< Fakkeenya 24 >

1 Hamootatti hin hinaafin; garee isaanii taʼuus hin hawwin;
Do not be envious of those who are evil, nor desire to associate with them,
2 garaan isaanii hammina malataatii; hidhiin isaaniis rakkina odeessa.
because their hearts plot violence and their lips talk about trouble.
3 Manni ogummaadhaan ijaarama; hubannaadhaanis jabeeffamee dhaabama;
Through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established.
4 kutaawwan isaas, beekumsaan, qabeenya gatii guddaatii fi miidhagaadhaan guutamu.
By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
5 Ogeessi humna guddaa qaba; beekaan namaa immoo jabina itti dabalata;
A warrior of wisdom is strong, and a man of knowledge increases his strength;
6 waraana banuuf qajeelfama, moʼannaa argachuudhaaf immoo gorsitoota hedduu si barbaachisa.
for by wise direction you can wage your war and with many advisors there is victory.
7 Gowwaa irraa ogummaan akka malee ol fagoo dha; inni karra duratti afaan isaa hin saaqqatu.
Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth.
8 Namni hammina malu, “Maltee” jedhama.
There is one who plans to do evil— people call him a master of schemes.
9 Malli gowwummaa cubbuu dha; namoonnis qoostuu ni balfu.
A foolish plan is sin and men despise a mocker.
10 Ati yoo gaafa rakkinaa laafte, jabinni kee dhugumaanuu xinnaa dha!
If you become weak with fear in the day of trouble, then your strength is small.
11 Warra gara duʼaatti geeffamaa jiran duʼa jalaa baasi; warra ajjeefamuuf qopheeffamanis oolchi.
Rescue those who are being taken away to death and hold back those who are staggering to the slaughter.
12 Yoo ati, “Nu waan kana homaa hin beekne” jette, inni yaada namaa madaalu sun hin hubatuu? Kan lubbuu kee eegu sun waan kana hin beekuu? Inni nama hundaaf akkuma hojii isaatti gatii hin kennuu?
If you say, “Behold, we knew nothing about this,” does not the one who weighs the heart understand what you are saying? The one who guards your life, does he not know it? Will God not give to each one what he deserves?
13 Yaa ilma ko, dammi waan gaarii taʼeef nyaadhu; nadhiin dammaa sitti ni miʼaawa.
My son, eat honey because it is good, because the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste.
14 Akka ogummaan lubbuu keetti miʼaawu illee beeki; ati yoo isa argatte fuul duratti abdii qabda; abdiin kees hin citu.
Such is wisdom for your soul— if you find it, there will be a future and your hope will not be cut off.
15 Akka nama seeraan hin bulleetti mana nama qajeelaa riphxee hin eeggatin; mana jireenya isaas hin saamin.
Do not lie in wait like the wicked person who attacks the house of the righteous person. Do not destroy his home!
16 Namni qajeelaan yeroo torba kufu iyyuu, deebiʼee ni kaʼaatii; namni hamaan garuu yeroo balaan itti dhufutti ni gufata.
For the righteous person falls down seven times and rises again, but wicked people are brought down by calamity.
17 Yeroo diinni kee kufutti hin ililchin; yeroo inni gufatuttis garaan kee hin gammadin;
Do not celebrate when your enemy falls and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,
18 yoo kanaa achii Waaqayyo waan kanatti ni gaddaatii; dheekkamsa isaas isa irraa deebisa.
or Yahweh will see and disapprove and turn away his wrath from him.
19 Ati sababii jalʼootaatiif aariidhaan hin gubatin; hamootattis hin hinaafin.
Do not worry because of evildoers, and do not envy wicked people,
20 Namni jalʼaan fuul duratti abdii hin qabuutii; ibsaan hamootaas ni dhaama.
for the evil person has no future and the lamp of wicked people will go out.
21 Yaa ilma ko, Waaqayyoo fi mootii sodaadhu; finciltootattis hin makamin;
Fear Yahweh, and fear the king, my son; do not associate with those who rebel against them,
22 badiisni akkuma tasaa isaanitti dhufaatii; balaa isaan lachuu fidan eenyutu beeka?
for suddenly their disaster will come and who knows the extent of the destruction that will come from both of them?
23 Kunneenis jechoota ogeessaa ti: Murtii kennuu irratti nama wal caalchisuun gaarii miti:
These also are sayings of the wise. Partiality in judging a case at law is not good.
24 Kan nama yakka qabuun, “Ati balleessaa hin qabdu” jedhu kam iyyuu namni isa abaara; sabnis isa balaaleffata.
Whoever says to the wicked person, “You are a righteous person,” will be cursed by peoples and hated by nations.
25 Warri nama yakka hojjetu ifatan garuu ni gammadu; eebbi guddaanis ni dhufaaf.
But those who discipline the wicked will have delight and gifts of goodness will come to them.
26 Deebiin qajeelaan, akkuma hidhii dhungachuu ti.
The one who gives an honest answer gives a kiss on the lips.
27 Hojii kee kan diidaa raawwadhuutii lafa qotiisaa kees qopheeffadhu; ergasii mana kee ijaarradhu.
Prepare your outdoor work, and make everything ready for yourself in the field; after that, build your house.
28 Sababii tokko malee ollaa keetti dhugaa hin baʼin yookaan hidhii keetiin hin gowwoomsin.
Do not bear witness against your neighbor without cause and do not deceive with your lips.
29 Ati, “Waanuma inni na godhe anis isa nan godha; waan inni hojjeteefis gatii isaa nan deebisa” hin jedhin.
Do not say, “I will do to him what he has done to me; I will pay him back for what he has done.”
30 Ani lafa qotiisaa nama dhibaaʼaa keessa baʼee, iddoo dhaabaa wayinii nama qalbii hin qabnee keessas darbe;
I went by the field of a lazy man, past the vineyard of the man having no sense.
31 qoraattiin lafa hunda guuteera; laftis aramaadhaan fudhatameera; dallaan dhagaas diigameera.
Thorns had grown up everywhere, the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down.
32 Ani argeen waan sana qalbeeffadhe; waanan arge sana irraas barumsa nan argadhe:
Then I saw and considered it; I looked and received instruction.
33 hirriba xinnaa; mugaatii xinnaa; xinnoo harka walitti marachuu;
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—
34 hiyyummaanis akkuma hattuutti, deegummaanis akkuma loltuu hidhateetti sitti dhufa.
and poverty comes marching upon you, and your needs like an armed soldier.

< Fakkeenya 24 >