< Yohannis 3 >

1 Fariisicha Niqoodemoos jedhamu bulchaa Yihuudootaa tokkotu ture.
Now there was a man among the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews.
2 Innis halkaniin Yesuus bira dhaqee, “Yaa barsiisaa, akka ati barsiisaa Waaqa biraa dhufte taate nu beekna; nama Waaqni isa wajjin jiru malee namni mallattoo ati hojjettu kana hojjechuu dandaʼu tokko iyyuu hin jiruutii” jedheen.
He went to Jesus at night, and he said to him: “Rabbi, we know that you have arrived as a teacher from God. For no one would be able to accomplish these signs, which you accomplish, unless God were with him.”
3 Yesuusis deebisee, “Ani dhuguman, dhuguman sitti hima; namni yoo lammata dhalate malee mootummaa Waaqaa arguu hin dandaʼu” jedheen.
Jesus responded and said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless one has been reborn anew, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.”
4 Niqoodemoos immoo, “Namni erga dulloomee booddee akkamitti dhalachuu dandaʼa? Dhalachuuf jedhee lammata gadameessa haadha isaa keessa seenuu dandaʼaa?” jedhee gaafate.
Nicodemus said to him: “How could a man be born when he is old? Surely, he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be reborn?”
5 Yesuusis akkana jedhee deebise; “Ani dhuguman, dhuguman sitti hima; namni yoo bishaanii fi Hafuura irraa dhalate malee mootummaa Waaqaatti galuu hin dandaʼu.
Jesus responded: “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless one has been reborn by water and the Holy Spirit, he is not able to enter into the kingdom of God.
6 Kan foon irraa dhalate foon; kan Hafuura irraa dhalate garuu hafuura.
What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Jecha ani, ‘Ati lammata dhalachuu si barbaachisa siin jedhe hin dinqifatin.’
You should not be amazed that I said to you: You must be born anew.
8 Bubbeen gara fedhetti bubbisa. Atis huursuu isaa dhageessa malee akka inni eessaa dhufee fi akka inni garamitti deemu hin beektu; namni Hafuura irraa dhalate hundinuus akkanuma.”
The Spirit inspires where he wills. And you hear his voice, but you do not know where he comes from, or where he is going. So it is with all who are born of the Spirit.”
9 Niqoodemoosis, “Kun akkamitti taʼuu dandaʼa?” jedhee gaafate.
Nicodemus responded and said to him, “How are these things able to be accomplished?”
10 Yesuus akkana jedhee deebiseef; “Ati utuu barsiisaa Israaʼel taatee jirtuu waan kana hin beektuu?
Jesus responded and said to him: “You are a teacher in Israel, and you are ignorant of these things?
11 Ani dhuguman, dhuguman sitti hima; nu waan beeknu dubbanna; waan argines dhugaa ni baana; isin garuu dhugaa baʼumsa keenya hin fudhattan.
Amen, amen, I say to you, that we speak about what we know, and we testify about what we have seen. But you do not accept our testimony.
12 Isin yoo ani waan addunyaa isinitti himnaan hin amanin, yoo ani waan samii isinitti hime akkamitti amantu ree?
If I have spoken to you about earthly things, and you have not believed, then how will you believe, if I will speak to you about heavenly things?
13 Ilma Namaa isa samii irraa gad buʼe malee eenyu iyyuu samiitti ol hin baane.
And no one has ascended to heaven, except the one who descended from heaven: the Son of man who is in heaven.
14 Akkuma Museen gammoojjii keessatti bofa fannisesana Ilmi Namaas fannifamuu qaba.
And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so also must the Son of man be lifted up,
15 Kunis akka namni isatti amanu hundi jireenya bara baraa qabaatuuf.” (aiōnios g166)
so that whoever believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
16 Kan isatti amanu hundi jireenya bara baraa akka qabaatuuf malee akka hin badneef, Waaqni hamma Ilma isaa tokkicha kennutti addunyaa jaallateeraatii. (aiōnios g166)
For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that all who believe in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
17 Waaqni karaa isaatiin addunyaa fayyisuudhaaf malee addunyaatti muruuf Ilma isaa gara addunyaatti hin ergineetii.
For God did not send his Son into the world, in order to judge the world, but in order that the world may be saved through him.
18 Kan isatti amanutti hin muramu; kan isatti hin amanne garuu waan inni maqaa Ilma Waaqaa tokkichaatti hin amaniniif ammuma iyyuu itti murameera.
Whoever believes in him is not judged. But whoever does not believe is already judged, because he does not believe in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.
