< 2 Seenaa 9 >

1 Mootittiin Shebaa waaʼee maqaa Solomoon dhageenyaan gaaffiiwwan jajjaboodhaan qortee isa ilaaluuf gara Yerusaalem dhufte. Isheenis miiltoo akka malee baayʼee wajjin gaalawwan urgooftuu, warqee hedduu fi dhagaawwan gati jabeeyyii baatan fudhattee dhufte; Solomoon bira geenyaanis waan garaa ishee jiru hunda isa wajjin haasofte.
And when the queen of Saba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to try him with hard questions at Jerusalem, with great riches, and camels, which carried spices, and abundance of gold, and precious stones. And when she was come to Solomon, she proposed to him all that was in her heart.
2 Solomoonis gaaffii ishee hundaaf deebii kenne; wanni inni isheef ibsuu dadhabe tokko iyyuu hin turre.
And Solomon explained to her all that she proposed: and there was not any thing that he did not make clear unto her.
3 Mootittiin Shebaa yommuu ogummaa Solomoon, masaraa mootummaa kan inni ijaare,
And when she had seen these things, to wit, the wisdom of Solomon, and the house which he had built,
4 nyaata maaddii isaa irratti dhiʼaatu, haala itti qondaaltonni isaa tataaʼan, hojjettoota uffata hojii uffatanii hojjetan, warra daadhii isaaf dhiʼeessanii fi aarsaa gubamu kan inni mana qulqullummaa Waaqayyoo keessatti dhiʼeesse argitetti akka malee dinqisiifatte.
And the meats of his table, and the dwelling places of his servants, and the attendance of his officers, and their apparel, his cupbearers also, and their garments, and the victims which he offered in the house of the Lord: there was no more spirit in her, she was so astonished.
5 Isheenis mootichaan akkana jette; “Oduun ani waaʼee waan ati hojjetteetii fi waaʼee ogummaa keetii biyyuma kootti dhagaʼe sun dhugaa dha.
And she said to the king: The word is true which I heard in my country of thy virtues and wisdom.
6 Ani garuu hamman dhufee ijuma kootiin argutti waan isaan jedhan sana hin amanne. Dhugumaan guddina ogummaa keetii keessaa walakkaan isaa iyyuu natti hin himamne; ati oduu ani dhagaʼe sana akka malee caalta.
I did not believe them that told it, until I came, and my eyes had seen, and I had proved that scarce one half of thy wisdom had been told me: thou hast exceeded the same with thy virtues.
7 Namoonni kee hammam haa gammadan! Qondaaltonni kee warri yeroo hunda fuula kee dura dhadhaabatanii ogummaa kee dhagaʼan hammam haa gammadan!
Happy are thy men, and happy are thy servants, who stand always before thee, and hear thy wisdom.
8 Waaqayyo Waaqni kee inni sitti gammadee akka ati mootii taatee Waaqayyo Waaqa keetiif bulchituuf teessoo isaa irra si teessise sun haa galateeffamu. Waaqni kee sababii Israaʼeliif jaalala qabuu fi sababii bara baraan jabeessee isaan dhaabuuf fedhii qabuuf akka ati murtii qajeelaa fi qajeelummaa eegduuf isaan irratti mootii si godheera.”
Blessed be the Lord thy God, who hath been pleased to set thee on his throne, king of the Lord thy God. Because God loveth Israel, and will preserve them for ever: therefore hath he made thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.
9 Isheenis warqee taalaantii 120, urgooftuu akka malee baayʼee fi dhagaawwan gati jabeeyyii mootichaaf kennite. Urgooftuun akka urgooftuu mootittiin Shebaa Solomoon Mootichaaf kennite sanaa gonkumaa hin argamne.
And she gave to the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices in great abundance, and most precious stones: there were no such spices as these which the queen of Saba gave to king Solomon.
10 Namoonni Hiiraamii fi namoonni Solomoon biyya Oofiir irraa warqee fidan; akkasumas muka sandaliitii fi dhagaawwan gati jabeeyyii ni fidan.
And the servants also of Hiram, with the servants of Solomon, brought gold from Ophir, and thyine trees, and most precious stones:
11 Mootichis muka sandalii sana gulantaawwan mana qulqullummaa Waaqayyootii fi kan masaraa mootummaa, akkasumas baganaa fi kiraara faarfattootaa tolchuuf itti fayyadame. Wanni akkasiis takkumaa Yihuudaa keessatti hin argamne.
And the king made of the thyine trees stairs in the house of the Lord, and in the king’s house, and harps and psalteries for the singing men: never were there seen such trees in the land of Juda.
12 Solomoon Mootichis waan isheen barbaaddee fi waan isheen kadhatte hunda mootittii Shebaatiif ni kenne; inni waan isheen isaaf geessite caalaa kenneef. Isheenis ergasii kaatee miiltota ishee wajjin biyya ofii isheetti deebite.
And king Solomon gave to the queen of Saba all that she desired, and that she asked, and many more things than she brought to him: so she returned, and went to her own country with her servants.
13 Ulfinni warqee kan wagguma waggaan Solomooniif galu taalaantii 666 ture;
And the weight of the gold, that was brought to Solomon every year, was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold:
14 kunis gibira daldaltoota qabeenya gurguddaatii fi kan warra qabeenya xixinnaa irraa argamuu hin dabalatu. Akkasumas mootonni Arabaa fi bulchitoonni biyyaa hundi Solomooniif warqee fi meetii ni fidan.
Beside the sum which the deputies of divers nations, and the merchants were accustomed to bring, and all the kings of Arabia, and the lords of the lands, who I brought gold and silver to Solomon.
