< U-Isaya 4 >

1 Labesifazana abayisikhombisa bazabamba indoda ibenye ngalolosuku, bathi: Sizakudla okwethu ukudla, sigqoke ezethu izigqoko; kuphela ibizo lakho kalibizwe phezu kwethu; susa ihlazo lethu.
And seven women have taken hold on one man, In that day, saying, “We eat our own bread, And we put on our own raiment, Only, let your name be called over us, Remove our reproach.”
2 Ngalolosuku ihlumela leNkosi lizakuba ngelobuhle, njalo elodumo, lesithelo selizwe ngesokuhle kakhulu lokokubukeka kwabaphunyukileyo bakoIsrayeli.
In that day is the Shoot of YHWH for desire and for glory, And the fruit of the earth For excellence and for beauty to the escaped of Israel.
3 Kuzakuthi-ke oseleyo eZiyoni lotshiywe eJerusalema athiwe ungcwele, wonke obhalelwe impilo eJerusalema;
And it has been, he who is left in Zion, And he who is remaining in Jerusalem, “Holy” is said of him, Of everyone who is written for life in Jerusalem.
4 iNkosi isigezisile ingcekeza yamadodakazi eZiyoni, yahlambulula amacala egazi eJerusalema phakathi kwayo, ngomoya wesahlulelo langomoya wokutshisa.
If the Lord has washed away The filth of daughters of Zion, And purges the blood of Jerusalem from her midst, By the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
5 LeNkosi izadala phezu kwayo yonke indawo yokuhlala yentaba yeZiyoni, laphezu kwenhlangano zayo ezibiziweyo, iyezi emini, lentuthu, lokukhanya komlilo olamalangabi ebusuku; ngoba phezu kwayo yonke inkazimulo kuzakuba lesembeso esiluphahla.
Then YHWH has created Over every fixed place of Mount Zion, And over her convocations, A cloud by day, and smoke, And the shining of a flaming fire by night, That over all glory—a safeguard,
6 Njalo kuzakuba ledumba libe ngumthunzi emini ekutshiseni, njalo libe yisiphephelo, njalo libe yisivikelo esivunguvungwini lezulwini.
And a covering may be, For a shadow from drought by day, And for a refuge, and for a hiding place, From inundation and from rain!

< U-Isaya 4 >