< عوبدیا 1 >

رویای عوبدیا. ۱ 1
This is a message that Yahweh our God gave to me, Obadiah, about the Edom [people-group]. Yahweh our God has told me this about [the people of] Edom: “I, Yahweh, have sent a messenger to other nations, telling them to prepare to go and attack Edom.”
هان من تو راکوچکترین امت‌ها گردانیدم و تو بسیار خوارهستی. ۲ 2
And Yahweh says this to the people of Edom: “I will soon cause you to become the weakest and most despised nation [on the earth].
‌ای که در شکافهای صخره ساکن هستی و مسکن تو بلند می‌باشد و در دل خود می‌گویی کیست که مرا به زمین فرود بیاورد، تکبر دلت، تورا فریب داده است. ۳ 3
Your [capital city] is high in the rocky cliffs, and you are very proud; you think that you are safe from being attacked by your enemies [RHQ], but you [IDM] have deceived yourselves.
خداوند می‌گوید: اگرچه خویشتن را مثل عقاب بلند سازی و آشیانه خودرا در میان ستارگان بگذاری من تو را از آنجا فرودخواهم آورد. ۴ 4
And I tell you that even if [you had wings and] could fly higher than eagles fly, and if you could make your homes among the stars, I would bring you [crashing] down from there.
اگر دزدان یا غارت کنندگان شب نزد تو آیند، (چگونه هلاک شدی )؟ آیا بقدرکفایت غارت نمی کنند؟ و اگر انگورچینان نزد توآیند آیا بعضی خوشه‌ها را نمی گذارند؟ ۵ 5
When thieves break into someone’s house during the night, they certainly [RHQ] steal only the things that they want. And people who pick grapes always [RHQ] leave a few grapes on the vines. But your country will be completely destroyed!
چیزهای عیسو چگونه تفتیش شده و چیزهای مخفی او چگونه تفحص گردیده است؟ ۶ 6
Everything that is valuable will be taken away. [Your enemies] will find and take away even the valuable things that you have hidden.
همه آنانی که با تو همعهد بودند تو را بسرحدفرستادند و صلح اندیشان تو، تو را فریب داده، برتو غالب آمدند و خورندگان نان تو دامی زیر توگستردند. در ایشان فطانتی نیست. ۷ 7
All (your allies/nations who promised to help you) will turn against you, and they will force you to leave your country/land. Those with whom you have peace now will trick/deceive you and defeat you. Those who eat meals with you now are planning to trap you, and [then they will say to you], ‘You are not [RHQ] as clever [as you thought you were]!’
خداوند می‌گوید: آیا در آن روز حکیمان ادوم را و فطانت را از کوه عیسو نابود نخواهم گردانید؟ ۸ 8
I, Yahweh, declare that at the time that I destroy Edom, I will punish the men who live in those cliffs who [thought that they] were wise.
و جباران تو‌ای تیمان هراسان خواهندشد تا هر کس از کوه عیسو به قتل منقطع شود. ۹ 9
The soldiers from Teman [town] will become terrified; all you people who are descendants of Esau will be (wiped out/killed).
به‌سبب ظلمی که بر برادرت یعقوب نمودی، خجالت تو را خواهد پوشانید و تا به ابد منقطع خواهی شد. ۱۰ 10
You acted cruel in a cruel way toward your relatives who are descendants of Jacob, [the twin brother of your ancestor Esau]. So now you will be disgraced forever; you will be completely destroyed.
در روزی که به مقابل وی ایستاده بودی، هنگامی که غریبان اموال او را غارت نمودند وبیگانگان به دروازه هایش داخل شدند و براورشلیم قرعه انداختند، تو نیز مثل یکی از آنهابودی. ۱۱ 11
Foreigners entered the gates of Jerusalem and (cast lots/threw small stones that were marked) to decide what valuable things they would take away; but you were as bad as those foreigners, because you just stood there [and did not help the Israelis].
