< 2 USamuyeli 20 >

1 Kwasekusenzakala ukuthi kube khona lapho umuntu kaBheliyali, obizo lakhe linguShebha indodana kaBikiri umBhenjamini; wasevuthela uphondo wathi: Kasilasabelo kuDavida, kasilalifa endodaneni kaJese; wonke umuntu emathenteni akhe, Israyeli!
Now there happened to be a worthless man, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bikri, a Benjamite. And he blew the trumpet, and said, "We have no share in David, nor do we have any inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, Israel."
2 Ngakho wonke umuntu wakoIsrayeli wenyuka wasuka emva kukaDavida, elandela uShebha indodana kaBikiri; kodwa abantu bakoJuda banamathela enkosini yabo, kusukela eJordani kwaze kwaba seJerusalema.
So all Israel deserted David and followed Sheba the son of Bikri, but the men of Judah stayed by their king, from the Jordan to Jerusalem.
3 UDavida wasefika endlini yakhe eJerusalema; inkosi yathatha abafazi abalitshumi, abafazi abancane, eyayibatshiye ukuze balinde indlu, yababeka endlini elindiweyo, yabanika ukudla, kodwa kayingenanga kubo. Basebevalelwa kwaze kwaba lusuku lokufa kwabo, bephila ebufelokazini.
Then David came to his palace at Jerusalem, and the king took the ten women his secondary wives, whom he had left to keep the palace, and placed them under guard, and provided for them, but did not go in to them. So they were kept in confinement until the day of their death, living as widows.
4 Inkosi yasisithi kuAmasa: Biza abantu bakoJuda babuthane kimi ngensuku ezintathu, lawe ube khona lapha.
Then the king said to Amasa, "Summon the men of Judah to me within three days, and be present here yourself."
5 UAmasa wasehamba ukubuthanisa uJuda, kodwa waphuza phezu kwesikhathi esimisiweyo ayemmisele sona.
So Amasa went to summon Judah together, but he delayed beyond the set time that had been allotted him.
6 UDavida wasesithi kuAbishayi: Khathesi uShebha indodana kaBikiri uzasenzela okubi okwedlula uAbisalomu; wena thatha inceku zenkosi yakho, uxotshane laye, hlezi azitholele imizi ebiyelwe ngemithangala, asiphunyuke.
David said to Abishai, "Now Sheba the son of Bikri will do us more harm than Absalom did. Now then, take your lord's servants with you and pursue after him, otherwise he will get himself to fortified cities and escape from us."
7 Kwasekuphuma emva kwakhe amadoda kaJowabi lamaKerethi lamaPelethi lamaqhawe wonke, basebephuma eJerusalema ukuxotshana loShebha indodana kaBikiri.
So there went out after him Joab's men and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and all the warriors. And they went out from Jerusalem to pursue Sheba son of Bikri.
8 Sebeselitsheni elikhulu eliseGibeyoni, uAmasa weza phambi kwabo. UJowabi wayebhince isigqoko ayesigqokile, laphezu kwaso kulebhanti elilenkemba ebotshelwe ekhalweni lwakhe isesikhwameni sayo; esaqhubeka inkemba yawa.
When they were at the great stone that is in Gibeon, Amasa came to meet them. And Joab was wearing his military attire, and over it was a belt with a dagger in its sheath fastened at his waist, and as he advanced it fell out.
9 UJowabi wasesithi kuAmasa: Uyaphila yini, mfowethu? UJowabi wasebamba uAmasa ngesilevu ngesandla sokunene ukuze amange.
And Joab said to Amasa, "Is it well with you, my brother?" Then Joab took Amasa by the beard with his right hand to kiss him.
10 Kodwa uAmasa wayengayinanzeleli inkemba eyayisesandleni sikaJowabi; wasemtshaya ngayo kubambo lwesihlanu, wathululela imibilini yakhe emhlabathini, kamphindanga, wafa. UJowabi loAbishayi umfowabo basebexotshana loShebha indodana kaBikiri.
But Amasa did not notice the sword that was in Joab's hand. And he stabbed him with it in the abdomen, so that his intestines spilled out on the ground, and he did not do it to him again. Thus he died. Then Joab and Abishai his brother pursued Sheba son of Bikri.
11 Omunye wamajaha kaJowabi wema phansi kwakhe, wathi: Omthandayo uJowabi, longokaDavida, landela uJowabi.
And one of Joab's young men stood beside Amasa and said, "Whoever is the one that favors Joab and whoever belongs to David, follow Joab."
12 UAmasa wasegiqika egazini phakathi komgwaqo omkhulu. Lapho lowomuntu ebona ukuthi bonke abantu bayema, wamsusa uAmasa emgwaqweni omkhulu wamusa egangeni, waphosela isembatho phezu kwakhe, lapho ebona ukuthi wonke ofika ngakuye wema.
