< UMikha 1 >

1 Ilizwi leNkosi elafika kuMika umMorashethi ensukwini zikaJothamu, uAhazi, loHezekhiya, amakhosi akoJuda, alibona mayelana leSamariya leJerusalema.
The word of the Lord, which was maad to `Mychee of Morasti, in the daies of Joathan, Achas, Ezechie, kyngis of Juda; which word he sai on Samarie, and Jerusalem.
2 Zwanini, lina zizwe lonke; ulalele, wena mhlaba, lokugcwala kwawo; kakuthi iNkosi uJehova ibe ngumfakazi omelene lani, iNkosi isethempelini layo elingcwele.
Here ye, alle puplis, and the erthe perseyue, and plentee therof, and be the Lord God to you in to a witnesse, the Lord fro his hooli temple.
3 Ngoba khangela, iNkosi iyaphuma endaweni yayo, yehle inyathele endaweni eziphakemeyo zomhlaba.
For lo! the Lord schal go out of his place, and schal come doun, and schal trede on hiy thingis of erthe.
4 Lezintaba zizancibilika ngaphansi kwayo, lezihotsha ziqhekezeke, njengengcino phambi komlilo, njengamanzi athululwa emthezukweni.
And mounteyns schulen be waastid vndur hym, and valeis schulen be kit, as wex fro the face of fier, as watirs that rennen in to a pit.
5 Konke lokhu kungenxa yesiphambeko sikaJakobe, langenxa yezono zendlu kaIsrayeli. Siyini isiphambeko sikaJakobe? KakusiSamariya yini? Njalo ziyini izindawo eziphakemeyo zikaJuda? KakusiJerusalema yini?
In the grete trespas of Jacob is al this thing, and in the synnes of the hous of Israel. Which is the greet trespas of Jacob? whether not Samarie? and whiche ben the hiy thingis of Juda? whether not Jerusalem?
6 Ngakho ngizakwenza iSamariya ibe yinqumbi yensimu, ibe zindawo zokuhlanyelwa kwesivini; njalo ngizathululela amatshe ayo esihotsheni, ngembule izisekelo zayo.
And Y schal put Samarie as an heep of stoonys in the feeld, whanne a vynyerd is plauntid; and Y schal drawe awei the stoonys therof in to a valei, and Y schal schewe the foundementis therof.
7 Lazo zonke izithombe zayo ezibaziweyo zizaphahlazwa, layo yonke imivuzo yayo yewule izatshiswa ngomlilo, lazo zonke izithombe zayo ngizazenza zibe yincithakalo. Ngoba izibuthelele ngenhlawulo yewule, njalo zizabuyela kunhlawulo yewule.
And alle `grauun ymagis therof schulen be betun togidere, and alle hiris therof schulen be brent in fier; and Y schal putte alle idols therof in to perdicioun; for of hiris of an hoore tho ben gaderid, and `til to hire of an hoore tho schulen turne ayen.
8 Ngenxa yalokhu ngizalila ngiqhinqe isililo, ngizahamba ngihlutshulwe nginqunu; ngenze isililo njengamakhanka, ngikhale njengamadodakazi ezintshe.
On this thing Y schal weile and yelle, Y schal go spuylid and nakid; Y schal make weilyng of dragouns, and mournyng as of ostrigis.
9 Ngoba inxeba layo kalelapheki; ngoba sekufikile koJuda; kufinyelele esangweni labantu bami, eJerusalema.
For wounde therof is dispeirid; for it cam til to Juda, it touchide the yate of my puple, til to Jerusalem.
10 Lingakukhulumi eGathi, lingalili lokulila; lizibhuquze othulini endlini kaAfera.
In Geth nyle ye telle, bi teeris wepe ye not; in the hous of dust with dust togidere sprynge you.
11 Dlula wena, mhlalikazi weShafiri, ohlazo lakho linqunuliwe; umhlalikazi weZawanani kaphumanga; isililo siseBhethi-Ezeli; uzakwemukela ukuma kwakhe kini.
And ye a fair dwellyng passe, which is confoundid with yuel fame; it is not goon out, which dwellith in the goyng out; a niy hous schal take of you weilyng, which stood to it silf.
12 Ngoba umhlalikazi weMarothi ulomhelo ngokuhle, ngoba okubi kwehla kuvela eNkosini, kwaze kwaba sesangweni leJerusalema.
For it is maad sijk to good, which dwellith in bitternessis. For yuel cam doun fro the Lord in to the yate of Jerusalem, noise of foure horsid cart,
13 Bophela inqola emabhizeni alejubane, wena mhlalikazi weLakishi; yona iyikuqala kwesono kundodakazi yeZiyoni; ngoba iziphambeko zakoIsrayeli zatholakala kuwe.
of drede to the puple dwellynge at Lachis. It is the bigynnyng of synne of the douyter of Sion, for the grete trespassis of Israel ben foundun in thee.
14 Ngakho uzakupha uMorashethi-Gathi izipho zokuvalelisana; izindlu zeAkizibi zizakuba yinkohliso emakhosini akoIsrayeli.
Therfor he schal yyue werriours on the eritage of Geth, on housis of leesyng in to deseit to kyngis of Israel.
15 Ngisezakulethela indlalifa, wena mhlalikazi weMaresha; uzakuza eAdulamu udumo lukaIsrayeli.
Yit Y schal brynge an eir to thee, that dwellist in Maresa; the glorie of Israel schal come til to Odolla.
16 Zenze ube lempabanga uziphuce, ngenxa yabantwana bothando lwakho; khulisa impabanga yakho njengokhozi, ngoba bathunjiwe besuka kuwe.
Be thou maad ballid, and be thou clippid on the sones of thi delices; alarge thi ballidnesse as an egle, for thei ben lad caitif fro thee.

< UMikha 1 >