< Uumama 49 >

1 Yaaqoob ilmaan isaa ofitti waamee akkana jedhe: “Akka ani waan bara dhumaa keessa isinitti dhufu isinitti himuuf mee walitti qabamaa.
Then Jacob called his sons, and he said to them: “Gather together, so that I may announce what will happen to you in the last days.
2 “Yaa ilmaan Yaaqoob mee walitti qabamaa dhaggeeffadhaa; abbaa keessan Israaʼelin dhaggeeffadhaa.
Gather together and listen, O sons of Jacob. Listen to Israel, your father.
3 “Yaa Ruubeen, ati ilma koo hangafa; humna koo, mallattoo jalqabaa kan jabina kootii ti; ati ulfinaan ni caalta; humnaan illee ni caalta.
Reuben, my firstborn, you are my strength and the beginning of my sorrow: first in gifts, greater in authority.
4 Ati akka bishaanii asii fi achi raafamta; ol aantummaas hin qabaattu; ati siree abbaa keetiitti ol baatee, afata kootti ol baatee xureessiteertaatii.
You are being poured out like water, may you not increase. For you climbed onto your father’s bed, and you defiled his resting place.
5 “Simiʼoonii fi Lewwiin obboloota; goraadeen isaanii miʼa fincilaa ti.
The brothers Simeon and Levi: vessels of iniquity waging war.
6 Lubbuun koo marii isaaniitti hin seenin; ulfinni koos yaaʼii isaaniitti hin dabalamin; isaan dheekkamsa isaaniitiin nama ajjeesaniiruutii; fedhii ofii isaaniitiinis qotiyyoo naafachiisaniiru.
Let not my soul go by their counsel, nor my glory be within their meeting. For in their fury they killed a man, and in their self-will they undermined a wall.
7 Aariin isaanii inni hamaan, dheekkamsi isaanii inni gara jabeessi abaaramaa haa taʼu! Ani Yaaqoob keessa isaan nan bittinneessa; Israaʼel keessas isaan nan facaasa.
Cursed be their fury, because it was obstinate, and their indignation, because it was harsh. I will divide them in Jacob, and I will scatter them in Israel.
8 “Yaa Yihuudaa obboloonni kee si leellisu; harki kee morma diina keetii qaba; ilmaan abbaa keetii siif sagadu.
Judah, your brothers will praise you. Your hand will be at the necks of your enemies; the sons of your father will reverence you.
9 Yaa Yihuudaa ati saafela leencaa ti; yaa ilma koo ati adamoodhaa deebita. Inni akka leencaa, akka leenca dhalaas, riphee ciisa; eenyutu ija jabaatee isa kaasa ree?
Judah is a lion’s young. You have gone up to the prey, my son. While resting, you have lain like a lion. And just like a lioness, who would rouse him?
10 Hamma bulchaan dhufutti bokkuun harka Yihuudaatii, uleen bulchiinsaa miilla isaa gidduudhaa hin dhabamu; saboonnis isaaf ni ajajamu.
The scepter from Judah and the leader from his thigh will not be taken away, until he who will be sent arrives, and he will be the expectation of Gentiles.
11 Inni harree isaa muka wayiniitti, ilmoo harree isaa immoo damee filatamaatti hidhata; wayyaa isaa daadhii wayiniitiin, wandaboo isaa immoo dhiiga gumaa wayiniitiin miiccata.
Tying his young colt to the vineyard, and his donkey, O my son, to the vine, he will wash his robe in wine, and his cloak in the blood of the grape.
12 Iji isaa daadhii wayinii irra diimata; ilkaan isaa immoo aannan irra addaata.
His eyes are more beautiful than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk.
13 “Zebuuloon qarqara galaanaa jiraata; buufata dooniiwwaniis taʼa; daangaan isaas hamma Siidoonaatti balʼata.
Zebulun will live at the seashore and by the outpost of ships, reaching as far as Sidon.
14 “Yisaakor harree jabaa feʼiisa lama gidduu ciisuu dha.
Issachar will be a strong donkey, reclining between the borders.
15 Innis yeroo akka iddoon boqonnaa isaa hammam gaarii taʼee fi akka lafti isaa tolaa taʼe argutti baʼaa baachuuf gatiittii isaa gad qabata; hojii humnaa hojjechuuf of kenna.
He saw that rest would be good, and that the land was excellent. And so he bent his shoulder to carry, and he became a servant under tribute.
16 “Daan gosoota Israaʼel keessaa akka isa tokkootti, saba isaatiif murtii qajeelaa ni kenna.
Dan will judge his people just like any other tribe in Israel.
