< Salomos Ordsprog 29 >

1 Ein mann som etter mykje refsing endå er ein stivnakke, vil brått verta broten ulækjeleg sund.
The man who, with a stiff neck, treats the one who corrects him with contempt will be suddenly overwhelmed to his own destruction, and reason shall not follow him.
2 Når rettferdige aukar i tal, då gled seg folket, men når gudlaus mann kjem til styre, sukkar folket.
When just men are multiplied, the common people shall rejoice. When the impious take up the leadership, the people shall mourn.
3 Den som elskar visdom, gled sin far, men den som gjeng i lag med skjøkjor, øyder eiga si.
The man who loves wisdom rejoices his father. But whoever nurtures promiscuous women will lose his substance.
4 Ein konge held landet sitt uppe med rett, men ein skattekrevjar legg det i øyde.
A just king guides the land. A man of avarice will destroy it.
5 Ein mann som smeikjer for næsten sin, breider ut eit net for føterne hans.
A man who speaks to his friend with flattering and feigned words spreads a net for his own feet.
6 Ein vond manns misgjerd er snara for honom, men rettferdig mann fegnast og gled seg.
A snare will entangle the iniquitous when he sins. And the just shall praise and be glad.
7 Den rettferdige syter for stakarens sak, den gudlause hev ikkje greida på noko.
The just knows the case of the poor. The impious is ignorant of knowledge.
8 Spottarar øser upp ein by, men vismenner stiller vreiden.
Pestilent men squander a city. Yet truly, the wise avert fury.
9 Når vismann fører sak mot dåren, vert dåren sinna og lær, og kann’kje vera still.
A wise man, if he were to contend with the foolish, whether in anger or in laughter, would find no rest.
10 Dei blodfuse hatar ein skuldlaus mann, og stend dei ærlege etter livet.
Bloodthirsty men hate the simple one; but the just seek out his soul.
11 Alt sitt sinne slepper dåren ut, men vismannen døyver det til slutt.
A foolish one offers everything on his mind. A wise one reserves and defers until later.
12 Agtar ein hovding på lygneord, er alle hans tenarar nidingar.
A leader who freely listens to lying words has only impious servants.
13 Fatigmann og valdsmann råkast, Herren gjev deim båe augneljos.
The pauper and the creditor have met one another. The Lord is the illuminator of them both.
14 Ein konge som dømer småfolk rett, hans kongsstol stend æveleg fast.
The king who judges the poor in truth, his throne shall be secured in eternity.
15 Ris og age gjev visdom, men ein agelaus gut fører skam yver mor si.
The rod and its correction distribute wisdom. But the child who is left to his own will, brings shame to his mother.
16 Når dei gudlause aukar, so aukar syndi, men dei rettferdige skal sjå med lyst på deira fall.
When the impious are multiplied, crimes will be multiplied. But the just shall see their ruin.
17 Aga son din, so vil han vera deg til hugnad og gjeva lostemat til sjæli di.
Teach your son, and he will refresh you, and he will give delight to your soul.
18 Utan profetsyn vert folket vilt, men sæl er den som held lovi.
When prophecy fails, the people will be scattered. Yet truly, whoever guards the law is blessed.
19 Med ord let trælen seg ikkje tukta, for han skynar deim vel, men bryr seg’kje um deim.
A servant cannot be taught by words, because he understands what you say, but he disdains to respond.
20 Ser du ein mann som er snar til å tala, dåren gjev større von enn han.
Have you seen a man rushing to speak? Foolishness has more hope than his correction.
21 Kjæler du trælen upp frå hans ungdom, vil han vanvyrda deg til slutt.
Whoever nurtures his servant delicately from childhood, afterwards will find him defiant.
22 Sinna mann valdar trætta, og brålyndt mann gjer mang ei misgjerd.
A short-tempered man provokes quarrels. And whoever is easily angered is more likely to sin.
23 Mannsens ovmod fører til fall, men den audmjuke vinn seg æra.
Humiliation follows the arrogant. And glory shall uphold the humble in spirit.
24 Den som helar med tjuven, hatar sitt liv, han høyrer dei tek han i eid, men gjev ingi vitring.
Whoever participates with a thief hates his own soul; for he listens to his oath and does not denounce him.
25 Manne-rædsla legg snaror, men den som lit på Herren, vert berga.
Whoever fears man will quickly fall. Whoever hopes in the Lord shall be lifted up.
26 Mange vil te seg fram for ein styrar, men frå Herren fær kvar mann sin rett.
Many demand the face of the leader. But the judgment of each one proceeds from the Lord.
27 Ein styggedom for rettferdige er ein urettferdig mann, og ein styggedom for den gudlause er den som fer ærleg fram.
The just abhor an impious man. And the impious abhor those who are on the right way. By keeping the word, the son shall be free from perdition.

< Salomos Ordsprog 29 >