< 1 Samuels 10 >

1 So tok Samuel oljeflaska og slo olje på hovudet hans, kysste honom og sagde: «No hev Herren salva deg til fyrste yver arvluten sin.
And Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured [it] on his head, and kissed him, and said to him, Has not the Lord anointed thee for a ruler over his people, over Israel? and thou shalt rule among the people of the Lord, and thou shalt save them out of the hand of their enemies; and this [shall be] the sign to thee that the Lord has anointed thee for a ruler over his inheritance.
2 Når du gjeng frå meg, kjem du til å møta tvo menner attmed Rakel-gravi, ved landskilet mot Benjamin ved Selsah. Dei skal segja med deg: «Asnorne du leita etter, er attfunne; far din kjem difor ikkje i hug asnorne meir; men han er illhuga for dykk og segjer: «Kva skal eg gjera for son min?»»
[As soon] as thou shalt have departed this day from me, thou shalt find two men by the burial-place of Rachel on the mount of Benjamin, exulting greatly; and they shall say to thee, The asses are found which ye went to seek; and, behold, thy father has given up the matter of the asses, and he is anxious for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?
3 Når du heldt fram derifrå og kjem til Taboreiki, vil du der møta tri menner som er på veg upp til Gud i Betel; ein med tri kid, ein med tri brødleivar og ein med ei vinhit.
And thou shalt depart thence, and shalt go beyond that as far as the oak of Thabor, and thou shalt find there three men going up to God to Baethel, one bearing three kids, and another bearing three vessels of bread, and another bearing a bottle of wine.
4 Dei helsar deg heil og sæl og gjev deg tvo brød, og du skal taka imot det dei gjev deg.
And they shall ask thee how thou doest, and shall give thee two presents of bread, and thou shall receive them of their hand.
5 Deretter kjem du til Guds Gibea, der som filistarvakti held seg. Og når du kjem inn der i byen, råkar du på ein profetflokk som kjem ned frå offerhaugen i profetisk eldhug med harpa, trumma, fløyta og cither.
And afterward thou shalt go to the hill of God, where is the encampment of the Philistines; there [is] Nasib the Philistine: an it shall come to pass when ye shall have entered into the city, that thou shalt meet a band of prophets coming down from the Bama; and before them will be lutes, and a drum, and a pipe, and a harp, and they shall prophesy.
6 Og Herrens ande skal koma yver deg, so du og kjem i profetisk uppgløding liksom dei. Og du skal verta ein annan mann.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.
7 Når du ser desse jarteigner ovra seg, so må du gjera det som fyre fell; for Gud er med deg.
And it shall come to pass when these signs shall come upon thee, —[then] do thou whatsoever thy hand shall find, because God [is] with thee.
8 So må du ganga ned fyre meg til Gilgal; og der skal eg koma ned til deg og ofra brennoffer og takkoffer. Sju dagar skal du drygja, til dess eg kjem og segjer deg kva du skal gjera.»
And thou shalt go down in front of Galgal, and behold, I come down to thee to offer a whole-burnt-offering and peace-offerings: seven days shalt thou wait until I shall come to thee, and I will make known to thee what thou shalt do.
9 Då han no vende seg og gjekk frå Samuel; let Gud honom få ein annan hug. Og alle desse jartegnerne kom, same dagen.
And it came to pass when he turned his back to depart from Samuel, God gave him another heart; and all these signs came to pass in that day.
10 Då dei kom til Gibea, møtte han ein profetflokk, og Guds ande kom yver honom, so han kom i profetisk eldhug midt imillom deim.
And he comes thence to the hill, and behold a band of prophets opposite to him; and the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied in the midst of them.
11 Då no alle som kjende honom frå fyrr, fekk sjå honom i profetisk eldhug liksom profetarne, sagde dei seg imillom: «Kva er det som kjem åt son til Kis? Er Saul og millom profetarne?»
And all that had known him before came, and saw, and behold, he [was] in the midst of the prophets: and the people said every one to his neighbour, What [is] this that has happened to the son of Kis? [is] Saul also among the prophets?
12 Ein mann der i grendi svara: «Kven er då deira far?» Av dette kom det ordtaket: «Er Saul og millom profetarne?»
And one of them answered and said, And who [is] his father? and therefore it became a proverb, [Is] Saul also among the prophets?