17 Daan bofa qarqara karaa ti; akka buutii daandii irraa, kan akka namichi farda yaabbatu gara duubaatti kufuuf kottee fardaa idduu ni taʼa.
Let Dan be a snake in the way, a viper in the path, biting the hooves of horses, so that his rider may fall backward.
18 “Yaa Waaqayyo, ani fayyisuu kee nan eeggadha.
I will wait for your salvation, O Lord.
19 “Gaad weerartootaan ni dhaʼama; inni garuu faana buʼee isaan dhaʼa.
Gad, being girded, will fight before him. And he himself will be girded backward.
20 “Aasheer buddeenni isaa furdaa dha; inni mootiidhaaf nyaata tolaa ni kenna.
Asher: his bread will be fat, and he will provide delicacies to the kings.
21 “Niftaalem borofa hiikamtee dha; dubbii gaariis ni dubbata.
Naphtali is a stag sent forth, offering words of eloquent beauty.
22 “Yoosef muka wayinii ija qabeessa, muka wayinii ija qabeessa burqaa bishaaniitti dhiʼoo jiruu dha; dameen isaa dallaa irra yaaʼa.
Joseph is a growing son, a growing son and stately to behold; the daughters run back and forth on the wall.
23 Warri iddaa qabatan waraana isatti banan; isatti futtaasan; isa jibbanis.
But those who held darts, provoked him, and they contend with him, and they envied him.
24 Garuu iddaan isaa jabaatee hafe; irreen harka isaa, harka Waaqa Jabaa Yaaqoobiin jabeeffame. Achiis Tiksee sanaan, Kattaa Israaʼeliin,
His bow sits in strength, and the bands of his arms and hands have been let loose by the hands of the mighty one of Jacob. From there he went forth as a pastor, the stone of Israel.
25 Waaqa abbaa keetii isa si gargaaruun, Waaqa Waan Hunda Dandaʼu isa eebba samii gubbaatiin, eebba gadi fagoo isa jalaatiin, eebba harmaatii fi gadameessaatiin si eebbisu sanaan ni eebbifamta.
The God of your father will be your helper, and the Almighty will bless you with the blessings of heaven above, with the blessings of the abyss that lies beneath, with the blessings of the breasts and of the womb.
26 Eebbi abbaa keetii, eebba tulluuwwan durii, arjummaa gaarran durii caala. Kun hundi mataa Yoosefiitti, gubbee mataa isa obboloota isaa keessaa hoogganaa taʼeetti haa qabatu.
The blessings of your father are strengthened by the blessings of his fathers, until the desire of the hills of eternity shall arrive. May they be at the head of Joseph, and at the summit of the Nazarite, among his brothers.
27 “Beniyaam yeeyyii baayʼee beelaʼee dha; ganama waan adamse itti gaggabee nyaata; galgala immoo boojuu hira.”
Benjamin is a ravenous wolf, in the morning he will eat the prey, and in the evening he will divide the spoil.”
28 Warri kunneen hundi gosoota Israaʼel kudha lamaan; kunis waan abbaan isaanii yeroo eebba tokkoo tokkoo isaaniif taʼuun isaan eebbisetti isaanitti dubbatee dha.
All these are the twelve tribes of Israel. These things their father spoke to them, and he blessed each one with their proper blessings.
29 Ergasiis Yaaqoob akkana jedhee isaan ajaje; “Ani gara saba kootiitti walitti qabamuu gaʼeera; holqa lafa qotiisaa Efroon namicha gosa Heeti sanaatti abbootii koo biratti na awwaalaa.
And he instructed them, saying: “I am being gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the double cave, which is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,
30 Holqi kunis holqa biyya Kanaʼaan keessatti Mamree biratti lafa qotiisaa Makfelaa keessatti argamu kan Abrahaam iddoo awwaalaa godhachuuf Efroon namicha gosa Heeti sana irraa lafa qotiisaa wajjin bitatee dha.
opposite Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought, along with its field, from Ephron the Hittite, as a possession for burial.
31 Abrahaamii fi niitiin isaa Saaraan achitti awwaalaman; Yisihaaqii fi niitiin isaa Ribqaan achitti awwaalaman; anis achumattan Liyaa awwaale.
There they buried him, with his wife Sarah.” And there Isaac was buried with his wife Rebekah. There also Leah lies preserved.
32 Lafti qotiisaatii fi holqi isa keessa jiru Heetota irraa bitaman.”
33 Yaaqoob akkuma ilmaan isaa ajajuu raawwateen miilla isaa siree irratti ol deebifatee hafuura dhumaa baafate; gara saba isaattis walitti qabame.
And having finished these commands by which he instructed his sons, he drew his feet onto the bed, and he passed away. And he was gathered to his people.

< Uumama 49 >