< Faarfannaa 68 >

1 Dura buʼaa faarfattootaatiif. Faarfannaa Daawit. Waaqni haa kaʼu; diinonni isaas haa bittinnaaʼan; warri isa jibbanis fuula isaa duraa haa baqatan.
For the end, a Psalm of a Song by David. Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; and let them that hate him flee from before him.
2 Akkuma aarri bittinnaaʼu, ati isaan bittinneessi; akkuma gagaan ibidda duratti baqu, hamoonni fuula Waaqaa duraa haa badan.
As smoke vanishes, let them vanish: as wax melts before the fire, so let the sinners perish from before God.
3 Qajeelonni garuu haa gammadan; fuula Waaqaa durattis baayʼee haa gammadan; isaan gammachuudhaan haa ililchan.
But let the righteous rejoice; let them exult before God: let them be delighted with joy.
4 Waaqaaf faarfadhaa; faarfannaa galataa maqaa isaatiif faarfadhaa; isa duumessaan gulufu sana jajadhaa; maqaan isaa Waaqayyoo dha; fuula isaa durattis baayʼee gammadaa.
Sing to God, sing praises to his name: make a way for him that rides upon the west (the Lord is his name) and exult before him. They shall be troubled before the face of him,
5 Waaqni warra abbaa hin qabneef abbaa, niitota dhirsoonni irraa duʼaniifis falmaa taʼe sun iddoo jireenya isaa qulqulluu keessa jira.
[who is] the father of the orphans, and judge of the widows: [such is] God in his holy place.
6 Waaqni warra kophaa taʼan maatii keessa jiraachisa; warra hidhamanis mana hidhaatii baasa; finciltoonni garuu lafa gogaa irra jiraatu.
God settles the solitary in a house; leading forth prisoners mightily, also them that act provokingly, [even] them that dwell in tombs.
7 Yaa Waaqayyo, gaafa ati saba kee dura baate, gaafa ati gammoojjii keessa dabarte,
O God, when you went forth before your people, when you went through the wilderness; (Pause)
8 fuula Waaqaa, Waaqa Siinaa duratti, fuula Waaqaa, Waaqa Israaʼel duratti, lafti ni raafamte; samiiwwanis bokkaa roobsan.
the earth quaked, yes, the heavens dropped [water] at the presence of the God of Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel.
9 Yaa Waaqayyo, ati bokkaa baayʼee roobsite; dhaala kee kan dadhabe illee ni quubsite.
O God, you will grant to your inheritance a gracious rain; for it was weary, but you did refresh it.
10 Sabni kee achi qubate; yaa Waaqayyo, ati badhaadhummaa kee keessaa hiyyeeyyii soorte.
Your creatures dwell in it: you have in your goodness prepared for the poor.
11 Gooftaan dubbii isaa kenne; dubartoonni dubbii sana labsanis baayʼee dha:
The Lord God will give a word to them that preach [it] in a great company.
12 “Mootonnii fi loltoonni ariitiin baqatan; dubartoonni qeʼee oolan boojuu qooddatan.
The king of the forces of the beloved, of the beloved, [will] even [grant them] for the beauty of the house to divide the spoils.
13 Yoo gola hoolotaa gidduutti argamtan illee, isin akka gugee qoochoon ishee meetiidhaan uffifamee baalleen ishee immoo warqee calaqqisuun uffifamee ti.”
Even if you should lie among the lots, [you shall have] the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her breast with yellow gold.
14 Yommuu Waaqni Waan Hunda Dandaʼu mootota achitti bittinneessetti, Zalmoon irratti cabbiin buʼe.
When the heavenly One scatters kings upon it, they shall be made snow-white in Selmon.
15 Yaa tulluu Baashaan, yaa tulluu surra qabeessa, yaa Tulluu Baashaan, yaa tulluu fiixee baayʼee qabu,
The mountain of God is a rich mountain; a swelling mountain, a rich mountain.
16 yaa tulluu fiixee baayʼee qabdu, ati maaliif tulluu Waaqni bulchuuf filate, iddoo Waaqayyo bara baraan jiraatu sana hinaaffaadhaan ilaalta?
Therefore do you conceive [evil], you swelling mountains? [this is] the mountain which God has delighted to dwell in; yes, the Lord will dwell [in it] for ever.
17 Gaariiwwan Waaqaa kuma hedduu dha; isaan kumaatama yeroo kumaatamaa ti; Gooftaanis Siinaadhaa gara iddoo qulqulluu dhufeera.
The chariots of God are ten thousand fold, thousands of rejoicing ones: the Lord is among them, in Sina, in the holy place.
