< 2 Samuel 22 >

1 David kvad dette kvædet åt Herren då Herren hadde frelst honom frå alle uvenerne sine, og frå Saul:
And David spoke to the Lord the words of this song, in the day in which the Lord rescued him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul.
2 «Herren er mitt berg og mi festning og min frelsar.
And the song was thus: O Lord, my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer,
3 Gud er mitt berg som eg flyr til! Min skjold og mitt frelseshorn Mi høge borg! mi livd! Frelsaren min som friar meg ifrå vald!
my God; he shall be to me my guard, I will trust in him: [he is] my protector, and the horn of my salvation, my helper, and my sure refuge; thou shalt save me from the unjust man.
4 Eg kallar på Herren, den høglova: Frå fiendarne mine frelsar han meg.
I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised, and I shall be saved from my enemies.
5 Daudens brot og brand kringsette meg. Straumar av vondskap skræmde meg.
For the troubles of death compassed me, the floods of iniquity amazed me:
6 Helheims reip var snørde ikring meg. Daudsens snaror fanga meg. (Sheol h7585)
the pangs of death surrounded me, the agonies of death prevented me. (Sheol h7585)
7 Men Herren kalla eg på i mi trengsla, eg ropa til min Gud. Han høyrde frå templet sitt røysti mi, mitt rop rakk fram til øyro hans.
When I am afflicted I will call upon the Lord, and will cry to my God, and he shall hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry shalt come into his ears.
8 Jordi skok seg og skalv, himmelens grunnvollar dirra, Dei skok seg, for harmen hans loga upp:
And the earth was troubled and quaked, and the foundations of heaven were confounded and torn asunder, because the Lord was wroth with them.
9 Røyk steig upp frå nasen hans, eld frå munnen hans åt ikring seg, gloande kol loga frå honom.
There went up a smoke in his wrath, and fire out of his mouth devours: coals were kindled at it.
10 Han lægde himmelen og steig ned, med kolmyrker under føterne sine.
And he bowed the heavens, and came down, and [there was] darkness under his feet.
11 Han for fram på kerub og flaug og sveiv på vengjerne åt vinden.
And he rode upon the cherubs and did fly, and was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 Myrkret gjorde han til åklæde kring seg, tjeldet hans var myrke vatn, tjukke skyer.
And he made darkness his hiding-place; his tabernacle round about him was the darkness of waters, he condensed it with the clouds of the air.
13 Frå glansen fyre andlitet hans brann gloande kol.
At the brightness before him coals of fire were kindled.
14 Herren tora i himmelen, den Høgste let høyra si røyst:
The Lord thundered out of heaven, and the Most High uttered his voice.
15 Pilerne sine skaut han og spreidde deim, eldingar sende han og fortulla deim.
And he sent forth arrows, and scattered them, and he flashed lightning, and dismayed them.
16 Djupålarne i havet kom upp i dagen, grunnvollarne i jordi vart berrsynte ved Herrens trugsmål, ved andepusten frå hans nase.
And the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuke of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his anger.
17 Han rette ut handi frå høgdi og greip meg, han drog meg upp or store vatn.
He sent from above and took me; he drew me out of many waters.
18 Han frelste meg frå min megtige fiende, frå uvenern’ mine, dei var meg for sterke.
He delivered me from my strong enemies, from them that hated me, for they were stronger than I.
19 Dei for imot meg på motgangsdagen; men Herren vart studnaden min.
The days of my affliction prevented me; but the Lord was my stay.
20 Han førde meg ut i vidt rom. Han frelste meg, for han hadde hugnad i meg.
And he brought me into a wide place, and rescued me, because he delighted in me.
21 Herren gjorde med meg etter rettferdi mi, han lønte meg etter reinleiken i henderne mine.
And the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness; even according to the purity of my hands did he recompense me.
22 For eg tok vare på Herrens vegar, fall ikkje i vondskap frå min Gud.
Because, I kept the ways of the Lord, and did not wickedly depart from my God.
23 Nei, alle hans rettar hadde eg for auga, bodordi hans veik eg ikkje ifrå.
For all his judgments and his ordinances [were] before me: I departed not from them.
24 So var eg ulastande for honom og tok meg i vare for mi synd.
And I shall be blameless before him, and will keep myself from my iniquity.
25 Og Herren lønte meg etter mi rettferd, etter reinleiken min for hans augo.
And the Lord will recompense me according to my righteousness, and according to the purity of my hands in his eye-sight.
26 Mot den godlyndte syner du deg godlyndt, mot ulastande kjempa ulastande.
With the holy thou wilt be holy, and with the perfect man thou will be perfect,
27 Mot den reine syner du deg rein, mot den rangsnudde syner du deg rang.
and with the excellent thou wilt be excellent, and with the froward thou will be froward.
