< Yohani 7 >

1 Pa aga, Yesu kaweriti kankugendagenda kulaa ku Galilaya. Kafiriti ndiri kugendagenda kumkowa wa Yudeya toziya wakulu wa Wayawudi waweriti wankufira kumlaga.
After these things Jesus walked about in Galilee: for He was not willing to walk about in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill Him.
2 Shipindi sha msambu gwa Wayawudi gwa visasa guweriti gwapakwegera.
And the feast of the Jews, tabernacles, was nigh.
3 Su, walongu wakuwi wamgambira, “Guwuki panu gugendi Yudeya, su wafundwa waku wawoni vitwatira vyagutenda.
Then His brothers said to Him; Depart hence, and go into Judea; in order that thy disciples shall see thy works which thou art doing. For no one does anything in secret, and Himself seeks to be public.
4 Muntu katenda ndiri vitwatira kwa kubada pakafira kamanikani kwa wantu. Toziya gutenda vitwatira avi, guleki wantu wa pasipanu poseri wavimani kuusu gwenga.”
If thou doest these things, show thyself to the world.
5 Ata walongu wakuwi wamjimira ndiri.
For His brothers were not believing on Him.
6 Yesu kawagambira, “Shipindi shangu shashifaa shankali kusoka. Mwenga kila shipindi shifaa.
Jesus says to them, My time is not yet; but your time is always ready.
7 Wantu wa pasipanu hapeni wizi kuwakalalira mwenga, neni wankalalira toziya neni ntakula kwawu kuwera matendu gakuwi gadoda.
The world is not able to hate you; but it hates me, because I testify against it, that its works are evil.
8 Mwenga mgendi kumsambu. Neni hapeni ng'endi ku msambu aku vinu, toziya saa yaneni yaifaa yankali kusoka.”
You go up to the feast: I do not go to this feast; because my time is not yet fulfilled.
9 Katakuliti aga, shakapanu kendereyiti kulikala Galilaya.
Saying these things He remained in Galilee.
10 Walongu wakuwi pawagenditi kala kumsambu, Yesu kagenditi viraa, kumbiti kagenditi ndiri pawamlola ira kagenditi kwa kulififa.
And when His brothers went up to the feast, then Himself also went up, not openly, but in secret.
11 Wakulu wa Wayawudi waweriti wankumsakula ku msambu aku. Womberi wakosiya, “Ka koshi?”
Then the Jews were seeking Him at the feast, and saying, Where is He?
12 Kuweriti mapwepweziyu nentu kuusu Yesu mulipinga lya wantu. Wamonga watakuliti, “Yesu ndo muntu muheri.” Na wamonga watakuliti, “Ndala! Kankuwapayira wantu.”
And there was much murmuring in the crowd concerning Him: some indeed were saying, That He is good; others were saying, No, but He deceives the multitude.
13 Kumbiti kwahera muntu yakatakuliti kuusu Yesu paweru, toziya waweriti wankuwatira wakulu wa Shiyawudi.
No one indeed was speaking openly concerning Him on account of the fear of the Jews.
14 Msambu agu pagusokiti pakati na kumalirika, Yesu pakagenditi ku Numba nkulu ya Mlungu, kanjiti kufunda.
But the feast already being midway, Jesus came up into the temple, and was teaching.
15 Wakulu wa Shiyawudi walikangashiti nentu, walongiti, “Iwera hashi muntu ayu kerewa nentu, nayomberi kagenditi ndiri kushuli?”
Then the Jews marveled, saying; How does this one know letters, never having been taught?
16 Yesu kawankula, “Shilii shanfunda shilawa kwaneni ndiri, ira shilawa kwa Mlungu, ndo mweni yakantumiti.
Then Jesus responded to them, and said, My teaching is not mine, but of Him that sent me;
17 Muntu yakafira kutenda galii gagafira Mlungu, haguvimani handa mafundu gangu galawa kwa Mlungu, ama neni nfunda kwa uwezu wangu namweni.
if any one may will to do His will, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is of God, or I speak for myself.
18 Muntu yakatakula kwa uwezu wakuwi mweni, kankusakula uzyumi wakuwi mweni. Kumbiti ulii yakasakula uzyumi wa ulii yakantumiti, ayu ndo mwaminika na mngati mwakuwi kwahera ufyangu woseri.