18 Ati yommuu ol gubbaa baatetti boojuu baayʼee fudhate; yaa Waaqayyo, yaa Waaqi, ati achi jiraachuuf jettee, namoota irraa, finciltoota irraas kennaa fudhatte.
You are gone up on high, you have led captivity captive, you have received gifts for man, yes, for [they were] rebellious, that you might dwell among them.
19 Gooftaan guyyuma guyyaan baʼaa keenya baatu, Waaqni Fayyissaa keenya taʼe sun haa eebbifamu.
Blessed be the Lord God, blessed be the Lord daily; and the God of our salvation shall prosper us. (Pause)
20 Waaqni keenya Waaqa fayyinaa ti; duʼa jalaa baʼuunis Waaqayyo Goofticha biraa dhufa.
Our God is the God of salvation; and to the Lord belong the issues from death.
21 Waaqni dhugumaan mataa diina isaa, gubbee mataa warra cubbuu isaaniitti fufanii kan rifeensa qabu ni caccabsa.
But God shall crust the heads of his enemies; the hairy crown of them that go on in their trespasses.
22 Gooftaan akkana jedha; “Ani deebisee Baashaanii isaan nan fida; tuujuba galaanaa keessaas deebisee isaan nan fida;
The Lord said, I will bring again from Basan, I will bring [my people] again through the depths of the sea.
23 kunis akka ati dhiiga diinota keetii miilla keetiin borcituuf; arrabni saroota keetiis akka qooda isaanii qabaatuuf.”
That your foot may be dipped in blood, [and] the tongue of your dogs [be stained] with that of [your] enemies.
24 Yaa Waaqayyo, hiriirri kee mulʼateera; hiriirri Waaqa kootiitii fi mootii kootii iddoo qulqulluutti ol galeera.
Your goings, O God, have been seen; the goings of my God, the king, in the sanctuary.
25 Fuula duraan faarfattoota, dugda duubaan immoo warra muuziiqaa taphatantu ture; dubartoonni dibbee rukutanis gidduu isaanii turan.
The princes went first, next before the players on instruments, in the midst of damsels playing on timbrels.
26 Waldaa guddaa keessatti Waaqa jajadhaa; yaaʼii Israaʼel keessattis Waaqayyoon jajadhaa.
Praise God in the congregations, the Lord from the fountains of Israel.
27 Beniyaam gosti xinnichi isaan dura deema; tuunni ilmaan mootota Yihuudaas achi turan; ilmaan mootota Zebuuloonii fi Niftaalemis achi turan.
There is Benjamin the younger [one] in ecstasy, the princes of Juda their rulers, the princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephthali.
28 Yaa Waaqayyo, humna kee ajaji; yaa Waaqa keenya, akkuma duraan goote sana jabina kee nu argisiisi.
O God, command you your strength: strengthen, O God, this which you have wrought in us.
29 Sababii mana qulqullummaa keetii kan Yerusaalem keessaatiif mootonni kennaa siif fidu.
Because of your temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents to you.
30 Bineensota shambaqqoo keessaa, karra korommii jabboota sabootaa keessaas ifadhu. Warra meetii fidan gad deebisi. Warra waraanatti gammadanis bittinneessi.
Rebuke the wild beasts of the reed: let the crowd of bulls with the heifers of the nations [be rebuked], so that they who have been proved with silver may not be shut out: scatter you the nations that wish for wars.
31 Ergamoonni Gibxi ni dhufu; Itoophiyaanis daftee harka ishee Waaqatti balʼifatti.
Ambassadors shall arrive out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall hasten [to stretch out] her hand readily to God.
32 Yaa mootummoota lafaa, Waaqa faarfadhaa; faarfannaa galataas Gooftaadhaaf faarfadhaa;
Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; sing psalms to the Lord. (Pause)
33 isa samiiwwan durii keessa gulufu, isa sagalee jabaadhaan qaqawweessaʼu sana faarfadhaa.
Sing to God that rides on the heaven of heaven, eastward: behold, he will utter a mighty sound with his voice.
34 Waaqa ulfinni isaa Israaʼel irra jiru, isa miidhaginni isaa samiiwwan keessa jiru sana humna isaa labsaa.
Give you glory to God: his excellency is over Israel, and his power is in the clouds.
35 Yaa Waaqayyo, ati iddoo qulqullummaa keetiitti sodaachisaa dha; Waaqni Israaʼel saba isaatiif humnaa fi jabina ni kenna. Waaqni haa eebbifamu!
God is wonderful in his holy [places], the God of Israel: he will give power and strength to his people: blessed be God.

< Faarfannaa 68 >