< Jeremias 36 >

1 I Judas konge Jojakims, Josias' sønns fjerde år kom dette ord til Jeremias fra Herren:
Now it came about in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, that this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,
2 Ta dig en bokrull og skriv i den alle de ord jeg har talt til dig om Israel og Juda og alle hedningefolkene fra den dag da jeg først talte til dig, fra Josias' dager og like til denne dag!
Take a book and put down in it all the words I have said to you against Israel and against Judah and against all the nations, from the day when my word came to you in the days of Josiah till this day.
3 Kanskje Judas hus vil merke sig all den ulykke jeg tenker å gjøre dem, så de kan vende om, hver fra sin onde vei, og jeg kan forlate dem deres misgjerning og deres synd.
It may be that the people of Judah, hearing of all the evil which it is my purpose to do to them, will be turned, every man from his evil ways; so that they may have my forgiveness for their evil-doing and their sin.
4 Da kalte Jeremias til sig Baruk, Nerijas sønn, og Baruk skrev efter Jeremias' munn alle de ord som Herren hadde talt til ham, i en bokrull.
Then Jeremiah sent for Baruch, the son of Neriah; and Baruch took down from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord which he had said to him, writing them in a book.
5 Og Jeremias talte til Baruk og sa: Jeg er forhindret, jeg kan ikke komme til Herrens hus.
And Jeremiah gave orders to Baruch, saying, I am shut up, and am not able to go into the house of the Lord:
6 Men gå du dit og les av rullen som du har skrevet efter min munn, Herrens ord op for folket i Herrens hus på en fastedag! Også for hele Juda, som kommer fra sine byer, skal du lese den.
So you are to go, reading there from the book, which you have taken down from my mouth, the words of the Lord, in the hearing of the people in the Lord's house, on a day when they go without food, and in the hearing of all the men of Judah who have come out from their towns.
7 Kanskje de vil legge sin ydmyke bønn frem for Herrens åsyn og vende om, hver fra sin onde vei; for stor er den vrede og harme som Herren har uttalt over dette folk.
It may be that their prayer for grace will go up to the Lord, and that every man will be turned from his evil ways: for great is the wrath and the passion made clear by the Lord against this people.
8 Og Baruk, Nerijas sønn, gjorde alt som profeten Jeremias hadde pålagt ham, og leste Herrens ord op av boken i Herrens hus.
And Baruch, the son of Neriah, did as Jeremiah the prophet gave him orders to do, reading from the book the words of the Lord in the Lord's house.
9 For i Judas konge Jojakims, Josias' sønns femte år, i den niende måned, blev det ropt ut at alt folket i Jerusalem og alt folket som var kommet fra Judas byer til Jerusalem, skulde faste for Herrens åsyn.
Now it came about in the fifth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, in the ninth month, that it was given out publicly that all the people in Jerusalem, and all the people who came from the towns of Judah to Jerusalem, were to keep from food before the Lord.
10 Da leste Baruk op av boken Jeremias' ord i Herrens hus, i statsskriveren Gemarjas, Safans sønns kammer i den øvre forgård, ved inngangen til den nye port i Herrens hus, mens alt folket hørte på.
Then Baruch gave a public reading of the words of Jeremiah from the book, in the house of the Lord, in the room of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan the scribe, in the higher square, as one goes in by the new doorway of the Lord's house, in the hearing of all the people.
11 Da Mikaja, sønn av Gemarja, sønn av Safan, hørte alle Herrens ord bli lest op av boken,
And Micaiah, the son of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, after hearing all the words of the Lord from the book,
12 gikk han ned til kongens hus, til statsskriverens kammer, og der fant han alle høvdingene sittende: statsskriveren Elisama og Delaja, Sjemajas sønn, og Elnatan, Akbors sønn, og Gemarja, Safans sønn, og Sedekias, Hananjas sønn, og alle de andre høvdinger.
Went down to the king's house, to the scribe's room: and all the rulers were seated there, Elishama the scribe and Delaiah, the son of Shemaiah, and Elnathan, the son of Achbor, and Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah, the son of Hananiah, and all the rulers.
13 Og Mikaja fortalte dem om alle de ord han hadde hørt da Baruk leste op av boken for folket.
Then Micaiah gave them an account of all the words which had come to his ears when Baruch was reading the book to the people.
14 Da sendte alle høvdingene Jehudi, sønn av Netanja, sønn av Selemja, sønn av Kusi, til Baruk og sa: Ta med dig rullen som du leste op av for folket, og kom hit! Og Baruk, Nerijas sønn, tok rullen med sig og kom til dem.
So all the rulers sent Jehudi, the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, to Baruch, saying, Take in your hand the book from which you have been reading to the people and come. So Baruch, the son of Neriah, took the book in his hand and came down to them.
15 De sa til ham: Sett dig ned og les den for oss! Og Baruk leste den for dem.
Then they said to him, Be seated now, and give us a reading from it. So Baruch did so, reading it to them.
