< هوشع 2 >

به برادران خود عمی بگویید و به خواهران خویش روحامه! ۱ 1
[At that time, ] you will say to your fellow-Israeli men, “[You are] God’s people,” and [you will say] to your fellow-Israeli women, “You are ones whom God loves.”
محاجه نمایید! با مادرخود محاجه نمایید زیرا که او زن من نیست و من شوهر او نیستم. لهذا زنای خود را از پیش رویش و فاحشگی خویش را از میان پستانهایش رفع بنماید. ۲ 2
[Yahweh also said to me], “I want you to accuse the Israeli people. [It is as though] [MET] this nation is your mother, but this nation is [no longer as though it is] [MET] my wife, and it is [no longer as though] [MET] I am its husband. Tell the Israeli people that they must stop [acting like] a prostitute [by worshiping other gods]; they must stop showing by their behavior that they (are unfaithful to/have abandoned) [me] [MET].
مبادا رخت او را کنده، وی را برهنه نمایم و او را مثل روز ولادتش گردانیده، مانندبیابان واگذارم و مثل زمین خشک گردانیده، به تشنگی بکشم. ۳ 3
If they do not do that, I will not give them [food and] clothes [as a husband should give to his wife]; I will take away those things, and I will cause their nation to become [as deserted] as it was on the day that I [brought their ancestors out of Egypt and caused them to become a nation] [MET]. I will cause their country to be like [SIM] a desert; there will be no rain to water the ground [MET].
و بر پسرانش رحمت نخواهم فرمود چونکه فرزندان زنا می‌باشند. ۴ 4
I will not pity the people, because they have [abandoned me] as [MET] prostitutes abandon their husbands.
زیرا مادرایشان زنا نموده و والده ایشان بی‌شرمی کرده است که گفت: «در عقب عاشقان خود که نان وآب و پشم و کتان و روغن و شربت به من داده اندخواهم رفت.» ۵ 5
Their parents are like prostitutes [MET]: they have been unfaithful [to me], and they have done [very] disgraceful things. They said, ‘We will run to [our idols/gods] who love us; [they are the ones] who give us food and water and wool and linen and [olive] oil, and [wine to] drink.’
بنابراین، راه تو را به خارهاخواهم بست و گرد او دیواری بنا خواهم نمود تاراههای خود را نیابد. ۶ 6
So [it will be as though] [MET] I am blocking their road with thornbushes, and putting put a wall around them so that they do not know which way to go.
و هر‌چند عاشقان خود راتعاقب نماید به ایشان نخواهد رسید و هر‌چندایشان را بطلبد نخواهد یافت. پس خواهد گفت: «می‌روم و نزد شوهر نخستین خود برمی گردم زیرا در آنوقت از کنون مرا خوشتر می‌گذشت.» ۷ 7
They will run to their idols/gods that [they think] love them, but they will not find them. They will search for their false gods, but they will not find them. Then they will say, ‘[Perhaps] we should return to [Yahweh], whom we worshiped previously [MET], because things were better for us then than they are now.’
اما او نمی دانست که من بودم که گندم و شیره و روغن را به او می‌دادم و نقره و طلایی را که برای بعل صرف می‌کردند برایش می‌افزودم. ۸ 8
But they do not realize that I, [Yahweh], am the one who gave them grain and wine and [olive] oil; I am the one who gave them silver and gold which they used to worship Baal.
پس من گندم خود را در فصلش و شیره خویش را درموسمش باز خواهم گرفت و پشم و کتان خود راکه می‌بایست برهنگی او را بپوشاند برخواهم داشت. ۹ 9
Therefore I will return and take my grain and grapes from them when they are ripe. I will take from them the wool and linen that I gave to them [to make their clothes] [MTY].
و الان قباحت او را به نظر عاشقانش منکشف خواهم ساخت و احدی او را از دست من نخواهد رهانید. ۱۰ 10
I will show those false gods/idols that what my people are doing is disgusting [MET], and no one will be able to hinder me from [punishing them].
و تمامی شادی او و عیدهاو هلالها و سبت‌ها و جمیع مواسمش را موقوف خواهم ساخت. ۱۱ 11
I will cause their religious celebrations to cease, the festivals that they celebrate every year and at every new moon and on their (Sabbath days/weekly days of rest). I will cause all their religious celebrations to cease.
