< Roomaa 1 >

1 Phaawulos tajaajilaa Kiristoos Yesuus, kan ergamaa taʼuuf waamamee fi akka wangeela Waaqaa lallabuuf addaan baafame irraa:
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called as an Apostle, separated for the Gospel of God,
2 Wangeelli kunis kan Waaqni duraan dursee karaa raajota isaatiin Katabbiiwwan Qulqulluu keessatti waadaa galee dha.
which he had promised beforehand, through his Prophets, in the Holy Scriptures,
3 Wangeelichis waaʼee ilma isaa kan akka namummaatti sanyii Daawit irraa dhalatee,
about his Son, who was made for him from the offspring of David according to the flesh,
4 akka Hafuura qulqullummaatti immoo warra duʼan keessaa kaʼuu isaatiin Ilma Waaqaa humna qabeessa taʼuun isaa labsamee dha; innis Gooftaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoos.
the Son of God, who was predestined in virtue according to the Spirit of sanctification from the resurrection of the dead, our Lord Jesus Christ,
5 Nus karaa isaatiin, maqaa isaatiif jecha ormoota hunda keessaa akka gara ajajamuu amantii irraa dhufuutti namoota waamnuuf ayyaanaa fi ergamtummaa arganneerra.
through whom we have received grace and Apostleship, for the sake of his name, for the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles,
6 Isinis warra akka kan Yesuus Kiristoos taʼaniif waamaman sana keessa jirtu.
from whom you also have been called by Jesus Christ:
7 Warra Waaqaan jaallatamtanii qulqulloota taʼuuf waamamtan kanneen Roomaa jirtan hundaaf: Abbaa keenya Waaqaa fi Yesuus Kiristoos Gooftaa irraa ayyaannii fi nagaan isiniif haa taʼu.
To all who are at Rome, the beloved of God, called as saints. Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
8 Sababii amantiin keessan guutummaa addunyaa irratti odeeffamaa jiruuf, ani duraan dursee waaʼee hunda keessaniitiif karaa Yesuus Kiristoosiin Waaqa koo nan galateeffadha.
Certainly, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, first for all of you, because your faith is being announced throughout the entire world.
9 Akka ani kadhannaa koo keessatti utuu wal irraa hin kutin isin yaadadhu Waaqni ani wangeela Ilma isaa lallabuudhaan hafuura kootiin isa tajaajilu sun dhuga baatuu koo ti;
For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit by the Gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I have kept a remembrance of you
10 ani akka ammas dhuma irratti gara keessan dhufuuf fedhii Waaqaatiin karaan naa banamu nan kadhadha.
always in my prayers, pleading that in some way, at some time, I may have a prosperous journey, within the will of God, to come to you.
11 Akka isin jabaattaniifis kennaa hafuuraa isinii hiruuf isin arguu baayʼee nan hawwa;
For I long to see you, so that I may impart to you a certain spiritual grace to strengthen you,
12 kunis akka isinii fi ani amantii keenyaan wal jajjabeessinuuf.
specifically, to be consoled together with you through that which is mutual: your faith and mine.
13 Yaa obboloota ko, ani akkuma Namoota Ormaa kaan keessatti ija qabaadhe sana isin keessattis akkasuma akkan qabaadhuuf yeroo baayʼee gara keessan dhufuu yaadaa turuu ko, garuu hamma ammaatti dhowwamuu koo akka isin beekuu dhabdan hin barbaadu.
But I want you to know, brothers, that I have often intended to come to you, (though I have been hindered even to the present time) so that I might obtain some fruit among you also, just as also among the other Gentiles.
14 Ani namoota Giriikii fi warra nama Giriik hin taʼiniif, beektotaa fi wallaaltotaaf gatii of irraa nan qaba.
To the Greeks and to the uncivilized, to the wise and to the foolish, I am in debt.
15 Sababiin ani isin warra Roomaa jirtanittis wangeela lallabuuf akka malee hawwuuf kanuma.
So within me there is a prompting to evangelize to you also who are at Rome.
16 Ani wangeelatti hin qaanaʼu; kunis sababii wangeelli humna Waaqaa kan warra amanan hunda fayyisu taʼeef; innis jalqabatti Yihuudootaaf, itti aansee immoo Giriikotaaf.
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation for all believers, the Jew first, and the Greek.
17 Wangeela keessatti qajeelummaan Waaqaa amantii irraa gara amantiitti mulʼateeraatii; kunis akkuma, “Namni qajeelaan amantiidhaan jiraata” jedhamee barreeffamee dha.
For the justice of God is revealed within it, by faith unto faith, just as it was written: “For the just one lives by faith.”
18 Dheekkamsi Waaqaa, Waaqa malee jiraachuu fi hammina namootaa hunda irratti samii irraa ni mulʼata; namoonni kunneen hammina isaaniitiin dhugaa ukkaamsu;
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven over every impiety and injustice among those men who fend off the truth of God with injustice.