بر روز برادر خود هنگام مصیبتش نگاه مکن و بر بنی یهودا در روز هلاکت ایشان شادی منما و در روز تنگی ایشان لاف مزن. ۱۲ 12
You should not have (gloated/been happy) about the disaster that the Israelis were experiencing. You should not have been happy when their towns were ruined. You should not have made fun [of them] when they were suffering.
و به دروازه های قوم من در روز بلای ایشان داخل مشو و تو نیز بر بدی ایشان در روز بلای ایشان منگر و دست خود را بر اموال ایشان در روز بلای ایشان دراز مکن. ۱۳ 13
They are my people, so you should not have entered their [city] gates when they were experiencing those disasters and you should not have laughed at them. And you should not have taken away their [valuable] possessions.
و بر سر دو راه مایست تافراریان ایشان را منقطع سازی و باقی ماندگان ایشان را در روز تنگی تسلیم منما. ۱۴ 14
You should not have stood at crossroads to catch those who were [trying to] escape. You should not have [captured them and] put them into the hands of [their enemies] when they were experiencing those disasters.”
زیرا که روزخداوند بر جمیع امت‌ها نزدیک است و چنانکه عمل نمودی همچنان به تو عمل کرده خواهدشد و اعمالت بر سرت خواهد برگشت. ۱۵ 15
“There will soon be the time when I, Yahweh, will judge [and punish] all the nations. And you [people of Edom] will experience the same [disasters] that you caused [others to experience]. The same evil things that you have done to others will happen to you.
زیراچنانکه بر کوه مقدس من نوشیدید، همچنان جمیع امت‌ها خواهند نوشید و آشامیده، خواهندبلعید و چنان خواهند شد که گویا نبوده‌اند. ۱۶ 16
[My people in Jerusalem have been punished] because I was very angry with them. [It is as though] [MET] they drank [a cup of very bitter liquid] on Zion, my sacred hill. But [I] will punish [MET] all the other nations even more severely, and cause them to disappear completely.
اما بر کوه صهیون نجات خواهد بود ومقدس خواهد شد و خاندان یعقوب میراث خودرا به تصرف خواهند‌آورد. ۱۷ 17
But some [people in Jerusalem will escape], and Jerusalem will become a very holy/sacred place. Then the descendants of Jacob will [conquer and] possess again the land that truly belongs to them.
و خاندان یعقوب آتش و خاندان یوسف شعله و خاندان عیسو کاه عوبدیا خواهند بود و در میان ایشان مشتعل شده، ایشان را خواهد سوزانید و برای خاندان عیسو بقیتی نخواهد ماند زیرا خداوند تکلم نموده است. ۱۸ 18
The descendants [MTY] of Jacob and his son Joseph will be like [MET] a fire, and the people [MTY] of Edom will be like [MET] stubble that will be completely burned in that fire. Not one person will remain alive. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.”
واهل جنوب کوه عیسو را و اهل هامون فلسطینیان را به تصرف خواهند‌آورد و صحرای افرایم وصحرای سامره را به تصرف خواهند‌آورد وبنیامین جلعاد را (متصرف خواهد شد). ۱۹ 19
The Israeli people [who live] in the southern desert are the ones who will capture Edom. And those [who live in] the western foothills will capture the Phoenicia [region] and the areas of Ephraim and Samaria. And people of the tribe of Benjamin will conquer the Gilead [region].
و اسیران این لشکر بنی‌اسرائیل ملک کنعانیان راتا صرفه به تصرف خواهند‌آورد و اسیران اورشلیم که در صفارد هستند شهرهای جنوب را به تصرف خواهند‌آورد. ۲۰ 20
Those who were (exiled in/forced to go to) [Babylon] will [return to their land] [and] capture the Phoenicia [region] as far north as Zarephath [on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea]. People of Jerusalem who were captured and taken to Sardis, [the capital city of the Lydia region], will capture the towns in the southern desert.
و نجات دهندگان به کوه صهیون برآمده، بر کوه عیسو داوری خواهند کرد و ملکوت از آن خداوند خواهدشد. ۲۱ 21
The army of Jerusalem will attack Edom and conquer it, and Yahweh will be their king.

< عوبدیا 1 >