< Luqaas 16 >

1 Yesuus barattoota isaatiin akkana jedhe; “Namicha sooressa nama hojii isaa adeemsisuuf qabu tokkotu ture; akka hojii adeemsisaan sun qabeenya isaa jalaa balleessaa jirus sooressa sanatti himan.
And he spoke a parable to his disciples. There was a certain rich man, who had a steward; and accusations were brought to him of him, that he squandered his property.
2 Sooressi sunis hojii adeemsisaa sana ofitti waamee, ‘Wanni ani waaʼee kee dhagaʼu kun maalii? Ati siʼachi waan hojii adeemsisaa taʼuu hin dandeenyeef, hojii adeemsisaa turte sana irratti gabaasa naa dhiʼeessi’ jedheen.
And his lord called him, and said to him: What is this that I hear of thee? Render to me an account of thy stewardship; for thou canst no longer be my steward.
3 “Hojii adeemsisaan sunis garaa isaa keessatti akkana jedhe; ‘Waan gooftaan koo hojii keessaa na baasuuf, maal naa wayya? Lafa qotuuf humna hin qabu; kadhachuu immoo nan qaanaʼa.
And the steward said with himself: What shall I do, since my lord is about to take from me the stewardship? To dig, I am unable; and to become a beggar, I am ashamed.
4 Akka yeroo ani hojii keessaa ariʼamutti namoonni mana isaaniitti na simataniif waanan godhu anuu beeka.’
I know what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me to their houses.
5 “Innis warra gatiin gooftaa isaa irra jiru tokko tokkoon waamee, isa jalqabaatiin, ‘Idaan gooftaa koo hammamitu sirra jira?’ jedhee gaafate.
And he called each one of his lord's debtors; and he said to the first, How much owest thou to my lord?
6 “Namichis, ‘Zayitii ejersaa hubboo dhibba saddeeti’ jedhee deebise. “Hojii adeemsisaan sunis, ‘Waraqaa walii galtee kee hooʼu; dafii taaʼiitii dhibba afur jedhii barreessi’ jedheen.
And he said to him, One hundred measures of oil. And he said to him: Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write Fifty measures.
7 “Isa lammaffaadhaanis, ‘Sirra immoo hammamitu jira?’ jedhee gaafate. “Innis, ‘Qamadii guuboo kuma tokkoo’ jedheen. “Hojii adeemsisaan sunis, ‘Waraqaa walii galtee kee hooʼuutii, 80 jedhii barreessi’ jedheen.
And he said to another: And how much owest thou to my lord? And he said to him, One hundred cors of wheat. And he said to him: Take thy bill, and sit down, and write Eighty cors.
8 “Hojii adeemsisaan hin amanamne sun waan abshaala taʼeef gooftichi isa jaje; namoonni addunyaa kanaa warra akka isaanii wajjin haajaa isaanii guutachuu irratti namoota ifaa caalaa abshaalotaatii. (aiōn g165)
And our Lord praised the unrighteous steward, for having acted sagaciously: for the children of this world are more sagacious than the children of light, in this their generation. (aiōn g165)
9 Ani isinittin hima; akka isaan yeroo qabeenyi sun dhumutti mana bara baraatti isin simataniif qabeenya addunyaatiin ofii keessaniif michoota horadhaa. (aiōnios g166)
And I also say to you: Make to yourselves friends, with this unrighteous mammon; so that when it is finished, they may receive you to their everlasting tabernacles. (aiōnios g166)
10 “Namni waan xinnootti amanamu kam iyyuu waan baayʼeettis ni amanama; namni waan xinnootti hin amanamne kam iyyuu immoo waan baayʼeettis hin amanamu.
He that is faithful in the little, is also faithful in the much; and he that is unjust in the little, is also unjust in the much.
11 Yoos isin yoo qabeenya addunyaatti hin amanamne, qabeenya dhugaatti immoo eenyutu isin amana ree?
If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will intrust to you the reality?
12 Yoo isin qabeenya nama biraa irratti hin amanamne, qabeenya mataa keessanii immoo eenyutu isinii kenna ree?
And if ye have not been found faithful in that which is not yours, who will give to you that which is yours?
13 “Namni gooftota lama tajaajiluu dandaʼu tokko iyyuu hin jiru. Isa tokko jibbitee isa kaan jaallattaatii; yookaan isa tokkoof of kennitee isa kaan immoo tuffatta. Isinis Waaqaa fi maallaqa tajaajiluu hin dandeessan.”
There is no servant, who can serve two lords. For, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will honor the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
14 Fariisonni warri maallaqa jaallatan waan kana hunda dhagaʼanii Yesuusitti qoosan.
And the Pharisees, when they heard all these things, because they loved money, derided him.
15 Innis akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Isin warra fuula namootaa duratti qajeeltota of gootanii dha; Waaqni garuu garaa keessan beeka. Wanni nama biratti akka malee kabajamu fuula Waaqaa duratti jibbisiisaadhaatii.