19 kunis sababii wanni waaʼee Waaqaa beekamuu malu isaaniif ifa taʼeef; Waaqni isaaniif ibseeraatii.
For what is known about God is manifest in them. For God has manifested it to them.
20 Amalli Waaqaa kan hin mulʼanne jechuunis humni isaa kan bara baraatii fi waaqummaan isaa uumama addunyaatii jalqabee wantoota uumaman irraa ifaan ifatti mulʼataatii; kanaafuu isaan waan itti qabatan hin qaban. (aïdios g126)
For unseen things about him have been made conspicuous, since the creation of the world, being understood by the things that were made; likewise his everlasting virtue and divinity, so much so that they have no excuse. (aïdios g126)
21 Isaan yoo Waaqa beekan illee akka waaqummaa isaatti ulfina hin kennineef; galatas hin galchineef. Garuu yaadni isaanii waan faayidaa hin qabne taʼe; qalbiin isaanii kan hin hubannes ni dukkanaaʼe.
For although they had known God, they did not glorify God, nor give thanks. Instead, they became weakened in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was obscured.
22 Isaan yoo ogeeyyii ofiin jedhan iyyuu gowwoota taʼan;
For, while proclaiming themselves to be wise, they became foolish.
23 ulfina Waaqa hin duunees nama duʼutti, simbiratti, horii miilla afuriitti akkasumas uumamawwan lafa irra looʼanitti fakkeessuudhaan geeddaran.
And they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of flying things, and of four-legged beasts, and of serpents.
24 Kanaafuu Waaqni akka isaan dhagna walii isaanii salphisaniif hawwii garaa isaanii hamaadhaan dabarsee xuraaʼummaatti isaan kenne.
For this reason, God handed them over to the desires of their own heart for impurity, so that they afflicted their own bodies with indignities among themselves.
25 Isaanis dhugaa Waaqaa sobatti geeddaran; Uumaa dhiisanii uumama waaqeffatan; ni tajaajilanis. Uumaan bara baraan eebbifamaa dha. Ameen. (aiōn g165)
And they exchanged the truth of God for a lie. And they worshipped and served the creature, rather than the Creator, who is blessed for all eternity. Amen. (aiōn g165)
26 Sababii kanaaf Waaqni dabarsee hawwii jibbisiisaatti isaan kenne. Dubartoonni isaaniis karaa ittiin fedhii fooniitiif dhiira wajjin wal bira gaʼan isa uumamaan kennameef dhiisanii, gara isa uumamaan isaaniif hin kennaminitti geeddaran.
Because of this, God handed them over to shameful passions. For example, their females have exchanged the natural use of the body for a use which is against nature.
27 Warri dhiiraas akkasuma karaa ittiin fedhii fooniitiif dubartoota wajjin wal bira gaʼan isa uumamaan kennameef dhiisanii kajeellaa walii isaaniitiin gubatan. Warri dhiiraa, dhiira biraa wajjin gocha jibbisiisaa raawwatan; dogoggora isaanii kanaafis adaba isaaniif malu ofuma isaaniitiin fudhatan.
And similarly, the males also, abandoning the natural use of females, have burned in their desires for one another: males doing with males what is disgraceful, and receiving within themselves the recompense that necessarily results from their error.
28 Sababii isaan Waaqa beekuu akka waan faayidaa hin qabneetti fudhataniif, Waaqni immoo akka isaan waan hojjetamuu hin malle hojjetaniif qalbii faayidaa hin qabnetti dabarsee isaan kenne.
And since they did not prove to have God by knowledge, God handed them over to a morally depraved way of thinking, so that they might do those things which are not fitting:
29 Isaanis hammina gosa hundaatiin, jalʼinaan, sassattummaan, amala baduun, hinaaffaan, nama ajjeesuun, wal loluun, gowwoomsuu fi dabaan guutaman. Isaan hamattoota,
having been completely filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness; full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, spite, gossiping;
30 warra maqaa nama balleessan, warra Waaqa jibban, warra nama arrabsan, warra of jajanii fi warra of tuulanii dha; isaan warra karaa ittiin jalʼina hojjetan yaadan, warra abbaa fi haadha isaaniitiif hin ajajamnee dha;
slanderous, hateful toward God, abusive, arrogant, self-exalting, devisers of evil, disobedient to parents,
31 isaan warra hubannaa hin qabne, warra walii galtee diigan, warra jaalala hin qabnee fi warra namaaf garaa hin laafnee dha.
foolish, disorderly; without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.
32 Isaan seera Waaqaa kan, “Warra waan akkanaa hojjetan duʼuutu isaaniif mala” jedhu sana yoo beekan iyyuu ofii isaaniitiif waan akkanaa hojjechuu qofa utuu hin taʼin warra waan kana hojjetan iyyuu ni jajjabeessu.
And these, though they had known the justice of God, did not understand that those who act in such a manner are deserving of death, and not only those who do these things, but also those who consent to what is done.

< Roomaa 1 >