< UJobe 1 >

1 Kwakukhona indoda elizweni leUzi, ibizo layo lalinguJobe. Leyondoda yayiphelele-ke, iqondile, imesaba uNkulunkulu, ixwaya okubi.
There was a certain man in the land of Ausis, whose name [was] Job; and than man was true, blameless, righteous, [and] godly, abstaining from everything evil.
2 Yasizalelwa amadodana ayisikhombisa lamadodakazi amathathu.
And he had seven sons and three daughters.
3 Lemfuyo yayo yayiyizimvu eziyizinkulungwane eziyisikhombisa, lamakamela ayizinkulungwane ezintathu, lezipane zenkabi ezingamakhulu amahlanu, labobabhemi abasikazi abangamakhulu amahlanu, lenceku ezinengi kakhulu. Ngakho lowomuntu wayemkhulu okwedlula bonke abantu bempumalanga.
And his cattle consisted of seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-asses in the pastures, and a very great household, and he had a great husbandry on the earth; and that man was [most] noble of the [men] of the east.
4 Njalo amadodana akhe ahamba enza idili endlini yaleyo laleyo ngosuku lwayo; athuma abiza odadewabo abathathu ukuze badle banathe lawo.
And his sons visiting one another prepared a banquet every day, taking with them also their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
5 Kwakusithi lapho esephelile amazopha ensuku zedili, uJobe athume, awangcwelise, avuke ekuseni kakhulu, anikele iminikelo yokutshiswa ngokwenani lawo wonke, ngoba uJobe wathi: Mhlawumbe amadodana ami onile, amthuka uNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yawo. Wenza njalo uJobe zonke izinsuku.
And when the days of the banquet were completed, Job sent and purified them, having risen up in the morning, and offered sacrifices for them, according to their number, and one calf for a sin-offering for their souls: for Job said, Lest perhaps my sons have thought evil in their minds against God. Thus, then Job did continually.
6 Kwasekusiba losuku lapho amadodana kaNkulunkulu eza ukuzimisa phambi kweNkosi, loSathane laye wafika phakathi kwawo.
And it came to pass on a day, that behold, the angels of God came to stand before the Lord, and the devil came with them.
7 INkosi yasisithi kuSathane: Uvela ngaphi? USathane wasephendula iNkosi wathi: Ekuzulazuleni emhlabeni lekuhambahambeni kuwo.
And the Lord said to the devil, Whence are you come? And the devil answered the Lord, and said, I am come from compassing the earth, and walking up and down in the world.
8 INkosi yasisithi kuSathane: Ubekile yini inhliziyo yakho encekwini yami uJobe, ngoba kakho onjengayo emhlabeni, umuntu opheleleyo loqondileyo, owesaba uNkulunkulu loxwaya ububi?
And the Lord said to him, Hast you diligently considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a man blameless, true, godly, abstaining from everything evil?
9 USathane wasephendula iNkosi wathi: UJobe umesabela ize uNkulunkulu yini?
Then the devil answered, and said before the Lord, Does Job worship the Lord for nothing?
10 Kawumbiyelanga yini yena lendlu yakhe lakho konke alakho inhlangothi zonke? Ubusisile umsebenzi wezandla zakhe, lezifuyo zakhe zanda kakhulu elizweni.
Hast you not made a hedge about him, and about his household, and all his possessions round about? and have you not blessed the works of his hands, and multiplied his cattle upon the land?
11 Kodwa isibili yelula isandla sakho khathesi, uthinte konke alakho; sibili uzakuthuka ebusweni bakho.
But put forth your hand, and touch all that he has: verily he will bless you to [your] face.
12 INkosi yasisithi kuSathane: Khangela konke alakho kusesandleni sakho; kuphela kuye ungeluleli isandla sakho. Wasephuma uSathane phambi kweNkosi.
Then the Lord said to the devil, Behold, I give into your hand all that he has, but touch not himself. So the devil went out from the presence of the Lord.
13 Kwasekusiba losuku lapho amadodana lamadodakazi akhe ayesidla enatha iwayini endlini yomfowabo olizibulo.
And it came to pass on a certain day, that Job's sons and his daughters were drinking wine in the house of their elder brother.
14 Kwasekufika isithunywa kuJobe sathi: Inkabi bezilima labobabhemi besidla emaceleni azo;
And, behold, there came a messenger to Job, and said to him, The yokes of oxen were plowing, and the she-asses were feeding near them;
15 kwasekutheleka amaShebha, akuthatha, atshaya izinceku ngobukhali benkemba, njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
and the spoilers came and took them for a prey, and killed the servants with the sword; and I having escaped alone am come to tell you.
16 Lesi sisakhuluma, kwafika lesinye, sathi: Umlilo kaNkulunkulu uwile uvela emazulwini, watshisa izimvu lezinceku, waziqeda; njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
While he was yet speaking, there came another messenger, and said to Job, Fire has fallen from heaven, and burnt up the sheep, and devoured the shepherds like wise; and I having escaped alone am come to tell you.
17 Lesi sisakhuluma, kwafika lesinye, sathi: AmaKhaladiya amise amaxuku amathathu atheleka phezu kwamakamela, awathatha, atshaya izinceku ngobukhali benkemba, njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
While he was yet speaking, there came another messenger, and said to Job, The horsemen formed three companies against us, and surrounded the camels, and took them for a prey, and killed the servants with the sword; and I only escaped, and am come to tell you.
18 Lesi sisakhuluma, kwafika lesinye, sathi: Amadodana akho lamadodakazi akho bebesidla benatha iwayini endlini yomfowabo, izibulo.
While he is yet speaking, another messenger comes, saying to Job, While your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking with their elder brother,
19 Khangela-ke, umoya omkhulu wafika uvela ngaphetsheya kwenkangala, watshaya amagumbi womane endlu, yawela phezu kwamajaha, afa; njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
suddenly a great wind came on from the desert, and caught the four corners of the house, and the house fell upon your children, and they are dead; and I have escaped alone, and am come to tell you.
20 UJobe wasesukuma, wadabula ibhatshi lakhe, waphuca ikhanda lakhe, wawa emhlabathini, wakhonza;
So Job arose, and tore his garments, and shaved the hair of his head, and fell on the earth, and worshipped,
21 wasesithi: Ngaphuma ngize esiswini sikamama, njalo ngizabuyela khona ngize; iNkosi yapha, iNkosi ithethe; kalibusiswe ibizo leNkosi.
and said, I myself came forth naked from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, the Lord has taken away: as it seemed good to the Lord, so has it come to pass; blessed be the name of the Lord.
22 Kukho konke lokhu uJobe konanga, kambalelanga ubuwula uNkulunkulu.
In all these events that befell him Job sinned not at all before the Lord, and did not impute folly to God.

< UJobe 1 >