< Luka 17 >

1 Yesu akavajovela vawuliwa vaki, “Nakuhotola mambu ga kuvakita vandu vambudila Chapanga gakotoka kuhumila, nambu alachikolela mundu yula mweikita genago gahumila.”
He said then to the disciples (of Him; *no*) Impossible it is that the stumbling blocks not to come, (but *N(k)O*) woe [to him] through whom they come!
2 Ngayivii mbanga mundu mwenuyo, kukungiwa livala livaha la kuyagila musingu na kujwigiswa munyanja, kuliku kumyokisa mmonga wa vadebe ava.
It is better for him if (a stone of a mill *N(k)O*) is hung around the neck of him and he has been thrown into the sea than that he may cause to stumble little [ones] of these one.
3 Mujiyangalila! Ngati mlongo waku akuhokili, mywangila, akakukamula chigendelu umulekesayi.
do take heed to yourselves. If (now *k*) shall sin (against *k*) (you *K*) the brother of you, do rebuke him; and if he shall repent, do forgive him.
4 Hati ngati akuhokili mala saba kwa ligono limonga, na kukuwuyila mala saba. Kukukamula chigendelu, umulekesayi.
And if seven times in the day (he shall sin *N(k)O*) against you and seven times (day *k*) shall return (to *N(k)O*) you saying: I repent, you will forgive him.
5 Vamitumi vakamjovela Bambu Yesu, “Utiyonjakesa kusadika.”
And said the apostles to the Lord; do add to us faith!
6 Ndi Bambu akayangula, “Kusadika kwinu ngakuvi kudebe ngati lumbeyu ulu lwa haladali, ngamuhotwili kuujovela mkongo wa mkuyu, ‘Jitupula na ukajimelesa munyanja.’ Na wene ngauvayidakili.”
Said then the Lord; If (you have *N(k)O*) faith like a grain of mustard, you have spoken then would to the mulberry tree this; do be uprooted and do be planted in the sea, and it have obeyed would you.
7 “Tijova mmonga winu, ana mvanda wa lihengu kumgunda, amala kudima mambelele. Mvanda yula peiwuya kuhuma kulihengu, Wu, ijoviwa na mkulu waki, ‘Bwela kanyata utama ulyayi chakulya?’
Which now of you a servant having plowing or shepherding, the [one] having come in out of the field will say to him; Immediately having come (do recline? *N(k)O*)
8 Lepi! Nambu yati akumjovela, ‘Nitendelekela chakulya na kunihengela mbaka penimala kulya na kuywelela, ndi na veve pewilya na kunywelela.’
But surely he will say to him; do prepare what I may eat, and having girded yourself about do serve me while I may eat and I may drink, and after these things you will eat and will drink you yourself?’
9 Wu, mkulu yula yati amsengusa mtumisi yula ndava akitili goha geamlagazili?
Not is he thankful to the servant (that [one] *k*) because he did the [things] having been commanded (to him not I think? *K*)
10 Na nyenye mewawa, mukahengayi kila chindu chemulagizwi kuhenga, mujovayi, ‘Tete vavanda tihengili lihengu litu ndu.’”
Thus also you yourselves, when you may have done all the [things] having been commanded you, do say that Servants unworthy are we; (for *k*) that which (we were obliged *NK(o)*) to do we have done.
11 Yesu peavi mulugendu kuhamba ku Yelusalemu, akapitila mumbaka ya Samaliya na Galilaya.
And it came to pass in the going up (him *ko*) to Jerusalem that He himself was passing through ([the] midst *N(k)O*) of Samaria and Galilee.
12 Peayingili muchijiji chimonga vandu kumi vevavi na mabudi vakambwelela. Vakayima cha patali.
And when is entering He into a certain village met with Him ten leprous men, who (stood *NK(O)*) afar off.
13 Vakajova kwa lwami luvaha, “Yesu! Bambu! Utihengela lipyana!”
And they themselves lifted up [their] voice saying; Jesus Master, do have compassion on us.
14 Yesu peavaweni akavajovela, “Muhamba mukajilangisa kwa vakuteta va Chapanga.” Ndi pevavi mukuhamba vakanyamba.
And having seen [them] He said to them; Having gone do show yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass in the going them, they were cleansed.
15 Mmonga wavi peajimanyi kuvya alamiswi, awuyili kuni akumlumbalila Chapanga kwa lwami luvaha.
one then of them having seen that he was healed, turned back with a voice loud glorifying God.
16 Akamfugamila Yesu mumagendelu na kumsengusa. Mundu mwenuyo avi Msamaliya.
and he fell on [his] face at the feet of Him giving thanks to Him; and he himself was a Samaritan.
17 Nambu Yesu akakota, “Wu, vavi lepi vandu kumi vevanyambisiwi? Vangi tisa vala vavi koki?
Having answered then Jesus said; (surely *NK(o)*) the ten were cleansed? But the nine are where?
18 Hinu kawaka vandu vangi vevawuyi kumsengusa Chapanga ndi ngayuyu myehe?”
None was there found having returned to give glory to God only except foreigner this?
