< Lamentacje 5 >

1 Wspomnij, Panie! na to, co się nam przydało; wejrzyj a obacz pohańbienie nasze.
Yahweh, think about what has happened to us. See that we have been disgraced.
2 Dziedzictwo nasze obrócone jest do obcych, a domy nasze do cudzoziemców.
Foreigners have seized our property, [and now] they live in our homes.
3 Sierotamiśmy a bez ojca; matki nasze są jako wdowy.
[Our enemies] have killed our fathers; they caused our mothers to become widows.
4 Wody nasze za pieniądze pijemy, drwa nasze za pieniądze kupujemy.
[Now] we are required to pay for water to drink, and we must pay [a lot of money] for firewood.
5 Na szyi swej prześladowanie cierpiemy, pracujemy, a nie dadzą nam odpocząć.
[It is as though] those who pursue us are at our heels; we are exhausted, but they do not allow us to rest.
6 Egipczykom podajemy rękę i Assyryjczykom, żebyśmy się nasycili chleba.
In order to get enough food [to remain alive], we went to Egypt and Assyria and offered to work [for the people there].
7 Ojcowie nasi zgrzeszyli, niemasz ich, a my nieprawość ich ponosimy.
Our ancestors sinned, and now they are dead, but we are being punished for the sins that they committed.
8 Niewolnicy panują nad nami, niemasz, ktoby nas wybawił z ręki ich.
[Officials from Babylon] who were [previously] slaves [now] rule over us, and there is no one who can rescue us from their power.
9 Z odwagą duszy naszej szukamy chleba swego dla strachu miecza i na puszczy.
When we roam around in the desert searching for food, we are in danger of being killed, because people there kill strangers with their swords.
10 Skóra nasza jako piec zczerniała od srogości głodu.
Our skin has become hot like [SIM] an oven, and we have a very high fever because we are extremely hungry.
11 Niewiasty w Syonie pogwałcono; i panny w miastach Judzkich.
[Our enemies] have raped the women in Jerusalem, [and they have done that to] the young women in [all] the towns of Judea.
12 Książęta ręką ich powieszeni są, a osoby starszych nie mają w uczciwości.
[Our enemies] have hanged our leaders, and they do not respect our elders.
13 Młodzięców do żarn biorą, a młodzieniaszkowie po drwami padają.
They force our young men to grind [flour] with millstones, and boys stagger while they [are forced to] carry [heavy] loads of firewood.
14 Starcy w bramach więcej nie siadają, a młodzieńcy przestali pieśni swoje.
[Our] elders no longer sit at the city gates [to make important decisions]; the young men no longer play their musical [instruments].
15 Ustało wesele serca naszego, pląsanie nasze w kwilenie się obróciło.
We [SYN] are no longer joyful; instead of dancing [joyfully], we now mourn.
16 Spadła korona z głowy naszej; biada nam, żeśmy zgrzeszyli!
The wreaths [of flowers] have fallen off our heads. Terrible things have happened to us because of the sins that we committed.
17 Dlategoż mdłe jest serce nasze, dlatego zaćmione są oczy nasze;
We [SYN] are tired and discouraged [IDM], and we cannot see well because our eyes are [full of tears].
18 Dla góry Syońskiej, że jest spustoszona, liszki chodzą po niej.
Jerusalem is [completely] deserted, and jackals/wolves prowl around it.
19 Ty, Panie! trwasz na wieki, a stolica twoja od narodu do narodu.
But Yahweh, you rule forever! You continue to rule [MTY] from one generation to the next generation.
20 Przeczże nas na wieki zapominasz, a opuszczasz nas przez tak długi czas?
[So] why [RHQ] have you forgotten us? Why [RHQ] have you abandoned us for a very long time?
21 Nawróć nas do siebie, o Panie! a nawróceni będziemy; odnów dni nasze, jako z dawna były.
[Please] enable us to return to you, and enable us to prosper [MTY] as we did previously.
22 Bo izali nas cale odrzucisz, a gniewać się będziesz na nas tak bardzo?
Please do that, because we hope that [RHQ] you have not rejected us forever and that [RHQ] you do not continue to be extremely angry with us!

< Lamentacje 5 >