< भजनसंग्रह 142 >

1 आफ्‍नो सोर निकालेर सहायताको निम्ति म परमप्रभुमा पुकारा गर्छु । आफ्‍नो सोर निकालेर परमप्रभुको कृपाको निम्ति म बिन्ती गर्छु ।
[A contemplation by David, when he was in the cave. A Prayer.] I cry with my voice to Jehovah. With my voice, I ask Jehovah for mercy.
2 उहाँको सामु म आफ्‍नो विलाप खन्याउँछु । उहाँलाई म आफ्‍ना कष्‍टहरू भन्‍छु ।
I pour out my complaint before him. I tell him my troubles.
3 मेरो आत्मा मभित्र कमजोर हुँदा, तपाईंले मेरो मार्ग जान्‍नुहुन्छ । म हिंड्ने बाटोमा तिनीहरूले मेरो निम्ति धराप थापेका छन् ।
When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, you knew my path. In the way in which I walk, they have hidden a snare for me.
4 म आफ्‍नो दायाँतिर हेर्छु र त्‍यहाँ एक जना पनि देख्‍दिनँ जसले मेरो वास्ता गर्छ । म बाँच्‍ने ठाउँ कहीं छैन । मेरो जीवनको बारेमा कसैले पनि वास्ता गर्दैन ।
Look on my right, and see; for there is no one who is concerned for me. Refuge has fled from me. No one cares for my soul.
5 हे परमप्रभु, मैले तपाईंमा पुकारा गरें । मैले भनें, “तपाईं नै मेरो शरण, जीवितहरूका देशमा मेरो भाग हुनुहुन्छ ।
I cried to you, Jehovah. I said, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."
6 मेरो पुकारा सुन्‍नुहोस्, किनकि मलाई धेरै तल झारिएको छ । मेरो सतावट गर्नेहरूबाट मलाई बचाउनुहोस्, किनकि तिनीहरू मभन्दा बलिया छन् ।
Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need. Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than me.
7 मेरो प्राणलाई कैदबाट बाहिर निकाल्नुहोस्, ताकि म तपाईंको नाउँलाई धन्यवाद दिन सकूँ । धर्मीहरू मेरो चारैतिर भेला हुन्छन् किनभने तपाईं मप्रति असल हुनुभएको छ ।”
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will be good to me.

< भजनसंग्रह 142 >