< Jobs 1 >

1 I landet Us budde det ein gong ein mann som heitte Job. Det var ein ærleg og rettvis mann som ottast Gud og heldt seg frå det som vondt var.
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job. And this man was blameless and upright, fearing God and shunning evil.
2 Han fekk sju søner og tri døtter,
He had seven sons and three daughters,
3 og han åtte sju tusund sauer, tri tusund kamelar, fem hundrad par uksar og fem hundrad asnor, og dertil ei stor mengd tenarar, so han var den megtigaste av alle austerlendingarne.
and he owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys, and a very large number of servants. Job was the greatest man of all the people of the East.
4 Sønerne hans hadde for skikk å halda gilde kvar sin dag heime hjå seg; og dei sende bod og bad dei tri systerne sine, at dei og skulde eta og drikka i lag med deim.
Job’s sons would take turns holding feasts in their homes, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
5 Når so ein umgang med gjestebodsdagar var til endes, sende Job bod etter deim og helga deim tidleg um morgonen ofra han brennoffer, eitt for kvar einskild av deim. For Job tenkte: «Kanskje hev sønerne mine synda og banna Gud i hjarto sine.» Soleis gjorde Job kvar gong.
And when the days of feasting were over, Job would send for his children to purify them, rising early in the morning to offer burnt offerings for all of them. For Job thought, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular practice.
6 Men so hende det ein dag at gudssønerne kom og stelte seg fram for Herren; og millom deim var og Satan.
One day the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them.
7 Herren spurde Satan: «Kvar kjem du ifrå?» «Eg hev fare og svive ikring på jordi, » svara Satan.
“Where have you come from?” said the LORD to Satan. “From roaming through the earth,” he replied, “and walking back and forth in it.”
8 Då spurde Herren Satan: «Hev du gjeve ans på Job, tenaren min? For liken hans finst ikkje på jordi, slik ein ærleg og rettvis mann som han er, og so som han ottast Gud og held seg frå det som vondt er.»
Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one on earth like him, a man who is blameless and upright, who fears God and shuns evil.”
9 Men Satan svara Herren: «Skal tru Job ottast Gud for ingen ting?
Satan answered the LORD, “Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Du hev då verna um honom og huset hans og alt han eig! Alt hans yrke hev du signa, og buskaparne hans hev breider seg ut i landet.
Have You not placed a hedge on every side around him and his household and all that he owns? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
11 Men rett ut handi di og rør ved alt det han eig - då skal han so visst banna deg upp i andlitet!»
But stretch out Your hand and strike all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face.”
12 Då sagde Herren til Satan: «Alt det han eig, er i di magt; men honom sjølv må du ikkje leggja hand på.» So gjekk Satan burt frå Herren.
“Very well,” said the LORD to Satan. “Everything he has is in your hands, but you must not lay a hand on the man himself.” Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD.
13 Ein dag sønerne og døtterne hans heldt måltid og drakk vin i huset hjå den eldste broren,
One day, while Job’s sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house,
14 kom det ein til Job og sagde: «Medan uksarne gjekk for plogen og asnorne beitte ved sida av,
a messenger came and reported to Job: “While the oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby,
15 so kom sabæarane og tok deim og hogg ned drengjerne med sverd; berre eg slapp undan, so eg kunde melda det til deg.»
the Sabeans swooped down and took them away. They put the servants to the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you!”
16 Medan han tala, kom ein annan og sagde: «Guds eld slo ned frå himmelen millom småfeet og hyrdingarne og brende deim upp; berre eg slapp undan, so eg kunde melda det til deg.
While he was still speaking, another messenger came and reported: “The fire of God fell from heaven. It burned and consumed the sheep and the servants, and I alone have escaped to tell you!”
17 Medan han tala, kom den tridje og sagde: «Kaldæarane kom i tri fylkingar og kasta seg yver kamelarne og rana deim; sveinarne hogg dei ned med sverd; berre eg slapp undan, so eg kunde melda det til deg.»
While he was still speaking, another messenger came and reported: “The Chaldeans formed three bands, raided the camels, and took them away. They put the servants to the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you!”
18 Medan han tala, kom den fjorde og sagde: Medan sønerne og døtterne dine åt og drakk heime hjå den eldste broren;
While he was still speaking, another messenger came and reported: “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house,
19 so kom det ein sterk storm burtanfrå øydemarki og tok fat i alle fire hyrno på huset, so det seig i hop yver ungdomarne og slo deim i hel; berre eg slapp undan, so eg kunde melda det til deg.»
when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on the young people and they are dead, and I alone have escaped to tell you!”
20 Då stod Job upp og reiv kappa si sund og klypte håret av hovudet og kasta seg å gruve og tilbad
Then Job stood up, tore his robe, and shaved his head. He fell to the ground and worshiped,
21 og sagde: «Naken kom eg or moderliv; naken fer eg attende. Herren gav, og Herren tok; Herrens namn vere lova!»
saying: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.”
22 Tråss i alt dette synda ikkje Job, og klaga ikkje på Gud.
In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing.

< Jobs 1 >