verdadeiro, perante o Senhor seu Deus.
Hezekiah did so throughout all Judah; and he worked that which was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God.
21 E em toda a obra que começou no serviço da casa de Deus, e na lei, e nos mandamentos, para buscar a seu Deus, com todo o seu coração o fez, e prosperou.
In every work that he began in the service of God's house, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.

< 2 Crônicas 31 >