< UMakho 13 >

1 Kwathi ephuma ethempelini, omunye wabafundi bakhe wathi kuye: Mfundisi, khangela, amatshe anjani lezakhiwo ezinjani!
And as he was departing from the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, observe these fine stones and fine structures.”
2 UJesu wasephendula wathi kuye: Uyabona lezizakhiwo ezinkulu yini? Akusoze kutshiywe ilitshe phezu kwelitshe, elingasoze lidilizelwe phansi.
And in response, Jesus said to him: “Do you see all these great buildings? There shall not be left stone upon stone, which is not torn down.”
3 Esehlezi entabeni yeMihlwathi maqondana lethempeli, uPetro loJakobe loJohane loAndreya bambuza bebodwa,
And as he sat at the Mount of Olives, opposite the temple, Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew questioned him privately.
4 bathi: Sitshele, lezizinto zizakuba nini? Lesibonakaliso siyini lapho sezizapheleliswa lezizinto zonke?
“Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things will begin to be fulfilled?”
5 UJesu ebaphendula waseqala ukuthi: Qaphelani kungabi khona oliduhisayo.
And Jesus, answering, began to say to them: “See to it that no one leads you astray.
6 Ngoba abanengi bazakuza ngebizo lami, besithi: Mina nginguye; futhi baduhise abanengi.
For many will come in my name, saying, ‘For I am he,’ and they will lead many astray.
7 Kodwa nxa lisizwa ngezimpi lamahungahunga ezimpi, lingethuki; ngoba kufanele kwenzeke; kodwa ukuphela kakukabi khona.
But when you will have heard of wars and rumors of wars, you should not be afraid. For these things must be, but the end is not so soon.
8 Ngoba isizwe sizavukela isizwe, lombuso uvukele umbuso; njalo kuzakuba khona ukuzamazama komhlaba indawo ngendawo, njalo kuzakuba khona indlala lezinhlupheko; lezizinto ziyikuqala kwemihelo.
For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom over kingdom, and there shall be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are but the beginning of the sorrows.
9 Kodwa ziqapheleni lina; ngoba bazalinikela emiphakathini, lemasinagogeni lizatshaywa, lizalethwa laphambi kwababusi lamakhosi ngenxa yami, kube yibufakazi kubo.
But see to yourselves. For they will hand you over to councils, and in the synagogues you will be beaten, and you shall stand before governors and kings because of me, as a testimony for them.
10 Kodwa ivangeli limele ukutshunyayelwa kuqala kuzo zonke izizwe.
And the Gospel must first be preached to all nations.
11 Kodwa nxa belidonsa belinikela, lingakhathaleli ngaphambili elizakukhuluma, linganakani; kodwa loba yini elizayinikwa ngalelohola, ikhulumeni; ngoba kakusini elikhulumayo, kodwa uMoya oyiNgcwele.
And when they have seized you and handed you over, do not consider in advance what to say. But whatever will be given you in that hour, say that. For you will not be speaking, but the Holy Spirit.
12 Futhi umfowabo uzanikela umfowabo ekufeni, loyise umntwana; labantwana bazavukela abazali, besebebabulala;
Then brother will betray brother to death, and the father, a son; and children will rise up against their parents and will bring about their death.
13 njalo lizazondwa yibo bonke ngenxa yebizo lami; kodwa ophikelelayo kuze kube sekupheleni, nguye ozasindiswa.
And you will be hated by all for the sake of my name. But whoever will have persevered unto the end, the same will be saved.
14 Kodwa nxa libona amanyala encithakalo, akhulunywa nguDaniyeli umprofethi, emi lapho angafanele khona (ofundayo kaqedisise), khona labo abaseJudiya kababalekele ezintabeni;
Then, when you have seen the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not to be, let the reader understand: then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
15 lophezu kophahla lwendlu angehleli endlini, angangeni ukuthatha ulutho endlini yakhe;
And let whoever is on the rooftop not descend to the house, nor enter so as to take anything from the house.
16 losemasimini angabuyeli emuva, ukuyathatha isembatho sakhe.
And let whoever may be in the field not return to take his garment.
17 Kodwa maye kwabakhulelweyo labamunyisayo ngalezonsuku!
But woe to those who are pregnant or nursing in those days.
18 Kodwa khulekani ukuthi ukubaleka kwenu kungabi sebusika.
Truly, pray that these things may not happen in winter.