19 Murtiin sunis isa kana: Ifni gara addunyaa dhufe; namoonni garuu waan hojiin isaanii hamaa tureef ifa caalaa dukkana jaallatan.
And this is the judgment: that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness more than light. For their works were evil.
20 Namni waan hamaa hojjetu kam iyyuu ifa jibba; akka hojiin isaa ifatti hin baafamneefis gara ifaa hin dhufu.
For everyone who does evil hates the Light and does not go toward the Light, so that his works may not be corrected.
21 Namni dhugaa hojjetu kam iyyuu garuu akka hojiin isaa akka fedhii Waaqaatti hojjetamuun isaa mulʼatuuf gara ifaa dhufa.
But whoever acts in truth goes toward the Light, so that his works may be manifested, because they have been accomplished in God.”
22 Ergasiis Yesuusii fi barattoonni isaa gara biyya Yihuudaa dhaqan; innis isaan wajjin achi ture; ni cuuphes.
After these things, Jesus and his disciples went into the land of Judea. And he was living there with them and baptizing.
23 Yohannisis naannoo Saalem iddoo Enoon jedhamutti ni cuupha ture; bishaan baayʼeen achi tureetii; namoonnis achi dhaqanii cuuphamu turan.
Now John was also baptizing, at Aenon near Salim, because there was much water in that place. And they were arriving and being baptized.
24 Kunis utuu Yohannis mana hidhaatti hin galfamin taʼe.
For John had not yet been cast into prison.
25 Yommus barattoota Yohannisii fi Yihuudii tokko gidduutti waaʼee qulqulleeffamuu irratti wal falmiin uumame.
Then a dispute occurred between the disciples of John and the Jews, about purification.
26 Isaanis Yohannis bira dhufanii, “Yaa barsiisaa, namichi si wajjin Yordaanos gama ture, kan ati waaʼee isaa dhugaa baate sun kunoo cuuphuutti jira; namni hundis gara isaa dhaquutti jira” jedhaniin.
And they went to John and said to him: “Rabbi, the one who was with you across the Jordan, about whom you offered testimony: behold, he is baptizing and everyone is going to him.”
27 Yohannisis akkana jedhee deebise; “Namni yoo samii irraa isaaf kenname malee homaa fudhachuu hin dandaʼu.
John responded and said: “A man is not able to receive anything, unless it has been given to him from heaven.
28 Akka ani, ‘Ani Kiristoos miti; garuu isa dura nan ergame’ jedhe isin mataan keessan iyyuu dhugaa naa baatu.
You yourselves offer testimony for me that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but that I have been sent before him.
29 Misirrittiin kan misirrichaa ti. Miinjeen misirricha bira dhaabatuu fi isa dhaggeeffatu, yommuu sagalee misirrichaa dhagaʼutti akka malee gammada. Gammachuun sun kan koo ti; gammachuun koos amma guutuu taʼeera.
He who holds the bride is the groom. But the friend of the groom, who stands and listens to Him, rejoices joyfully at the voice of the groom. And so, this, my joy, has been fulfilled.
30 Inni guddaa taʼuu qaba; ani immoo xinnaa taʼuun qaba.
He must increase, while I must decrease.
31 “Kan olii dhufu inni hundumaa oli; inni lafaa immoo kanuma lafaa ti; waanuma lafaa dubbatas. Kan samii irraa dhufu inni hundumaa oli.
He who comes from above, is above everything. He who is from below, is of the earth, and he speaks about the earth. He who comes from heaven is above everything.
32 Inni waan argee fi waan dhagaʼe dhugaa baʼa; dhuga baʼumsa isaa garuu eenyu iyyuu hin fudhatu.
And what he has seen and heard, about this he testifies. And no one accepts his testimony.
33 Namni dhuga baʼumsa kana fudhates akka Waaqni dhugaa taʼe mirkaneesse.
Whoever has accepted his testimony has certified that God is truthful.
34 Inni Waaqni erge dubbii Waaqaa dubbata; Waaqnis safara malee Hafuura isaa ni kennaatii.
For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God. For God does not give the Spirit by measure.
35 Abbaan Ilma ni jaallata; waan hundas harka isaatti kenneera.
The Father loves the Son, and he has given everything into his hand.
36 Namni Ilmatti amanu jireenya bara baraa qaba; namni Ilmaaf hin ajajamne garuu dheekkamsa Waaqaatu isa irra jiraata malee jireenya hin argu.” (aiōnios g166)
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. But whoever is unbelieving toward the Son shall not see life; instead the wrath of God remains upon him.” (aiōnios g166)

< Yohannis 3 >