16 Og da de hørte alle ordene, vendte de sig forferdet til hverandre, og de sa til Baruk: Vi må melde kongen alt dette.
Now it came about that, after hearing all the words, they said to one another in fear, We will certainly give the king an account of all these words.
17 Så spurte de Baruk: Fortell oss hvorledes du skrev alle disse ord efter hans munn!
And questioning Baruch, they said, Say now, how did you put all these words down in writing from his mouth?
18 Baruk svarte: Med sin munn foresa han mig alle disse ord, og jeg skrev dem i boken med blekk.
Then Baruch, answering, said, He said all these things to me by word of mouth, and I put them down with ink in the book.
19 Da sa høvdingene til Baruk: Gå og skjul dig, du og Jeremias, og la ingen vite hvor I er!
Then the rulers said to Baruch, Go and put yourself in a safe place, you and Jeremiah, and let no man have knowledge of where you are.
20 Så gikk de inn til kongen i forgården, men rullen la de ned i statsskriveren Elisamas kammer; og de fortalte alt dette til kongen.
Then they went into the open square to the king; but the book they put away in the room of Elishama the scribe; and they gave the king an account of all the words.
21 Da sendte kongen Jehudi avsted for å hente rullen, og han hentet den fra statsskriveren Elisamas kammer, og Jehudi leste den op for kongen og alle høvdingene som stod hos kongen.
So the king sent Jehudi to get the book, and he took it from the room of Elishama the scribe. And Jehudi gave a reading of it in the hearing of the king and all the rulers who were by the king's side.
22 Kongen satt i vinterhuset, for det var den niende måned, og det brente ild i et fyrfat foran ham,
Now the king was seated in the winter house, and a fire was burning in the fireplace in front of him.
23 og da Jehudi hadde lest op tre eller fire blad, skar kongen rullen i stykker med en pennekniv og kastet den på ilden i fyrfatet, inntil hele rullen var fortært av ilden der i fyrfatet.
And it came about that whenever Jehudi, in his reading, had got through three or four divisions, the king, cutting them with his penknife, put them into the fire, till all the book was burned up in the fire which was burning in the fireplace.
24 Og de forferdedes ikke og sønderrev ikke sine klær, hverken kongen eller nogen av hans tjenere som hørte alle disse ord,
But they had no fear and gave no signs of grief, not the king or any of his servants, after hearing all these words.
25 og skjønt Elnatan og Delaja og Gemarja inntrengende bad kongen at han ikke skulde brenne rullen, hørte han ikke på dem.
And Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had made a strong request to the king not to let the book be burned, but he would not give ear to them.
26 Så bød kongen Jerahme'el, kongesønnen, og Seraja, Asriels sønn, og Selemja, Abde'els sønn, å gripe skriveren Baruk og profeten Jeremias; men Herren skjulte dem.
And the king gave orders to Jerahmeel, the king's son, and Seraiah, the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah, the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet: but the Lord kept them safe.
27 Da kom Herrens ord til Jeremias, efterat kongen hadde brent op rullen med de ord Baruk hadde skrevet efter Jeremias' munn:
Then after the book, in which Baruch had put down the words of Jeremiah, had been burned by the king, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying,
28 Ta dig en annen rull og skriv i den alle de forrige ord, de som stod i den forrige rull, som Judas konge Jojakim brente op!
Take another book and put down in it all the words which were in the first book, which Jehoiakim, king of Judah, put into the fire.
29 Og om Judas konge Jojakim skal du si: Så sier Herren: Du brente denne rull og sa: Hvorfor skrev du i den således: Babels konge skal komme og ødelegge dette land og utrydde mennesker og dyr av det?
And about Jehoiakim, king of Judah, you are to say, This is what the Lord has said: You have put this book into the fire, saying, Why have you put in it that the king of Babylon will certainly come, causing the destruction of this land and putting an end to every man and beast in it?
30 Derfor sier Herren så om Judas konge Jojakim: Han skal ikke ha nogen ætling som skal sitte på Davids trone, og hans døde kropp skal ligge slengt bort, utsatt for heten om dagen og for kulden om natten.
For this reason the Lord has said of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, He will have no son to take his place on the seat of David: his dead body will be put out to undergo the heat of the day and the cold of the night.
31 Og jeg vil hjemsøke ham og hans ætt og hans tjenere for deres misgjerning, og jeg vil la komme over dem og over Jerusalems innbyggere og over Judas menn all den ulykke jeg har forkynt dem uten at de vilde høre.
And I will send punishment on him and on his seed and on his servants for their evil-doing; I will send on them and on the people of Jerusalem and the men of Judah, all the evil which I said against them, but they did not give ear.
32 Da tok Jeremias en annen rull og gav den til skriveren Baruk, Nerijas sønn, og han skrev i den efter Jeremias' munn alle ordene i den bok som Judas konge Jojakim hadde brent i ilden, og det blev til dem ennu lagt mange lignende ord.
Then Jeremiah took another book, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah, who put down in it, from the mouth of Jeremiah, all the words of the book which had been burned in the fire by Jehoiakim, king of Judah: and in addition a number of other words of the same sort.

< Jeremias 36 >