15 Solomoon Mootichis warqee tumame irraa gaachanawwan gurguddaa dhibba lama ni tolche; tokkoon tokkoon gaachanawwan sanaas warqee saqilii dhibba jaʼa fixe.
And king Solomon made two hundred golden spears, of the sum of six hundred pieces of gold, which went to every spear:
16 Akkasumas warqee tumame irraa gaachana xixinnaa dhibba sadii ni tolche. Tokkoon tokkoon gaachana sanaas warqee saqilii dhibba sadii fixe. Mootichis gaachanawwan kanneen Masaraa mootummaa kan Bosona Libaanoon keessa ni kaaʼe.
And three hundred golden shields of three hundred pieces of gold, which went to the covering of every shield: and the king put them in the armoury, which was compassed with a wood.
17 Mootichis teessoo guddaa tokko ilka arbaa irraa hojjetee warqee qulqulluu itti uffise.
The king also made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold.
18 Teessoon sun gulantaawwan jaʼa qaba ture; ejjenni miillaa kan warqee irraa hojjetame tokkos itti qabsiifamee ture. Karaa teessoo sanaa lamaaniinis waan harka irra kaaʼatanitu ture; tokkoo tokkoo waan harka irra kaaʼatan sanaa biras fakkii leencaa tokko tokkotu dhaabatee ture.
And six steps to go up to the throne, and a footstool of gold, and two arms one on either side, and two lions standing by the arms:
19 Gulantaawwan jaʼaan sana irras leenconni kudha lama tokko fiixee tokkoon, fakkiin kaan immoo fiixee kaaniin dhadhaabachaa turan. Wanni akkasii takkumaa mootummaa biraa kamiif iyyuu hin tolfamne.
Moreover twelve other little lions standing upon the steps on both sides: there was not such a throne in any kingdom.
20 Miʼi Solomoon Mootichi ittiin dhugu hundinuu warqee irraa hojjetame; miʼi Masaraa mootummaa kan Bosona Libaanoon jedhamu sanaa hundi immoo warqee qulqulluu irraa hojjetame. Sababii bara Solomoon keessa meetiin akka waan gatii hin qabne tokkootti ilaalamaa tureef wanni tokko iyyuu meetii irraa hin hojjetamne.
And all the vessels of the king’s table were of gold, and the vessels of the house of the forest of Libanus were of the purest gold. For no account was made of silver in those days.
21 Mootichis dooniiwwan daldalaa kanneen namoonni Huuraam oofan qaba ture. Isaanis waggaa sadii sadiitti yeroo tokko warqee, meetii fi ilka arbaa, qamalee fi jaldeessa fidanii ni dhufu ture.
For the king’s ships went to Tharsis with the servants of Hiram, once in three years: and they brought thence gold and silver, and ivory, and apes, and peacocks.
22 Solomoon Mootichi badhaadhummaa fi ogummaadhaan mootota addunyaa hunda ni caala ture.
And Solomon was magnified above all the kings of the earth for riches and glory.
23 Mootonni addunyaa hundi ogummaa Waaqni garaa isaa keessa kaaʼe dhagaʼuuf Solomoon bira dhufuu barbaadu ture.
And all the kings of the earth desired to see the face of Solomon, that they might hear the wisdom which God had given in his heart.
24 Namni waggaa waggaatti isa bira dhufu hundinuu kennaa miʼa meetii fi kan warqee, uffata, miʼa lolaa, urgooftuu, fardeenii fi gaangolii fidaafii ture.
And every year they brought him presents, vessels of silver and of gold, and garments, and armour, and spices, and horses, and mules.
25 Solomoon gola fardeenii fi gaariiwwanii kuma afur akkasumas fardeen kuma kudha lama kanneen magaalaawwan gaariiwwanii keessaa fi of bira Yerusaalem keessa kaaʼate qaba ture.
And Solomon had forty thousand horses in the stables, and twelve thousand chariots, and horsemen, and he placed them in the cities of the chariots, and where the king was in Jerusalem.
26 Innis mootota Laga Efraaxiisiitii hamma biyya Filisxeemotaattii fi hamma daarii Gibxitti jiran hunda ni bulche.
And he exercised authority over all the kings from the river Euphrates to the land of the Philistines, and to the borders of Egypt.
27 Mootichi akka meetiin Yerusaalem keessatti akkuma dhagaa baayʼatu, akka mukni birbirsaas akkuma mukkeen harbuu kanneen gaarran jalaatti baayʼatu ni godhe.
And he made silver as plentiful in Jerusalem as stones: and cedars as common as the sycamores, which grow in the plains.
28 Fardeen Solomoon Gibxii fi biyyoota biraa hunda irraa bitamanii dhufan.
And horses were brought to him out of Egypt, and out of all countries.
29 Wanni bara mootummaa Solomoon keessa hojjetaman kan biraa, jalqabaa hamma dhumaatti kitaaba seenaa Naataan raajichaa keessatti, raajii Ahiiyaa namicha Shiiloo sanaa keessattii fi mulʼata Iddoon namichi waa himu sun waaʼee Yerobiʼaam ilma Nebaat arge keessatti barreeffamanii jiru mitii?
Now the rest of the acts of Solomon first and last are written in the words of Nathan the prophet, and in the boobs of Ahias the Silonite, and in the vision of Addo the seer, against Jeroboam the son of Nabat.
30 Solomoon Yerusaalem keessatti mootii taʼee waggaa afurtama saba Israaʼel hunda ni bulche.
And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.
31 Innis ergasii abbootii isaa wajjin boqotee magaalaa abbaa isaa, magaalaa Daawit keessatti ni awwaalame. Rehooboʼaam ilmi isaa iddoo isaa buʼee mootii ni taʼe.
And he slept with his fathers: and they buried him in the city of David: and Roboam his son reigned in his stead.

< 2 Seenaa 9 >