< Isaayyaas 24 >

1 Kunoo, Waaqayyo lafa ni onsa; ishees ni barbadeessa; inni ishee gaggaragalchee warra ishee irra jiraatan bittinneessa;
Some day, Yahweh is going to destroy everything on the earth. He will devastate it and cause it to become a desert and scatter its people.
2 Kan saba irra gaʼu luba irra, kan garbicha irra gaʼu gooftaa irra, kan garbittii irra gaʼu giiftii irra, kan bitataa irra gaʼu gurgurataa irra, kan isa ergifatu irra gaʼu, isa ergisu irra, kan liqeeffataa irra gaʼu, isa liqeessu ni gaʼaatii.
He will scatter everyone— priests and common people, servants and their masters, maids and their mistresses, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, people who owe money and people who are owed money.
3 Lafti guutumaan guutuutti ni onti; guutumaan guutuuttis ni saamamti. Waaqayyo waan kana dubbateeraatii.
Nothing that is worth anything will be left on earth; everything valuable will be destroyed. [That will surely happen because] Yahweh has said it.
4 Lafti ni gogdi; bifti ishees ni geeddarama; addunyaan ni bututti; bifti ishees ni geeddarama; gurguddoonni saba lafaas ni bututu.
[Everything on] the earth will dry up and die [DOU]; its important people will become weak and unimportant.
5 Lafti saba isheetiin xuroofteerti; isaan seeraaf ajajamuu didan; sirnaan buluu didanii kakuu bara baraa sana cabsaniiru.
The earth has become unacceptable to Yahweh because the people who live on it have disobeyed his laws; they have rejected the agreement that he intended to last forever.
6 Kanaafuu abaarsi lafa balleessa; sabni ishees balleessaa isaatiif adabama. Kanaafuu jiraattonni lafaa ni gubatu; nama muraasatu hafa.
Therefore, [Yahweh] will curse the earth; the people who live on it must be punished because of the sins that they have committed. They will be destroyed by fire, and [only a] few people will remain [alive].
7 Daadhiin wayinii haaraan ni goga; mukni wayiniis ni coollaga; warri gammadan hundinuu ni aadu.
The grapevines will wither, and there will be no [grapes to make] wine. All [the people] who were previously happy will then groan and mourn.
8 Dibbeen sagaleen isaa namatti tolu ni calʼisa; wacni fandalaltootaa qabbanaaʼeera; baganaan nama gammachiisus calʼiseera.
People will no longer play cheerful songs with tambourines, people will no longer play joyfully on their harps, and people will no longer shout noisily [during their celebrations].
9 Isaan siʼachi sirbaa daadhii wayinii hin dhugan; dhugaatiin jabaan warra isa dhuganitti ni hadhaaʼa.
People will no longer sing while they drink wine, and [all] their alcoholic drinks will taste bitter.
10 Magaalaan diigamte sun ontee hafti; akka namni tokko iyyuu ol hin seenneef manni hundi ni cufama.
[Towns and] cities will be desolate; every house will be locked to prevent thieves from entering.
11 Isaan daadhii wayinii dhabanii daandii irratti booʼu; gammachuun hundi gaddatti geeddarama; ililchuun hundis lafa irraa dhabama.
[Mobs] will gather in the streets, wanting wine; no one on the earth will be happy [DOU] any more.
12 Magaalaan sun diigamtee hafti; karri ishees ni caccaba.
Cities will be ruined and [all] their gates will be battered/broken into pieces.
13 Akkuma yeroo mukni ejersaa dhaʼamuu fi akkuma yeroo wayiniin galfamutti qarmiin hafu taʼu sana, lafa irratti saboota gidduuttis akkasuma ni taʼa.
It will be like that all over the earth: [there will only be a few people still alive], like what happens when [workers] beat all the olives off a tree [and there are only a few left], [or] when they harvest the grapes and there are only a few left [on the vines].
14 Isaan sagalee ol fudhatanii gammachuun iyyu; gama lixa biiftuutti ulfina Waaqayyoo labsu.
But [those who are left alive] will sing joyfully; people [in nations] to the west [of Israel] will declare that Yahweh is very great;
15 Kanaafuu isin baʼa biiftuu irraa Waaqayyoof ulfina kennaa; qarqara galaanaattis maqaa Waaqayyo Waaqa Israaʼel leellisaa.
people in nations to the east [of Israel will also] praise Yahweh [MTY]; in countries across the sea, people will praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship].
16 Nu moggaa lafaa irraa faarfannaa, “Isa qajeelaa sanaaf ulfinni haa taʼu” jedhu dhageenya. Ani garuu akkanan jedhe; “Ani bade, ani bade! Anaaf wayyoo! Gantoonni ni ganu! Gantoonni gantummaa isaaniitiin ganu!”
We will hear [people] in the most distant places on the earth singing praise to [Yahweh], the [truly] righteous one. But [now], I am [SYN] very sad. Weep for me, [because] I have become thin and weak. Terrible things are happening! Treacherous [people still] betray/deceive others everywhere [DOU].
17 Yaa uummata lafa irraa, sodaan, qilee fi kiyyoon si eeggatu.
You people all over the earth, you will be terrified, and you will fall into deep pits and traps/snares.
18 Namni sagalee goolii baqatu kam iyyuu qilee keessa buʼa; namni qilee keessaa ol baʼu kam iyyuu kiyyoodhaan qabama. Foddaan samiiwwanii banameeraatii hundeewwan lafaa ni raafamu.
Those who [try to] flee because they are terrified will fall into [deep] pits, and those who climb out of the pits will be caught by traps/snares. The sky will split open and torrents [SIM] [of rain will fall]; the foundations of the earth will shake.
19 Lafti baqaqxeerti; lafti gargar baateerti; lafti akka malee raafamteerti;
The earth will split apart and be shattered; it will shake violently.
20 Lafti akkuma nama machaaʼee gatantarti; isheen akkuma daasii bubbeedhaan raafamti; yakki fincila ishee akka malee itti ulfaateera; isheen ni jigdi; deebitees hin kaatu.
[It will be as though] the earth will stagger like [SIM] a drunk; it will shake like [SIM] a hut [shakes in a windstorm]. It will collapse and not [be able to] rise again, [because] the guilt of the people who rebel [against Yahweh] is very great.
21 Waaqayyo gaafas humnoota samii, samii irratti, mootota lafaa immoo lafa irratti ni adaba.
At that time, Yahweh will punish the [wicked] powerful beings in the skies and the wicked kings on the earth.
22 Isaan akkuma hidhamtootaa boolla keessaatti walitti qabamu; manni hidhaa itti cufamee guyyaa hedduu booddee adabamu.
They will [all] be gathered together and thrown into a dungeon/pit. They will be shut/locked in that dungeon/pit, and later they will be punished.
23 Jiʼi ni burjaajofti; aduunis ni qaanofti; Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu, Tulluun Xiyoon irrattii fi Yerusaalem keessatti fuula maanguddootaa duratti ulfinaan ni moʼaatii.
At that time the light of the moon and the sun will be lessened; [it will be as though] they are ashamed [in the presence of] Yahweh, because he, the Commander of the armies of angels, will rule gloriously (on Zion Hill/in Jerusalem), in the presence of the leaders [of his people].

< Isaayyaas 24 >