19 Ngoba ngalezonsuku kuzakuba khona ukuhlupheka, okungazanga kube khona kusukela ekuqaleni kokudaliweyo uNkulunkulu akudalayo kuze kube khathesi, lokungasoze kwaba khona.
For those days shall have such tribulations as have not been since the beginning of the creation that God founded, even until now, and shall not be.
20 Njalo uba iNkosi ibingazifinyezanga lezonsuku, bekungesindiswe nyama; kodwa ngenxa yabakhethiweyo, ebakhethileyo, izifinyezile insuku.
And unless the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh would be saved. But, for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened the days.
21 Langalesosikhathi nxa umuntu esithi kini: Khangelani, nangu uKristu; kumbe: Khangelani, ulaphayana; lingakholwa;
And then, if anyone will have said to you: ‘Behold, here is the Christ. Behold, in that place.’ Do not believe it.
22 ngoba kuzavuka okristu bamanga labaprofethi bamanga, besebesenza izibonakaliso lezimangaliso, ukuduhisa, nxa kungenzeka, labakhethiweyo.
For false Christs and false prophets will rise up, and they will present signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if it were possible, even the elect.
23 Kodwa qaphelani lina; khangelani, sengilitshelile konke ngaphambili.
Therefore, you must take heed. Behold, I have foretold all to you.
24 Kodwa ngalezonsuku, emva kwalokhokuhlupheka, ilanga lizafiphazwa, lenyanga kayiyikupha ukukhanya kwayo,
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her splendor.
25 lenkanyezi zezulu zizabe zisiwa, lamandla asemazulwini azazanyazanyiswa.
And the stars of heaven will be falling down, and the powers that are in heaven will be moved.
26 Khona-ke bezabona iNdodana yomuntu isiza emayezini ilamandla amakhulu lenkazimulo,
And then they shall see the Son of man arriving on the clouds, with great power and glory.
27 khona-ke izathuma ingilosi zayo, ibisiqoqa abakhethiweyo bayo emimoyeni yomine, kusukela emkhawulweni womhlaba kuze kube semkhawulweni wezulu.
And then he will send his Angels, and gather together his elect, from the four winds, from the limits of the earth, to the limits of heaven.
28 Fundani-ke umfanekiso emkhiweni; nxa ugatsha lwawo selusiba buthakathaka, luhlume amahlamvu, liyazi ukuthi ihlobo seliseduze;
Now from the fig tree discern a parable. When its branch becomes tender and the foliage has been formed, you know that summer is very near.
29 ngokunjalo lani, nxa libona lezizinto zisenzeka, yazini ukuthi kuseduze kuseminyango.
So also, when you will have seen these things happen, know that it is very near, even at the doors.
30 Ngiqinisile ngithi kini: Lesisizukulwana asisoze sidlule, zize zenzeke izinto zonke lezi.
Amen I say to you, that this lineage shall not pass away, until all these things have happened.
31 Kuzadlula izulu lomhlaba; kodwa amazwi ami awasoze adlule.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.
32 Kodwa lolosuku lalelohola kakho owaziyo ngakho, ngitsho lengilosi ezisezulwini, ngitsho leNdodana, ngaphandle kukaBaba.
But concerning that day or hour, no one knows, neither the Angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
33 Qaphelani, lilinde likhuleke; ngoba kalazi ukuthi isikhathi sinini.
Take heed, be vigilant, and pray. For you do not know when the time may be.
34 Njengomuntu owasuka elizweni lakibo watshiya indlu yakhe, wanika inceku zakhe amandla, kuleyo laleyo umsebenzi wayo, walaya umlindisango ukuthi alinde.
It is like a man who, setting out on a sojourn, left behind his house, and gave his servants authority over every work, and instructed the doorkeeper to stand watch.
35 Ngakho lindani; ngoba kalazi ukuthi inkosi yendlu izafika nini, kusihlwa, loba phakathi kobusuku, loba ekukhaleni kweqhude, loba emadabukakusa;
Therefore, be vigilant, for you do not know when the lord of the house may arrive: in the evening, or in the middle of the night, or at first light, or in the morning.
36 hlezi ifike ilijume, ilifice lilele.
Otherwise, when he will have arrived unexpectedly, he may find you sleeping.
37 Lalokhu engikutsho kini ngikutsho kubo bonke: Lindani.
But what I say to you, I say to all: Be vigilant.”

< UMakho 13 >