< Faarfannaa 16 >

1 Miiktaamii Daawit. Yaa Waaqi, ani kooluu sitti galeeraatii, ati na eegi.
The inscription of a title: of David himself. Preserve me, O Lord, because I have hoped in you.
2 Anis Waaqayyoon, “Ati Gooftaa koo ti; ani si malee gaarummaa hin qabu” nan jedha.
I have said to the Lord: “You are my God, so you have no need of my goodness.”
3 Qulqulloonni lafa irraa garuu ulfina qabeeyyii dha; anis isaanitti baayʼee nan gammada.
As for the saints, who are in his land: he has made all my desires wonderful in them.
4 Warra waaqota tolfamoo duukaa buʼan, gaddi isaanii ni guddata. Dhibaayyuu dhiigaa ani isaaniif hin dhibaafadhu; yookaan afaan kootiin maqaa isaanii hin dhaʼu.
Their infirmities have been multiplied; after this, they acted more quickly. I will not gather for their convocations of blood, nor will I remember their names with my lips.
5 Waaqayyo qooda dhaala kootii fi qooda xoofoo koo ti; ixaa koos situ naa jiraachisa.
The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup. It is you who will restore my inheritance to me.
6 Funyoon daangaa iddoo gaarii naa buʼeera; dhugumaan ani dhaala nama gammachiisu qaba.
The lots have fallen upon me with clarity. And, indeed, my inheritance has been very clear to me.
7 Waaqayyo isa na gorsu sana ani nan jajadha; halkanis yaadni koo na qajeelcha.
I will bless the Lord, who has bestowed understanding upon me. Moreover, my temperament has also corrected me, even through the night.
8 Ani yeroo hunda fuula koo duraa Waaqayyoon qaba. Waan inni mirga koo jiruuf ani hin raafamu.
I have made provision for the Lord always in my sight. For he is at my right hand, so that I may not be disturbed.
9 Kanaaf garaan koo ni gammada; arrabni koos ni ililcha; foon koos nagaadhaan jiraata;
Because of this, my heart has been joyful, and my tongue has exulted. Moreover, even my body will rest in hope.
10 ati siiʼool keessatti na hin dhiiftuutii, yookaan amanamaan kee akka tortoru hin gootu. (Sheol h7585)
For you will not abandon my soul to Hell, nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption. (Sheol h7585)
11 Ati karaa jireenyaa na barsiifta; fuula kee durattis gammachuudhaan na guutta; gara mirga keetii gammachuu bara baraatu jira.
You have made known to me the ways of life; you will fill me with joy by your countenance. At your right hand are delights, even to the end.

< Faarfannaa 16 >