19 Penapo akamjovela mundu mwenuyo, “Yima uhamba, kusadika kwaku kukulamisi.”
And He said to him; Having risen up do go forth; the faith of you has cured you!
20 Vafalisayu vamkoti Yesu kuvya Unkosi wa Chapanga yati ubwela ndali. Mwene akavayangula, “Unkosi wa Chapanga yati ubwela lepi cha kulolekana.
Having been asked now by the Pharisees when is coming the kingdom of God, He answered to them and said; Not comes the kingdom of God with careful observation,
21 Kawaka mundu mweihotola kujova, ‘Uvi kuni, amala uvi kula!’ Muni unkosi wa Chapanga uvi pagati yinu.”
nor will they say; Behold here or (behold *ko*) There. Behold for the kingdom of God in the midst of you is.
22 Kangi akavajovela vawuliwa vaki, “Galabwela magono yati mwinogela kuliwona ligono limonga mumagono gaki Mwana wa Mundu, nambu yati nakuyiwona.
He said then to the disciples; Will come days when you will desire one of the days of the Son of Man to see and not you will behold [it].
23 Vandu yati vakuvajovela, ‘Lola, avi kula!’ Amala ‘Lola, avi kuni!’ Nambu nyenye mukoto kuwuka wala kuvalanda.
And they will say to you; Behold there or Behold here. Not may go forth nor may follow.
24 Muni yati yivya ngati mbamba cheyimwetula chigafula kuhumila upandi umonga mbaka wungi, ndi yati cheivya ligono la kubwela kwaki Mwana wa Mundu.
As for the lightning (which *ko*) is flashing from the [one end] under (the *no*) sky to the [other end] under [the] sky shines, thus will be (also *k*) the Son of Man in the day of Him.
25 Nambu yikumgana hoti, kung'ahika neju na kubelelewa na vandu va chiveleku ichi.
First however it behooves Him many things to suffer and to be rejected by generation this.
26 Ngati chayavili lusenje lwa Nuhu, ndi cheyibwela kuvya magono ga kuwuya kwaki Mwana wa Mundu.
And even as it came to pass in the days (*k*) of Noah, thus will it be also in the days of the Son of man:
27 Vandu vayendalili kulya na kuywelela, kugega na kugegewa mbaka Nuhu peayingili muwatu uvaha. Fula yivaha yatonyili na manji gakamema na kuvakoma vandu voha.
They were eating, were drinking, were marrying, (were being given in marriage, *N(k)O*) until that day entered Noah into the ark, and came the flood and destroyed (all. *N(k)O*)
28 Mewawa ngati cheyavili magono ga Lutu. Vandu vayendalili kulya na kuywelela, kugula na kugulisa, kuhila mbeyu na kujenga nyumba.
Likewise (even as *N(k)O*) it came to pass in the days of Lot; they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.
29 Nambu ligono Lutu paawukili ku Sodoma, motu na chibiliti vyatonyili ngati fula kuhuma kunani kwa Chapanga na kuvakoma voha.
in that then day went out Lot from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed (all; *N(k)O*)
30 Mewawa ndi cheyivya ligono la Mwana wa Mundu peiwuya.”
According (*no*) (to these *N(k)O*) will it be in that day the Son of Man is revealed.
31 “Ligono lenilo, mundu yoyoha mweivya kuvala ya nyumba akotoka kuyingila munyumba yaki kutola vindu vyaki, mewawa na yoyoha mweavikumgunda akotoka kuwuya mumbele.
In that [very] day the [one who] will be on the housetop and the goods of him in the house, not he should come down to take away them; and the [one] in (the *k*) field likewise not he should return to the [things] back.
32 Muhololela gegamkolili mdala wa Lutu!
do remember the wife of Lot!
33 Mundu Yoyoha mweigana kuusangula wumi waki, yati auyagisa na mundu yoyoha mweakuyagisa wumi waki yati akuugombola.
Who[ever] if shall seek the life of him (to gain *N(K)O*) will lose it, (and *k*) who[ever] (but *no*) (maybe *N(k)O*) (shall lose *NK(o)*) (it *k*) will preserve it.
34 Nikuvajovela kilu ya ligono lenilo, vandu vavili vevagonili pamonga palusongwani, mmonga yati itoliwa na yungi yati ilekewa.
I say to you; in that night there will be two upon bed one: The one will be taken, and the other will be left.
35 Kangi vadala vavili yati vivya pamonga mukuyaga mbeyu, mmonga yati itolewa na yungi yati ilekewa.”
There will be two [women] grinding at the same [place]; (The *no*) one will be taken, (and *k*) (and *no*) the other will be left.
36 Vandu vavili yati vivya kumgunda mmonga yati itoliwa na yungi yati ilekewa.
(two in field; one will be taken and another it will be left *K*)
37 Penapo vakamkota, “Koki Bambu?” Mwene akavayangula, “Pewivya mtuhi, ndi pevikonganekela manditi.”
And answering they say to Him; Where, Lord? And He said to them; Where the body [is], there (also *no*) the vultures (will be gathered. *N(k)O*)

< Luka 17 >