< UNahume 1 >

1 Umthwalo weNineve. Ugwalo lombono kaNahume umElikoshi.
The burden of Nineve: the book of the vision of Naum the Elkesite.
2 INkosi inguNkulunkulu olomona lophindiselayo; iNkosi ingumphindiseli, njalo ilolaka; iNkosi ingumphindiseli ezitheni zayo, igcinela izitha zayo ulaka.
God is jealous, and the Lord avenges; the Lord avenges with wrath; the Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries, and he cuts off his enemies.
3 INkosi iyaphuza ukuthukuthela, njalo yinkulu ngamandla, kayiyikumkhulula lokumkhulula olecala; iNkosi, indlela yayo isesivunguzaneni lesiphepheni, lamayezi aluthuli lwenyawo zayo.
The Lord is longsuffering, and his power is great, and the Lord will not hold any guiltless: his way is in destruction and in the whirlwind, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
4 Ikhuza ulwandle, ilwenze lome, yomise yonke imifula: IBashani iyabuna, leKharmeli, leluba leLebhanoni liyabuna.
He threatens the sea, and dries it up, and exhausts all the rivers: the land of Basan, and Carmel are brought low, and the flourishing [trees] of Libanus have come to nothing.
5 Izintaba ziyanyikinyeka phambi kwayo, lamaqaqa ayancibilika; lelizwe liyaphakama phambi kwayo, lomhlaba, labo bonke abahlala kuwo.
The mountains quake at him, and the hills are shaken, and the earth recoils at his presence, [even] the world, and all that dwell in it.
6 Ngubani ongema phambi kwentukuthelo yayo? Njalo ngubani ongema ekuvutheni kolaka lwayo? Intukuthelo yayo iyathululeka njengomlilo, lamadwala adilizwe yiyo.
Who shall stand before his anger? and who shall withstand in the anger of his wrath? his wrath brings to nothing kingdoms, and the rocks are burst asunder by him.
7 INkosi ilungile, iyinqaba ngosuku lwenhlupheko; iyabazi abathembela kuyo.
The Lord is good to them that wait on him in the day of affliction; and he knows them that reverence him.
8 Kodwa ngesikhukhula esiphuphumayo izaqeda indawo yakho, lobumnyama buxotshane lezitha zayo.
But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end: darkness shall pursue those that rise up against [him] and his enemies.
9 Lenza amacebo bani amelane leNkosi? Yona izakwenza isiphetho esipheleleyo; ukuhlupheka kakuyikuvuka ngokwesibili.
What do you devise against the Lord? he will make a complete end: he will not take vengeance by affliction twice at the same time.
10 Ngoba besathandelene njengameva, bedakiwe njengezidakwa, bazaqedwa njengamabibi omileyo ngokugcweleyo.
For [the enemy] shall be laid bare even to the foundation, and shall be devoured as twisted yew, and as stubble fully dry.
11 Kuphumile kuwe onakana okubi emelene leNkosi, umcebisi omubi.
Out of you shall proceed a device against the Lord, counselling evil things hostile [to him].
12 Itsho njalo iNkosi: Loba bevikelekile, langokunjalo bebanengi, kanti ngokunjalo bazaqunywa, lapho esedlula. Loba ngikuhluphile, kangisayikukuhlupha.
Thus says the Lord who rules over many waters, Even thus shall they be sent away, and the report of you shall not be heard any more.
13 Ngoba khathesi ngizakwephula ijogwe lakhe lisuke kuwe, ngiqamule izibopho zakho.
And now will I break his rod from off you, and will burst [your] bonds.
14 Njalo iNkosi ilayile ngawe ukuthi kakusayikuhlanyelwa lutho lwebizo lakho; ngizaquma izithombe ezibaziweyo lezithombe ezibunjwe ngokuncibilikisa ziphume endlini yabonkulunkulu bakho; ngizakwenza ingcwaba lakho; ngoba udelelekile.
And the Lord shall give a command concerning you; there shall no more of your name be scattered: I will utterly destroy the graven [images] out of the house of your god, and the molten [images]: I will make your grave; for [they are] swift.
15 Khangelani ezintabeni izinyawo zoletha izindaba ezinhle, omemezela ukuthula! Wena Juda, gubha imikhosi yakho, khokha izifungo zakho; ngoba omubi kasayikudabula kuwe futhi, uqunyiwe ngokupheleleyo.
Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that brings glad tidings, and publishes peace! O Juda, keep your feasts, pay your vows: for they shall no more pass through you to [your] decay.

< UNahume 1 >