< U-Amosi 8 >

1 INkosi uJehova yangibonisa kanje; khangela-ke, isitsha sezithelo zehlobo.
And behold a fowler's basket.
2 Yasisithi: Ubonani, Amosi? Ngathi: Isitsha sezithelo zehlobo. INkosi yasisithi kimi: Ukuphela sekufikile ebantwini bami uIsrayeli; kangisayikubedlula futhi.
And he said, What see you, Amos? And I said, A fowler's basket. And the Lord said to me, The end is come upon my people Israel; I will not pass by them any more.
3 Kodwa izingoma zethempelini zizaqhinqa isililo mhlalokho, itsho iNkosi uJehova; kuzakuba lezidumbu ezinengi; kuyo yonke indawo bazaziphosela ngokuthula.
And the ceilings of the temple shall howl in that day, says the Lord God: [there shall be] many a fallen one in every place; I will bring silence upon [them].
4 Zwanini lokhu, lina eliginya oswelayo, lokuthi lichithe abayanga belizwe;
Hear now this, you that oppress the poor in the morning, and drive the needy ones by tyranny from the earth,
5 elithi: Ukuthwasa kwenyanga kuzadlula nini ukuze sithengise amabele? lesabatha ukuze sivule ingqoloyi, sisenza i-efa libe lincinyane, sisenza ishekeli libe likhulu, siphambanisa izilinganiso zenkohliso.
saying, When will the month pass away, and we shall sell, and the sabbath, and we shall open the treasure, to make the measure small, and to enlarge the weight, and make the balance unfair?
6 Ukuze sithenge abayanga ngesiliva, loswelayo ngamanyathela amabili, yebo sithengise amakhoba amabele?
That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for shoes; and we will trade in every kind of fruit.
7 INkosi ifungile ngobukhosi bukaJakobe: Isibili kangiyikukhohlwa zonke izenzo zabo kuze kube nininini.
The Lord swears against the pride of Jacob, None of your works shall ever be forgotten.
8 Kawuyikuqhaqhazela yini umhlaba ngalokhu, alile laye wonke ohlala kuwo? Yebo ukhukhumale wonke njengomfula, uphoseke le lale utshone njengomfula weGibhithe.
And shall not the land be troubled for these things, and shall not every one who dwells in it mourn? whereas destruction shall come up as a river, and shall descend as the river of Egypt.
9 Kuzakuthi-ke ngalolosuku, itsho iNkosi uJehova, ngizatshonisa ilanga emini enkulu, ngenze umhlaba ube mnyama emini ekhanyayo.
And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord God, [that] the sun shall go down at noon, and the light shall be darkened on the earth by day:
10 Ngiphendule imikhosi yenu ibe yikulila, lengoma zenu zonke zibe yisililo, ngilethe isaka enkalweni zonke, lempabanga ekhanda lonke, ngikwenze kube njengesililo sendodana eyodwa, lokucina kwalo njengosuku olubabayo.
and I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth on all loins, and baldness on every head; and I will make them as the mourning of a beloved [friend], and those with them as a day of grief.
11 Khangela, insuku ziyeza, itsho iNkosi uJehova, lapho ngizathumela indlala elizweni, kungabi yindlala yokudla, kungabi ngeyokomela amanzi, kodwa eyokuzwa amazwi eNkosi.
Behold, the days come, says the Lord, that I will send forth a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the word of the Lord.
12 Njalo bazazula kusukela elwandle kuze kube selwandle, njalo kusukela enyakatho kuze kube sempumalanga, bagijimele le lale ukudinga ilizwi leNkosi, kodwa bengalitholi.
And the waters shall be troubled from sea to sea, and from the north to the east shall [men] run hither and there, seeking the word of the Lord, and they shall not find [it].
13 Ngalolosuku intombi ezimsulwa ezinhle lamajaha azaqaleka ngenxa yokoma.
In that day shall the fair virgins and the young men faint for thirst;
14 Labo abafunga ngecala leSamariya bathi: Kuphila kukankulunkulu wakho, Dani; lokuthi: Kuphila kwendlela yeBherishebha; bazakuwa-ke, bangabe besavuka.
they who swear by the propitiation of Samaria, and who say, Your god, O Dan, lives; and, Your god, O Bersabee, lives; and they shall fall, and shall no more rise again.

< U-Amosi 8 >