He that speaketh from himself seeketh his own glory: he that seeketh the glory of Him that sent Him, the same is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
19 Hashi, Musa kakupanana ndiri Lilagaliru? Ata hangu, kwahera ata yumu gwenu yakalijimila Lilagaliru. Hashi, mfira mndagi?”
Did not Moses give you the law? and no one of you does the law. Why do you seek to kill me?
20 Lipinga lya wantu limwankula, “Gwenga gwana shamshera! Gani kafira kukulaga?”
And the multitude responded, Thou hast a demon: who seeks to kill thee?
21 Yesu kawankula, “Kwana liuzauza limu lyantenditi, namwenga mlikangashiti.
Jesus responded and said to them, I did one work, and you were all astonished.
22 Musa kawalagaliriti mwenga muwayingiziyi jandu wana wenu, shitiba ashi sha Musa ndiri ira wambuyi wenu ndo wanjiti kushitenda shitiba ashi na mumwingiziya jandu mwana mulishaka lya Kwoyera.
Moses gave you circumcision, not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers, and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath.
23 Handa pamumwingiziya mwana jandu mulishaka lya Kwoyera su mleka ndiri Lilagaliru lya Musa, iwera hashi munkalalira neni toziya numponiziya muntu mulishaka lya Kwoyera?
If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, in order that the law of Moses may not be broken; are you mad at me, because I made a man entirely whole on the Sabbath?
24 Mleki kutoza kwa kunja hera, mtozi kwa shipimu sha teratera.”
Judge not according to sight, but judge righteous judgment.
25 Wantu wamu wa Yerusalemu watakuliti, “Ndo ayu ndiri, muntu yawamsakula wamlagi?
Then certain ones of Jerusalemites were saying, Is not this He whom they wished to kill?
26 Mloli! Kawagambira pota na kufifa, womberi watakula ndiri shintu shoseri kuusu yomberi! Hashi, iwezekana kuwera wakulu wavimana nakaka kuwera muntu ayu ndo Kristu?
And behold He speaks publicly, and they say nothing to Him. Whether do the rulers truly know that He is the Christ?
27 Kumbiti Kristu pakaweriti kankwiza, kwahera muntu yoseri yakavimaniti kuwera Kristu hakalawili koshi, kumbiti tuvimana kuwera muntu ayu kwakalawira!”
But we know Him whence He is: but when Christ may come, no one knows whence He is.
28 Yesu pakaweriti kankufunda Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu, yomberi katakuliti kwa liziwu, “Mumana neni na muvimana kwanawa? Niza ndiri kwa uwezu wangu mweni. Ulii yakantumiti ndo mwaminika nentu, mwenga mumana ndiri,
Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, You indeed know me, and know whence I am; and I have not come of myself, but the one sending me is true, whom you do not know.
29 Kumbiti neni numumana, toziya ndawa kwakuwi, ndo mweni yakantumiti.”
I know Him, because I am with Him, and He sent me.
30 Womberi wafiliti kumkamula Yesu, kumbiti kwahera muntu yakaweza kumbata yomberi toziya saa yakuwi yankali kusoka.
Then they were seeking to arrest Him: and no one laid a hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come.
31 Wantu wavuwa mulipinga wamjimiriti na walonga, “Kristu pakiza hakatendi mauzauza nentu kuliku aga gakatenditi muntu ayu?”
And many from the multitude believed on Him; and continued to say, When Christ may come, will He do more miracles than this one is doing?
32 Mafalisayu wapikiniriti wantu pawapwepa visoweru avi kuusu Yesu. Su womberi pamuhera na watambika wakulu wa Numba ya Mlungu wawatumiti wanjagila wambati Yesu.
The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things concerning Him; and the chief priests and Pharisees sent officers, that they should arrest Him.
33 Yesu katakula, “Nankali namwenga kwa shipindi shididini, su hanumugenderi ulii yakantumiti.
Then Jesus said, Yet a little while I am with you, and I go to Him that sent me.
34 Hamunsakuli kumbiti hapeni mumoni, toziya hapeni mwizi pahala palii panwera.”
You will seek me, and will not find me: and where I am, you are not able to come.
35 Wakulu wa Shiyawudi walitakuziana weni, “Muntu ayu hakagendi koshi ndo peni hapeni tumpati? Hakagendi kwa lushi zya Wagiriki ndo peni wantu wetu Wayawudi pawalikala na hakawafundi Wagiriki?
