< Keessa Deebii 23 >

1 Namni kolaafame yookaan dhagni saala isaa irraa murame kam iyyuu waldaa Waaqayyoo hin seenin.
He that is wounded in the stones, or has his private parts cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
2 Namni haraamuudhaan dhalate yookaan sanyiin isaa kam iyyuu hamma dhaloota kurnaffaatti waldaa Waaqayyoo hin seenin.
A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
3 Namni gosa Amoon yookaan gosa Moʼaab yookaan sanyiin isaa kam iyyuu hamma dhaloota kurnaffaatti waldaa Waaqayyoo hin seenin.
An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the LORD for ever:
4 Isaan yeroo ati Gibxii baatetti karaa irratti buddeenaan yookaan bishaaniin si hin simanne; qooda kanaa akka inni si abaaruuf Balaʼaam ilma Beʼoor namicha biyya Phetoor ishee Phaadaan Arraamitti argamtu sana keessa jiraatu sitti bitan.
Because they met you not with bread and with water in the way, when all of you came forth out of Egypt; and because they hired against you Balaam the son of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse you.
5 Taʼus Waaqayyo Waaqni kee abaarsa sana eebbatti siif geeddare malee Balaʼaamin hin dhageenye; Waaqayyo Waaqni kee si jaallataatii.
Nevertheless the LORD your God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the LORD your God turned the curse into a blessing unto you, because the LORD your God loved you.
6 Ati hamma lubbuudhaan jirtutti akka isaan nageenyaa fi badhaadhummaa qabaatan hin barbaadin.
You shall not seek their peace nor their prosperity all your days for ever.
7 Waan inni obboleessa kee taʼeef nama gosa Edoom hin tuffatin. Ati sababii akka alagaatti biyya isaa keessa jiraatteef nama Gibxi hin tuffatin.
You shall not detest an Edomite; for he is your brother: you shall not detest an Egyptian; because you were a stranger in his land.
8 Ijoolleen dhaloota sadaffaa kanneen isaaniif dhalatan waldaa Waaqayyoo seenuu ni dandaʼu.
The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.
9 Yommuu diinota kee loluuf baatutti xuraaʼummaa hunda irraa of eegi.
When the host goes forth against your enemies, then keep you from every wicked thing.
10 Namni tokko yoo halkan afeetaa dhangalaasuudhaan of xureesse inni qubata keessaa gad baʼee ala haa turu.
If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chances him by night, then shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp:
11 Gara galgalaa garuu dhiqatee yeroo aduun dhiitutti gara qubataatti haa deebiʼu.
But it shall be, when evening comes on, he shall wash himself with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again.
12 Ati qubataan alatti lafa itti gad baatu qopheeffadhu.
You shall have a place also without the camp, where you shall go forth abroad:
13 Meeshaa kee keessaa waan ittiin lafa qottu qabaadhu; ati yommuu gad teessee kaatutti boolla qotiitii biyyoo itti deebisi.
And you shall have a paddle upon your weapon; and it shall be, when you will ease yourself abroad, you shall dig therewith, and shall turn back and cover that which comes from you:
14 Waaqayyo Waaqni kee si eeguu fi diinota kee dabarsee sitti kennuudhaaf qubata kee keessa deddeebiʼaatii; akka inni gidduu keetti waan xuraaʼaa argee sirraa hin deebineef qubanni kee qulqulluu taʼuu qaba.
For the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you, and to give up your enemies before you; therefore shall your camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in you, and turn away from you.
15 Yoo garbichi tokko kooluu sitti gale, ati dabarsitee gooftaa isaatti isa hin kennin.
You shall not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto you:
16 Inni gidduu kee lafa jaallatee fi magaalaa filate keessa haa jiraatu. Atis isa hin cunqursin.
He shall dwell with you, even among you, in that place which he shall choose in one of your gates, where it likes him best: you shall not oppress him.
17 Dhiirri yookaan dubartiin Israaʼel kam iyyuu sagaagaltuu mana waaqa tolfamaa hin taʼin.
There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.
18 Dubartii yookaan dhiira sagaagalu tokko irraa akka galchaatti kennaa fuutee mana Waaqayyo Waaqa keetiitti hin fidin; lachan isaanii iyyuu fuula Waaqayyo Waaqa keetii duratti jibbisiisoo dhaatii.
You shall not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD your God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD your God.
19 Ati maallaqa yookaan nyaata yookaan waan dhala argamsiisu kam iyyuu dhalaan obboleessa keetiif hin liqeessin.
You shall not lend upon interest to your brother; interest of money, interest of victuals, interest of any thing that is lent upon interest:
20 Ati nama ormaa irraa dhala gaafachuu ni dandeessa; garuu akka Waaqayyo Waaqni kee biyya ati dhaaluuf itti galtutti waan harki kee tuqe hundaan si eebbisuuf obboleessa kee irraa dhala hin fudhatin.
Unto a stranger you may lend upon interest; but unto your brother you shall not lend upon interest: that the LORD your God may bless you in all that you set your hand to in the land where you go to possess it.
21 Ati yoo Waaqayyo Waaqa keetiif wareega tokko wareegde, sababii Waaqayyo Waaqni kee cimsee waan sana sirraa barbaaduuf akka cubbuu sitti hin taaneef dafiitii of irraa baasi malee lafa irra hin harkisin.
When you shall vow a vow unto the LORD your God, you shall not slack to pay it: for the LORD your God will surely require it of you; and it would be sin in you.
22 Yoo wareeguu baatte garuu ati cubbamaa hin taatu.
But if you shall forbear to vow, it shall be no sin in you.
23 Waan arrabni kee dubbate gochuuf of eeggadhu; afaanuma keetiin jaallattee Waaqayyo Waaqa keetiif wareegdeertaatii.
That which is gone out of your lips you shall keep and perform; even a freewill offering, according as you have vowed unto the LORD your God, which you have promised with your mouth.
24 Ati yoo iddoo dhaabaa wayinii ollaa keetii keessa seente, ija feete hunda nyaadhu; garuu tokko illee guuboo kee keessa hin kaaʼatin.
When you come into your neighbour's vineyard, then you may eat grapes your fill at your own pleasure; but you shall not put any in your vessel.
25 Yoo lafa qotiisaa midhaan ollaa keetii keessa seente, asheetii cirachuu ni dandeessa; garuu midhaan isaa kan dhaabatutti haamtuu kee hin buusin.
When you come into the standing corn of your neighbour, then you may pluck the ears with your hand; but you shall not move a sickle unto your neighbour's standing corn.

< Keessa Deebii 23 >