< Mulʼata 9 >

1 Ergamaan shanaffaan malakata isaa afuufe; anis urjii samii irraa lafa dhaʼe tokko nan arge. Urjii sanaafis furtuun “Boolla Qilee” ni kenname. (Abyssos g12)
And the fifth Angel sounded the trumpet. And I saw upon the earth, a star that had fallen from heaven, and the key to the well of the abyss was given to him. (Abyssos g12)
2 Yommuu inni Boolla Qilee sana banettis aarri tokko akkuma aara boolla ibiddaa guddaa keessaa baʼuutti ol baʼe. Aduu fi samiinis aara Boolla Qilee keessaa baʼu sanaan ni dukkanaaʼan. (Abyssos g12)
And he opened the well of the abyss. And the smoke of the well ascended, like the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were obscured by the smoke of the well. (Abyssos g12)
3 Aara sana keessaas hawwaannisa baayʼeetu lafatti yaaʼe; hawwaannisoota sanaafis taayitaan akka taayitaa torbaanqabaa lafaa ni kenname.
And locusts went forth from the smoke of the well into the earth. And power was given to them, like the power that the scorpions of the earth have.
4 Isaanis akka marga lafaa yookaan biqiltuu yookaan muka tokko illee miidhan utuu hin taʼin akka namoota adda isaanii irraa chaappaa Waaqaa hin qabaatin qofa miidhan ajajaman.
And it was commanded of them that they must not harm the plants of the earth, nor anything green, nor any tree, but only those men who do not have the Seal of God upon their foreheads.
5 Isaanis akka namoota sana jiʼa shan dhiphisaniif eeyyamameef malee akka jara ajjeesaniif miti. Dhiphinni kunis akkuma dhiphina isa yommuu torbaanqabaan nama iddutti dhiphatanii ti.
And it was given to them that they would not kill them, but that they would torture them for five months. And their torture was like the torture of a scorpion, when he strikes a man.
6 Guyyoota sana keessa namoonni duʼa barbaadu; garuu hin argatan. Duʼuus ni hawwu; duuti garuu isaan baqata.
And in those days, men will seek death and they will not find it. And they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.
7 Bifti hawwaannisoota sanaas fardeen duulaaf qopheeffaman fakkaata ture. Mataa isaaniittis waan akka gonfoo warqee kaaʼatanii turan; fuulli isaaniis fuula namaa fakkaata ture.
And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle. And upon their heads were something like crowns similar to gold. And their faces were like the faces of men.
8 Rifeensi isaanii rifeensa mataa dubartootaa fakkaata ture; ilkaan isaaniis ilkaan leencaa fakkaata ture.
And they had hair like the hair of women. And their teeth were like the teeth of lions.
9 Isaanis maddaa maddaa sibiilaa fakkaatu qabu turan; sagaleen qoochoo isaaniis sagalee fardeenii fi gaariiwwan baayʼee kanneen gara duulaatti didichanii fakkaata ture.
And they had breastplates like iron breastplates. And the noise of their wings was like the noise of many running horses, rushing to battle.
10 Isaanis akkuma torbaanqabaa eegee fi ilkee qabu turan; eegee isaanii keessaa immoo taayitaa ittiin jiʼa shan nama dhiphisan qabu turan.
And they had tails similar to scorpions. And there were stingers in their tails, and these had the power to harm men for five months.
11 Isaanis mootii qabu turan; innis ergamaa Boolla Qilee ti; maqaan isaas afaan Ibraayisxiitiin Abadoon, afaan Giriikiin immoo Aphooliyoon jedhama ture. (Abyssos g12)
And they had over them a king, the Angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Doom; in Greek, Destroyer; in Latin, Exterminator. (Abyssos g12)
12 Wayyoon inni duraa darbeera; kunoo, wayyoowwan biraa lamatu dhufuuf jira.
One woe has gone out, but behold, there are still two woes approaching afterward.
13 Ergamaan jaʼaffaanis malakata isaa afuufe; anis gaanfa afran kanneen iddoo aarsaa warqee irraa hojjetamee fuula Waaqaa dura jiru irraa sagalee tokko nan dhagaʼe.
And the sixth Angel sounded the trumpet. And I heard a lone voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before the eyes of God,
14 Sagaleen sunis ergamaa jaʼaffaa malakata qabu sanaan, “Ergamoota afran kanneen laga Efraaxiisi guddicha biratti hidhaman sana gad dhiisi” jedhe.
saying to the sixth Angel who had the trumpet: “Release the four Angels who were bound at the great river Euphrates.”
15 Ergamoonni afran saʼaatii kanaaf, guyyaa kanaaf, jiʼaa fi waggaa kanaaf qopheeffamanii turanis sanyii namaa harka sadii keessaa harka tokko fixuuf gad dhiifaman.
And the four Angels were released, who had been prepared for that hour, and day, and month, and year, in order to kill one third part of men.
16 Baayʼinni loltoota fardeeniin duulanii miliyoona dhibba lama ture. Anis baayʼina isaaniis nan dhagaʼe.
And the number of the army of horsemen was two hundred million. For I heard their number.
17 Anis mulʼata koo keessatti fardeenii fi namoota farda yaabbatan nan arge: Isaanis maddaa diimaa akka ibiddaa, sanpeerii fi keelloo akka dinyii qabu turan. Mataan fardeen sanaas mataa leencaa fakkaata ture; afaan isaanii keessaas ibidda, aaraa fi dinyiitu baʼe.
And I also saw the horses in the vision. And those who were sitting upon them had breastplates of fire and hyacinth and sulphur. And the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions. And from their mouths proceeded fire and smoke and sulphur.
18 Dhaʼicha sadan kanaan jechuunis ibidda, aaraa fi dinyii afaan isaaniitii baʼeen sanyiin namaa harka sadii keessaa harki tokko ni ajjeefame.
And one third part of men were slain by these three afflictions: by the fire and by the smoke and by the sulphur, which proceeded from their mouths.
19 Taayitaan fardeen sanaas afaan isaaniitii fi eegee isaanii keessa ture; eegeen isaanii akkuma bofaa mataa qaba tureetii; isaanis mataa sanaan nama miidhu turan.
For the power of these horses is in their mouths and in their tails. For their tails resemble serpents, having heads; and it is with these that they cause harm.
20 Namoonni dhaʼicha sanaan ajjeefamuu jalaa baʼanis amma iyyuu qalbii jijjiirratanii hojii harka isaanii irraa hin deebine; hafuurota hamoo waaqeffachuu fi waaqota tolfamoo warqee irraa, meetii irraa, naasii irraa, dhagaa fi muka irraa hojjetaman kanneen arguu yookaan dhagaʼuu yookaan deemuu hin dandeenye waaqeffachuu hin dhiifne.
And the rest of men, who were not slain by these afflictions, did not repent from the works of their hands, so that they would not worship demons, or idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk.
21 Akkasumas gaabbanii nama ajjeesuu isaanii irraa yookaan falfala hojjechuu isaanii irraa yookaan halalummaa isaanii irraa yookaan hanna isaanii irraa hin deebine.
And they did not repent from their murders, nor from their drugs, nor from their fornication, nor from their thefts.

< Mulʼata 9 >