Then the Jews said to themselves, Where is He about to go, that we shall not find Him? is He about to go into the Dispersion of the Greek, and teach the Greeks?
36 Kamanisha shishi pakatakula, ‘Hatumsakuli kumbiti hapeni tumwoni na palii pahala pakawera hapeni tuwezi kusoka?’”
What is this word which He said, You shall seek me, and not find me: and where I am, you are not able to come?
37 Lishaka lya kupelera lya msambu agu liweriti lishaka likulu. Yesu kagolokiti na kutakula kwa liziwu likulu, “Yakayumuluwa, kizi kwaneni,
And on the last great day of the feast, Jesus stood and continued to cry out, saying, If any one thirst, let him come and drink.
38 na yoseri yakanjimira neni kalandi. Gambira Malembu Mananagala ntambu yagalembwa, ‘Yakanjimira neni lushemba lwa mashi ga ukomu haganyiririki kulawa mumoyu mwakuwi.’”
The one believing on me, as the Scripture said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.
39 Yesu katakuliti aga kuusu Rohu, ndo mweni yawamjimira yomberi hawamuwanki. Shipindi shilii, Rohu Mnanagala kaweriti kankali kusoka toziya Yesu kaweriti kankali kukwiswa.
And He spoke this concerning the Spirit, whom those believing on Him were about to receive: for the Spirit was not yet; because Jesus was not yet glorified.
40 Wantu wamu pakati pa lipinga lilii wapikiniriti visoweru avi, watakula, “Nakaka muntu ayu ndo ulii mbuyi gwa Mlungu!”
Then those hearing these words from the multitude, were saying, This is truly the prophet;
41 Wamonga watakula, “Ayu ndo Kristu!” Kumbiti wamonga watakuliti, “Kristu hapeni kizi kulawa ku Galilaya!
others were saying, He is the Christ; others were saying, For whether does Christ come out of Galilee?
42 Malembu Mananagala galembwiti hangu kuwera Kristu hakaweri mushiyiwuku sha Mfalumi Dawudi na hakayiwuki ku Betirehemu, lushi lyakalikaliti Dawudi.”
Did not the Scripture say, that Christ comes from the seed of David and from the village of Bethlehem, where David was?
43 Su, kulawiriti malekaniru kuusu yomberi pakati palipinga lilii lya wantu.
Then there was a schism in the crowd on account of Him:
44 Wantu wamu wafiriti kumbata Yesu, kumbuti kwahera yakajeriti kumbata.
and some of them wished to arrest Him; but no one laid hands on Him.
45 Wanjagila pawawuyiti kwa Watambika wakulu na Mafalisayu, womberi wawakosiya, “Iwera hashi mumjega ndiri Yesu?”
Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, Why did you not bring Him?
46 Wanjagila wawankula, “Kwahera muntu yakapatiti nakamu kutakula gambira muntu ayu ntambu yakatakuliti!”
The officers responded, Never did a man so speak, as this man speaks.
47 Mafalisayu wawakosiya, “Hashi na mwenga wakuzyangani viraa?
And the Pharisees responded to them; Are ye also deceived?
48 Hashi, muwoniti kala yumu gwa wakulu wa wantu, ama yumu gwa Mafalisayu yakamjimiriti?
Whether has any one of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on Him?
49 Lipinga ali lya wantu livimana ndiri Lilagaliru lya Musa, lipangirwa!”
But this crowd knowing not the law are accursed.
50 Yumu gwa Mafalisayu kaweriti Nikodemu ndo mweni pakwanjira paliya kamgenderiti Yesu. Su, kawagambiriti womberi,
Nicodemus being one of them, says to them;
51 “Lilagaliru lyetu liweza ndiri kumtoza muntu pamberi pa kumpikinira kwanja na kuvimana shakatenda”
Whether does our law judge a man, until it may first hear from him and know what he does?
52 Womberi wamwankula, “Hashi, gwenga viraa gulawira Galilaya? Su kagabetuli Malembu Mananagala, nagwenga haguwoni kuwera Galilaya hapeni kalawiri mbuyi gwa Mlungu!”
They responded and said to him, Whither art thou also from Galilee? Search, and see that no prophet rises out of Galilee.
53 Kila muntu kagenditi ukaya.

< Yohani 7 >