And Jesus said to them: Ye are such as justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your heart: for that which is exalted among men, is abominable before God.
16 “Seerrii fi raajonni hamma Yohannisitti labsaman. Yeroo sanaa jalqabee wangeelli mootummaa Waaqaa lallabamaa jira; namni hundinuus itti galuuf wal dhiiba.
The law and the prophets were until John: since then, the kingdom of God is proclaimed, and every one presseth it to enter in.
17 Seera keessaa tuqaan hundumaa gadii dhabamuu irra samii fi lafti dhabamuutu salphata.
And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one letter to pass from the law.
18 “Namni niitii isaa hiikee dubartii biraa fuudhu kam iyyuu ejja raawwata; namni dubartii dhirsa ishee hiikte fuudhus ejja raawwata.
Whoever putteth away his wife, and taketh another, committeth adultery; and whoever taketh her that is put away, committeth adultery.
19 “Namicha sooressa uffata dhiilgee haphii kan quncee talbaa irraa hojjetame uffatee, guyyuma guyyaan qananiidhaan jiraatu tokkotu ture.
And there was a certain rich man, who was clothed in fine linen and scarlet, and passed every day in splendid luxury.
20 Karra isaa dura immoo namichi hiyyeessi Alʼaazaar jedhamu kan dhagni isaa hundi mammadaaʼe tokko ciisaa ture.
And there was a certain poor man, whose name was Lazarus; and he was laid at the gate of the rich man, smitten with ulcers.
21 Innis hambaa maaddii sooressa sanaa irraa harcaʼu illee nyaachuu ni kajeela ture; saroonni iyyuu dhufanii madaa isaa arraabu turan.
And he desired to fill his belly with the fragments that fell from the rich man's table: and the dogs also came and licked his ulcers.
22 “Gaaf tokko namichi hiyyeessi sun duunaan ergamoonni Waaqaa isa baatanii gara bobaa Abrahaamitti isa geessan; sooressichis duʼee awwaalame.
And so it was, that the poor man died; and angels transported him to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried.
23 Utuu Siiʼool keessatti dhiphachaa jiruus ol milʼatee Abrahaamin fagootti, Alʼaazaarin immoo bobaa Abrahaam keessatti arge. (Hadēs g86)
And being tormented in hell, he raised his eyes from afar off, and saw Abraham, and Lazarus in his bosom. (Hadēs g86)
24 Innis iyyee, ‘Yaa Abbaa koo Abrahaam, waan ani ibidda kana keessatti dhiphachaa jiruuf maaloo garaa naa laafiitii akka inni fiixee quba isaa bishaan keessa cuuphee arraba koo naa qabbaneessuuf Alʼaazaarin naa ergi’ jedheen.
And he called with a loud voice, and said: Abraham, my father, have pity on me; and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and moisten my tongue; for, lo, I am tormented in this flame.
25 “Abrahaam garuu akkana jedhee deebise; ‘Yaa ilma ko, ati bara jireenya keetiitti waan gaarii akka argatte, Alʼaazaar immoo waan hamaa akka argate yaadadhu; amma garuu asitti isatti toleera; ati immoo dhiphachaa jirta.
And Abraham said to him: My son, remember, that thou receivedst thy good things in thy lifetime, and Lazarus his evil things: and now, behold he is here at rest, and thou art tormented.
26 Waan kana hunda irrattis, akka warri nu biraa gara keessan dhufuu barbaadan dhufuu hin dandeenyeef yookaan akka warri isin biraa gara keenyatti ceʼuu hin dandeenyeef nuu fi isin gidduu boolla guddaatu jira.’
And with all these, there is a great barrier between us and you; so that they who would pass from here to you, cannot; neither can they pass from there to us
27 “Dureessi sunis akkana jedhee deebise; ‘Yoos yaa Abbaa, akka ati gara mana abbaa kootti Alʼaazaarin naa ergitu sin kadhadha;
He said to him: I pray thee, therefore, my father, that thou wouldst send him to my father's house;
28 ani obboloota shan qabaatii; akka isaanis iddoo dhiphinaa kana hin dhufneef inni dhaqee isaan haa akeekkachiisu.’
for I have five brothers; that he may go and protest to them; lest they also come to this place of torment.
29 “Abrahaam garuu, ‘Isaan Musee fi raajota qabu; isaanuma haa dhagaʼan’ jedhe.
Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them.
30 “Dureessichis, ‘Akkas miti; yaa abbaa koo Abrahaam; yoo warra duʼan keessaa namni tokko gara isaanii dhaqe garuu, isaan qalbii ni jijjiirratu’ jedheen.
But he said to him: No, my father Abraham: but if one shall go to them from the dead, they will repent.
31 “Abrahaamis, ‘Isaan yoo Musee fi raajota hin dhageenye, yoo namni tokko warra duʼan keessaa kaʼe illee hin amanan’ jedheen.”
Abraham said to him: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, they will not believe, though one should rise from the dead.

< Luqaas 16 >