و موها و انجیرهایش را که گفته بود اینها اجرت من می‌باشد که عاشقانم به من داده‌اند، ویران خواهم ساخت و آنها را جنگل خواهم گردانید تا حیوانات صحرا آنها را بخورند. ۱۲ 12
I will destroy [all] their grapevines and fig trees, which they said were what their [idols/gods] who loved them paid them for worshiping those idols. I will cause those places to become a desert, and wild animals will eat the fruit [that remains].
و خداوند می‌گوید که انتقام روزهای بعلیم را از او خواهم کشید که برای آنها بخورمی سوزانید و خویشتن را به گوشوارها وزیورهای خود آرایش داده، از عقب عاشقان خودمی رفت و مرا فراموش کرده بود. ۱۳ 13
I will punish my people for [all] the times that they burned incense to [honor] the idols of Baal. They decorated themselves with rings and jewelry, and they went to worship those [false gods/idols] that [they thought] [IRO] loved them, but they abandoned/forgot me! [That is what I], Yahweh, say.
بنابراین اینک او را فریفته، به بیابان خواهم آورد و سخنان دلاویز به او خواهم گفت. ۱۴ 14
But listen! [Some day] I will persuade my people [to worship me again]; I will lead them [out] into the desert and speak kindly to them [there].
و تاکستانهایش را از آنجا به وی خواهم داد و وادی عخور را به دروازه امید (مبدل خواهم ساخت ) و در آنجا مانند ایام جوانی‌اش و مثل روز بیرون آمدنش از زمین مصرخواهد سرایید. ۱۵ 15
I will give their vineyards [back] to them, and I will cause Achor Valley, [which means ‘valley of trouble'], to become a valley where they will confidently expect [me to do good things for them]. They will (respond to/want to please) me there like they did long ago, when I freed them from [being slaves in] Egypt.
و خداوند می‌گوید که «در آن روز مراایشی (یعنی شوهر من ) خواهد خواند و دیگر مرابعلی نخواهد گفت، ۱۶ 16
At that time, they will say to me, ‘[It is as though] [MET] you are our husband.’ They will not say that I am their [master, like they considered that] Baal [was].
زیرا که نامهای بعلیم را ازدهانش دور خواهم کرد که بار دیگر به نامهای خود مذکور نشوند. ۱۷ 17
I will not allow them to speak [MTY] the names of Baal; they will never use those names again.
و در آن روز به جهت ایشان با حیوانات صحرا و مرغان هوا و حشرات زمین عهد خواهم بست و کمان و شمشیر و جنگ را از زمین خواهم شکست و ایشان را به امنیت خواهم خوابانید. ۱۸ 18
At that time [it will be as though] I will make an agreement with [all] the wild animals and birds, and [even with] the little animals that scurry across the ground, so that they will never harm my people [again]. And I will remove from their nation all the weapons [for fighting] battles, [like] swords and bows [and arrows]. The result will be that my people will live peacefully and safely, and will not be afraid.
و تو را تا به ابد نامزد خودخواهم ساخت و تو را به عدالت و انصاف و رافت و رحمانیت نامزد خود خواهم گردانید. ۱۹ 19
I will cause them to be [as though they are] [MET] my bride forever. I will be righteous and fair/just; I will faithfully love them and be kind to them.
وچون تو را به امانت نامزد خود ساختم آنگاه یهوه را خواهی شناخت.» ۲۰ 20
I will not abandon them, and they will realize [that I] Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do.]
و خداوند می‌گوید: «من خطاب خواهم کرد، آسمانها را خطاب خواهم کرد و آنها زمین راخطاب خواهند کرد. ۲۱ 21
At that time, [when they request me to do things for them], [I will do those things]. When they request clouds and rain to fall on their land, I will speak to the clouds, and rain will fall on the earth,
و زمین گندم و شیره وروغن را خطاب خواهد کرد و آنها یزرعیل راخطاب خواهند کرد. ۲۲ 22
and grain will grow, and the vineyards and the olive trees will grow in Jezreel [Valley].
و او را برای خود درزمین خواهم کشت و بر لوروحامه رحمت خواهم فرمود و به لوعمی خواهم گفت تو قوم من هستی و او جواب خواهد داد تو خدای من می‌باشی.» ۲۳ 23
[At that time], I will take care of the Israeli people [like a farmer plants and takes care of his crops] [MET]. I will love those people that I previously said were ones I did not love, and I previously said, ‘You are not my people,’ and [then] they will say to me, ‘You are our God.’”

< هوشع 2 >