28 For du frelsar arme folk, men augo dine er mot dei ovmodige til å tvinga deim ned.
And thou wilt save the poor people, and wilt bring down the eyes of the haughty.
29 For du er mi lampa, Herre, og Herren gjer myrkret mitt bjart.
For thou, Lord, [art] my lamp, and the Lord shall shine forth to me in my darkness.
30 Ved deg eg renner mot herflokkar, ved min Gud stormar eg murar.
For by thee shall I run [as] a girded man, and by my God shall I leap over a wall.
31 Gud, ulastande er hans veg; Herrens ord er skirt, han er ein skjold for alle deim som flyr til honom.
As for the Mighty One, his way [is] blameless: the word of the Lord [is] strong [and] tried in the fire: he is a protector to all that put their trust in him.
32 For kven er Gud forutan Herren? Kven er eit berg utan vår Gud?
Who [is] strong, but the Lord? and who will be a Creator except our God?
33 Gud, han som gyrder meg med kraft, og leider den ulastande på hans veg,
[It is] the Mighty One who strengthens me with might, and has prepared my way without fault.
34 som gjev meg føter liksom hindarne, og set meg upp på høgderne mine,
He makes my feet like hart's feet, and sets me upon the high places.
35 som lærer henderne mine upp til strid, so armarne spenner koparbogen.
He teaches my hands to war, and has broken a brazen bow by my arm.
36 Du gav meg frelsa di til skjold, og småminkingi di ho gjorde meg stor.
And thou hast given me the shield of my salvation, and thy propitious dealing has increased me,
37 Du gjorde rom for stigi mine, og oklo mine vagga ikkje.
so as to make room under me for my going, and my legs did not totter.
38 Eg forfylgde fiendarne mine og tynte deim. Eg vende ikkje um fyrr eg fekk gjort ende på deim.
I will pursue my enemies, and will utterly destroy them; and I will not turn again till I have consumed them.
39 Eg gjorde ende på deim og slo deim i knas, so dei vann ikkje reisa seg. Dei fall under føterne mine.
And I will crush them, and they shall not rise; and they shall fall under my feet.
40 Du gyrde meg med kraft til striden. Du bøygde motmennern’ mine under meg.
And thou shalt strengthen me with power for the war; thou shalt cause them that rise up against me to bow down under me.
41 Fiendarne mine let du snu ryggen til meg, deim som hatar meg, rudde eg ut.
And thou hast caused mine enemies to flee before me, even them that hated me, and thou hast slain them.
42 Dei såg seg um - men ingen frelste - til Herren, men han svara deim ikkje.
They shall cry, and there shall be no helper; to the Lord, but he hearkens not to them.
43 Eg smuldra deim som dust på jordi; som søyla på gator krasa eg deim; eg trakka deim ned.
And I ground them as the dust of the earth, I beat them small as the mire of the streets.
44 Du frelste meg ut or mitt folks ufred, til hovud for heidningar vara du meg; folk som eg ikkje kjende, tente meg.
And thou shalt deliver me from the striving of the peoples, thou shalt keep me [to be] the head of the Gentiles: a people which I knew not served me.
45 Ukjende folk smeikte for meg, ved gjetordet um meg lydde dei meg.
The strange children feigned [obedience] to me; they hearkened to me as soon as they heard.
46 Ja, framandfolk visna av, gjekk skjelvande ut or borgerne sine.
The strange children shall be cast away, and shall be overthrown out of their hiding places.
47 Herren liver! lova vere han, mitt berg! Ja, upphøgd vere Gud, mitt frelse-berg,
The Lord lives, and blessed [be] my guardian, and my God, my strong keeper, shall be exalted.
48 Gud som gjev meg hemn, legg folkeslag under meg
The Lord who avenges me [is] strong, chastening the nations under me,
49 og fører meg ut frå fiendarne mine! Ja - du som lyfter meg høgt yver motmennern’ mine og bergar meg undan frå valdsmanns hand!
and bringing me out from my enemies: and thou shalt set me on high from among those that rise up against me: thou shalt deliver me from the violent man.
50 Difor, Herre, vil eg prisa deg millom heidningarn’, og lovsyngja ditt namn.
Therefore will I confess to thee, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and sing to thy name.
51 For han gjer kongen sin sigersæl, gjer miskunn mot honom han salva, mot David og ætti hans til æveleg tid.»
He magnifies the salvation of his king, and works mercy for his anointed, even for David and for his seed for ever.

< 2 Samuel 22 >