< 1 KwabaseKhorinte 2 >

1 Lami, bazalwane, ekufikeni kwami kini, kangifikanga ngobugabazi belizwi kumbe benhlakanipho, ngitshumayela kini ubufakazi bukaNkulunkulu.
And so, brothers, when I came to you, announcing to you the testimony of Christ, I did not bring exalted words or lofty wisdom.
2 Ngoba ngamisa ukuthi ngingazi lutho phakathi kwenu, ngaphandle kukaJesu Kristu, laye ebethelwe.
For I did not judge myself to know anything among you, except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
3 Njalo mina ngangilani ebuthakathakeni lekwesabeni lekuthuthumeleni okukhulu.
And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and with much trembling.
4 Lokukhuluma kwami lokutshumayela kwami kakubanga ngamazwi enhlakanipho yabantu ahugayo, kodwa ngokubonakalisa kukaMoya lokwamandla;
And my words and preaching were not the persuasive words of human wisdom, but were a manifestation of the Spirit and of virtue,
5 ukuze ukholo lwenu lungabi enhlakanipheni yabantu, kodwa emandleni kaNkulunkulu.
so that your faith would not be based on the wisdom of men, but on the virtue of God.
6 Kodwa inhlakanipho siyikhuluma phakathi kwabapheleleyo, kodwa inhlakanipho engayisiyo yalelilizwe, kumbe eyababusi balelilizwe, abazakwenziwa ize; (aiōn g165)
Now, we do speak wisdom among the perfect, yet truly, this is not the wisdom of this age, nor that of the leaders of this age, which shall be reduced to nothing. (aiōn g165)
7 kodwa sikhuluma inhlakanipho kaNkulunkulu eyimfihlo, eyayifihliwe, uNkulunkulu ayimisa ngaphambili kungakabi lomhlaba kube yinkazimulo yethu; (aiōn g165)
Instead, we speak of the wisdom of God in a mystery which has been hidden, which God predestined before this age for our glory, (aiōn g165)
8 kungekho loyedwa wababusi balelilizwe owayekwazi; ngoba uba babekwazi, babengayikuyibethela iNkosi yenkazimulo. (aiōn g165)
something that none of the leaders of this world have known. For if they had known it, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory. (aiōn g165)
9 Kodwa njengokulotshiweyo ukuthi: Izinto ilihlo elingazibonanga, lendlebe engazizwanga, lezingangenanga enhliziyweni yomuntu, uNkulunkulu azilungisele abamthandayo.
But this is just as it has been written: “The eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what things God has prepared for those who love him.”
10 Kodwa uNkulunkulu usembulele thina lokhu ngoMoya wakhe; ngoba uMoya uhlolisisa zonke izinto, ngitsho izinto ezijulileyo zikaNkulunkulu.
But God has revealed these things to us through his Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
11 Ngoba ngubani ebantwini owazi okomuntu, ngaphandle komoya womuntu okuye? Ngokunjalo okukaNkulunkulu kakwaziwa muntu, ngaphandle koMoya kaNkulunkulu.
And who can know the things that are of a man, except the spirit which is within that man? So also, no one knows the things which are of God, except the Spirit of God.
12 Thina-ke kasemukelanga umoya womhlaba, kodwa uMoya ovela kuNkulunkulu, ukuze sazi izinto esiziphiwa ngesihle nguNkulunkulu;
But we have not received the spirit of this world, but the Spirit who is of God, so that we may understand the things that have been given to us by God.
13 futhi esizitshoyo, kungeyisikho ngamazwi inhlakanipho yabantu ewafundisayo, kodwa ngamazwi afundiswa nguMoya oNgcwele, sichasisa okomoya ngokomoya.
And we are also speaking of these things, not in the learned words of human wisdom, but in the doctrine of the Spirit, bringing spiritual things together with spiritual things.
14 Kodwa umuntu wemvelo kazemukeli izinto zikaMoya kaNkulunkulu; ngoba ziyibuthutha kuye, njalo kalawo amandla okuqedisisa, ngoba zihlolisiswa ngokomoya;
But the animal nature of man does not perceive these things that are of the Spirit of God. For it is foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand it, because it must be examined spiritually.
15 kodwa owomoya uyahlola zonke izinto, kodwa yena kahlolwa muntu.
But the spiritual nature of man judges all things, and he himself may be judged by no man.
16 Ngoba ngubani owazi ingqondo yeNkosi, ukuthi ayifundise? Kodwa thina silengqondo kaKristu.
For who has known the mind of the Lord, so that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

< 1 KwabaseKhorinte 2 >