< UMikha 1 >

1 Ilizwi leNkosi elafika kuMika umMorashethi ensukwini zikaJothamu, uAhazi, loHezekhiya, amakhosi akoJuda, alibona mayelana leSamariya leJerusalema.
Here is the message that the Lord gave to Micah of Moresheth at the time when Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah. This is what he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
2 Zwanini, lina zizwe lonke; ulalele, wena mhlaba, lokugcwala kwawo; kakuthi iNkosi uJehova ibe ngumfakazi omelene lani, iNkosi isethempelini layo elingcwele.
Listen, all the nations! Pay attention, everyone on earth! The Lord God testifies against you from the Lord's holy Temple.
3 Ngoba khangela, iNkosi iyaphuma endaweni yayo, yehle inyathele endaweni eziphakemeyo zomhlaba.
Look! The Lord is coming, leaving his place and coming down, and is walking on the high places of the earth.
4 Lezintaba zizancibilika ngaphansi kwayo, lezihotsha ziqhekezeke, njengengcino phambi komlilo, njengamanzi athululwa emthezukweni.
The mountains melt beneath him, the valleys burst apart, like wax in front of a fire, like water rushing down a slope. All this is happening because of the rebellion of the descendants of Jacob, the sins of the people of Israel.
5 Konke lokhu kungenxa yesiphambeko sikaJakobe, langenxa yezono zendlu kaIsrayeli. Siyini isiphambeko sikaJakobe? KakusiSamariya yini? Njalo ziyini izindawo eziphakemeyo zikaJuda? KakusiJerusalema yini?
What is the rebellion of the descendants of Jacob? Isn't it what is happening in Samaria? Where are the idolatrous high places of Judah? Aren't they right in Jerusalem?
6 Ngakho ngizakwenza iSamariya ibe yinqumbi yensimu, ibe zindawo zokuhlanyelwa kwesivini; njalo ngizathululela amatshe ayo esihotsheni, ngembule izisekelo zayo.
Therefore I will make Samaria a pile of rubble in a field, a place for planting vineyards. I will roll its stones down into the valley; I will lay bare its foundations.
7 Lazo zonke izithombe zayo ezibaziweyo zizaphahlazwa, layo yonke imivuzo yayo yewule izatshiswa ngomlilo, lazo zonke izithombe zayo ngizazenza zibe yincithakalo. Ngoba izibuthelele ngenhlawulo yewule, njalo zizabuyela kunhlawulo yewule.
All their carved idols will be smashed to pieces. All that was earned by their temple prostitutes will be burned. All of their idols will be destroyed, for what she collected through the earnings of temple prostitutes will be taken away and used to pay other temple prostitutes.
8 Ngenxa yalokhu ngizalila ngiqhinqe isililo, ngizahamba ngihlutshulwe nginqunu; ngenze isililo njengamakhanka, ngikhale njengamadodakazi ezintshe.
Because of this I will weep and wail, I will walk barefoot and naked, and will howl like jackals and mourn like owls.
9 Ngoba inxeba layo kalelapheki; ngoba sekufikile koJuda; kufinyelele esangweni labantu bami, eJerusalema.
Their wound cannot be healed, it has extended to Judah, and reached right to the gates of Jerusalem.
10 Lingakukhulumi eGathi, lingalili lokulila; lizibhuquze othulini endlini kaAfera.
Don't mention it in Gath; don't weep at all. People of Beth-le-aphrah, roll in the dust.
11 Dlula wena, mhlalikazi weShafiri, ohlazo lakho linqunuliwe; umhlalikazi weZawanani kaphumanga; isililo siseBhethi-Ezeli; uzakwemukela ukuma kwakhe kini.
Leave, people of Shaphir, naked and ashamed. People of Zanaan don't come out. People of Beth Ezel mourn, for you have lost your support.
12 Ngoba umhlalikazi weMarothi ulomhelo ngokuhle, ngoba okubi kwehla kuvela eNkosini, kwaze kwaba sesangweni leJerusalema.
The people of Maroth wait anxiously for relief, but disaster has come down from the Lord on the gate of Jerusalem.
13 Bophela inqola emabhizeni alejubane, wena mhlalikazi weLakishi; yona iyikuqala kwesono kundodakazi yeZiyoni; ngoba iziphambeko zakoIsrayeli zatholakala kuwe.
Harness the team of horses to the chariot, you people of Lachish, because the sins of the people of Jerusalem began with you, for the sins of Israel were first found in you.
14 Ngakho uzakupha uMorashethi-Gathi izipho zokuvalelisana; izindlu zeAkizibi zizakuba yinkohliso emakhosini akoIsrayeli.
Send your goodbye gifts to Moresheth. The town of Achzib is a deception to the kings of Israel.
15 Ngisezakulethela indlalifa, wena mhlalikazi weMaresha; uzakuza eAdulamu udumo lukaIsrayeli.
I will bring a conqueror to attack you, people of Moresheth. The leaders of Israel will go to Adullam.
16 Zenze ube lempabanga uziphuce, ngenxa yabantwana bothando lwakho; khulisa impabanga yakho njengokhozi, ngoba bathunjiwe besuka kuwe.
Shave your heads, for the children you love will be taken away; make yourselves as bald as a vulture, for they will be exiled far away from you.

< UMikha 1 >