But Amasa lay covered with his blood in the midst of the road, and anyone who came by, seeing him, stopped. So when the man saw that all the people stopped, he dragged Amasa from the road into a field and threw a garment over him.
13 Esesusiwe emgwaqweni omkhulu, bonke abantu badlula bamlandela uJowabi ukuze baxotshane loShebha indodana kaBikiri.
When he was removed from the road, all the people followed Joab in pursuit of Sheba son of Bikri.
14 Wasedabula kuzo zonke izizwe zakoIsrayeli, waya eAbeli ngitsho iBeti-Mahaka, lawo wonke amaBeri; basebebuthana bamlandela labo.
He went through all the tribes of Israel to Abel of Beth Maacah, and all the Bikrites assembled and followed him.
15 Basebefika, bamgombolozela eAbeli-Beti-Mahaka; babuthelela idundulu maqondana lomuzi, lema emthangaleni; bonke abantu ababeloJowabi basebewona umduli ukuwuwisela phansi.
And all the people who were with Joab came and besieged him in Abel of Beth Maacah. And they built a siege ramp against the city, and it stood against the rampart, and they were battering the wall so that it would collapse.
16 Kwasekumemeza owesifazana ohlakaniphileyo phakathi komuzi wathi: Zwanini, zwanini! Ake lithi kuJowabi: Sondela lapha, ukuze ngikhulume lawe.
Then a wise woman called out from the wall, "Listen, listen. Please tell Joab to come here so that I may speak to him.
17 Esesondele kuye, owesifazana wathi: Nguwe uJowabi yini? Yena wathi: Nginguye. Wasesithi kuye: Zwana amazwi encekukazi yakho. Wasesithi: Ngiyezwa.
So he approached her, and the woman said, "Are you Joab?" And he replied, "I am." Then she said, "Listen to the words of your servant." And he replied, "I'm listening."
18 Wasekhuluma esithi: Endulo babejwayele ukukhuluma besithi: Kababuze lokubuza eAbeli; basebeqeda ngokunjalo.
Then she said, "In the past they used to say, 'Let them inquire in Abel and in Dan whether
19 Ngingowabokuthula, owabathembekileyo bakoIsrayeli; udinga ukuchitha umuzi lonina koIsrayeli. Uginyelani ilifa leNkosi?
that which the faithful of Israel established has been carried out.' You seek to destroy a city that is a mother in Israel. Why do you want to swallow up the inheritance of the LORD?"
20 UJowabi wasephendula wathi: Kakube khatshana, kakube khatshana lami ukuthi ngiginye loba ngichithe.
Joab answered, "Far be it from me that I should swallow up or destroy.
21 Udaba kalunjalo; kodwa umuntu wasentabeni yakoEfrayimi, nguShebha indodana kaBikiri ibizo lakhe, uphakamisile isandla sakhe emelene lenkosi, emelene loDavida; nikelani yena kuphela, ngizasuka emzini. Owesifazana wasesithi kuJowabi: Khangela, ikhanda lakhe lizaphoselwa kuwe ngaphezu komduli.
That is not the case. But a man of the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bikri, has rebelled against king David. Give up him alone and I will withdraw from the city." Then the woman said to Joab, "Look, his head will be thrown to you from the wall."
22 Owesifazana wasesiya ngenhlakanipho yakhe ebantwini bonke. Basebequma ikhanda likaShebha indodana kaBikiri, baliphosela kuJowabi. Wasevuthela uphondo, bahlakazeka besuka kulowomuzi, ngulowo lalowo waya emathenteni akhe. UJowabi wasebuyela eJerusalema enkosini.
Then she spoke to all the city with her wise advice, and they cut off the head of Sheba son of Bikri and threw it out to Joab. So he blew the trumpet, and they were dispersed from him, each returning to his home. And Joab went back to Jerusalem to the king.
23 Njalo uJowabi wayephezu kwebutho lonke lakoIsrayeli; loBhenaya indodana kaJehoyada wayephezu kwamaKerethi laphezu kwamaPelethi;
Now Joab was in command of the entire army of Israel; and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was in command of the Cherethites and in command of the Pelethites;
24 loAdoniramu wayephezu kwezibhalwa; loJehoshafathi indodana kaAhiludi wayengumabhalane;
and Adoniram was in command of the forced labor; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder;
25 loSheva wayengumbhali; loZadoki loAbhiyatha babengabapristi;
and Shisha was scribe; and Zadok and Abiathar were priests;
26 loIra laye umJayiri wayengumpristi kaDavida.
and also Ira the Jairite was David's priest.

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