13 Då eldhugen seig av honom, gjekk han upp på offerhaugen.
And he ceased prophesying, and comes to the hill.
14 Då spurde farbror åt Saul honom og drengen hans: «Kvar hev de vore?» Han svara: «På leit etter asnorne. Då me såg dei ingen stad var å finna, kom me til Samuel.»
And his kinsman said to him and to his servant, Whither went ye? and they said, To seek the asses; and we saw that they were lost, and we went in to Samuel.
15 Farbroren sagde: «Fortel meg kva Samuel sagde med dykk!»
And his kinsman said to Saul, Tell me, I pray thee, What did Samuel say to thee?
16 Saul svara: «Han sagde med oss at asnorne var attfunne.» Men det Samuel hadde sagt um kongedømet, nemnde han ikkje med honom.
And Saul said to his kinsman, he verily told me that the asses were found. But the matter of the kingdom he told him not.
17 Samuel stemnde folket saman til Herren i Mispa.
And Samuel summoned all the people before the Lord to Massephath.
18 Og han sagde til Israels-borni: «So segjer Herren, Israels Gud: «Eg hev ført Israel upp frå Egyptarland, eg frelste dykk frå egyptarmagti og frå alle dei kongeriki som trengde dykk.
And he said to the children of Israel, Thus has the Lord God of Israel spoken, saying, I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, and I rescued you out of the hand of Pharao king of Egypt, and out of all the kingdoms that afflicted you.
19 Men no hev de vanda dykkar Gud, som frelste dykk ut or alle ulukkor og trengslor, og det segjer til honom: «Set ein konge yver oss!» So stig då fram for Herren etter dykkar ættar og ættgreiner.»»
And ye have this day rejected God, who is himself your Deliverer out of all your evils and afflictions; and ye said, Nay, but thou shalt set a king over us: and now stand before the Lord according to your tribes, and according to your families.
20 So let Samuel alle Israels ætter stiga fram. Luten fall på Benjamins-ætti.
And Samuel brought nigh all the tribes of Israel, and the tribe of Benjamin is taken by lot.
21 Då so Benjamins-ætti gjekk fram etter ættgreinerne sine, fall luten på Matri-greini; so fall han på Saul, Kis-sonen. Men då dei leita etter honom, var han ikkje å finna.
And he brings near the tribe of Benjamin by families, and the family of Mattari is taken by lot: and they bring near the family of Mattari, man by man, and Saul the son of Kis is taken; and he sought him, but he was not found.
22 Dei spurde då Herren ei venda til: «Er det endå ein mann her?» Herren svara: «Han hev løynt seg millom ferdagodset.»
And Samuel asked yet again of the Lord, Will the man come hither? and the Lord said, Behold, he is hid among the stuff.
23 Dei sprang dit og henta honom. Og då han steig fram millom folket, var han hovudet høgre enn alle dei hine.
And he ran and took him thence, and he set him in the midst of the people; and he was higher than all the people by his shoulders and upwards.
24 Samuel sagde til folket: «Her ser de den som Herren hev valt ut; det finst ingen maken hans i heile folket.» Då sette heile folket i med fagnadrop: «Live kongen!»
And Samuel said to all the people, Have ye seen whom the Lord has chosen to himself, that there is none like to him among you all? And all the people took notice, and said, Let the king live!
25 Samuel kunngjorde folket kongelovi, og rita henne i ei bok, som han lagde ned framfor Herren. So let Samuel heile folket fara heim att.
And Samuel told the people the manner of the king, and wrote it in a book, and set it before the Lord: and Samuel sent away all the people, and each went to his place.
26 Saul gjekk ogso heim til Gibea. Og med honom fylgde ein flokk djerve karar, som var gripne i hjarta av Gud.
And Saul departed to his house to Gabaa; and there went with Saul mighty men whose hearts God had touched.
27 Men nokre illmenne sagde: «Kva hjelp kann denne mannen gjeva oss?» Dei vanvyrde honom og bar ingi hyllingsgåva til honom. Men han læst som han inkje gådde.
But evil men said, Who [is] this man [that] shall save us? and they despised him, and brought him no gifts.

< 1 Samuels 10 >