< Izaga 18 >

1 Umuntu ongelamusa uzifunela okwakhe; uyazilahla zonke iziqondiso ezinhle.
A man who wishes to separate from friends seeks excuses; but at all times he will be liable to reproach.
2 Isiwula kasikuthakazeleli ukuzwisisa kodwa sithokoza ngokutsho eyaso imibono.
A senseless man feels no need of wisdom, for he is rather led by folly.
3 Nxa kufika ububi kufika lokweyisa, njalo ihlazo liza lokudumazeka.
When an ungodly man comes into a depth of evils, he despises [them]; but dishonor and reproach come upon him.
4 Amazwi omlomo womuntu ayinziki yamanzi, kodwa umthombo wokuhlakanipha ngumfudlana ontuntuzayo.
A word in the heart of a man is a deep water, and a river and fountain of life spring forth.
5 Kakukuhle ukulungisela ababi loba ukungehluleli kuhle abangelacala.
[It is] not good to accept the person of the ungodly, nor [is it] holy to pervert justice in judgment.
6 Izindebe zesiwula zisilethela ingxabano, lomlomo waso unxusa ukutshaywa.
The lips of a fool bring [him] into troubles, and his bold mouth calls for death.
7 Umlomo wesiwula yiwo osidilizayo, lezindebe zaso zingumjibila womphefumulo waso.
A fool's mouth is ruin to him, and his lips are a snare to his soul.
8 Amazwi omuntu onyeyayo anjengezibiliboco; angena ekujuleni kwenhliziyo yomuntu.
Fear casts down the slothful; and the souls of the effeminate shall hunger.
9 Lowo ovilaphayo emsebenzini wakhe ungumfowabo walowo odilizayo.
A man who helps not himself by his labor is brother of him that ruins himself.
10 Ibizo likaThixo liyinqaba eqinileyo; abalungileyo babalekela kulo baphephe.
The name of the Lord is of great strength; and the righteous running to it are exalted.
11 Inotho yezikhulu ingumuzi wazo ovikelweyo; zicabanga ukuthi imiduli yawo ayikhweleki.
The wealth of a rich man is a strong city; and its glory casts a broad shadow.
12 Umuntu uyazikhukhumeza ngenhliziyo yakhe, mandulo kokuba awe, ikanti ukuzithoba kwandulela udumo.
Before ruin a man's heart is exalted, and before honor it is humble.
13 Lowo ophendulayo engaqali alalele lobo yibuwula bakhe lehlazo lakhe.
Whoso answers a word before he hears [a cause], it is folly and reproach to him.
14 Umphefumulo womuntu uyamqinisa nxa egula, kodwa ngubani ongaphila elomoya owephukileyo na?
A wise servant calms a man's anger; but who can endure a faint-hearted man?
15 Inhliziyo yabaqedisisayo izuza ulwazi; indlebe zabahlakaniphileyo ziyakudinga.
The heart of the sensible [man] purchases discretion; and the ears of the wise seek understanding.
16 Isipho siyamvulela indlela ophayo azuze ithuba lokubonana labakhulu.
A man's gift enlarges him, and seats him among princes.
17 Ecaleni okhuluma kuqala ubonakala enguye olungileyo, kuze kuqhamuke omunye ambuzisise.
A righteous man accuses himself at the beginning of his speech, but when he has entered upon the attack, the adversary is reproved.
18 Ukwenza inkatho kuyakuqeda ukulwisana, kubehlukanise abaxabanayo.
A silent [man] quells strifes, and determines between great powers.
19 Umzalwane owonelweyo uba lukhuni kulomuzi ohonqolozelweyo, lezingxabano zinjengamasango enqaba avaliweyo.
A brother helped by a brother is as a strong and high city; and is [as] strong as a [well]-founded palace.
20 Isisu somuntu sigcwaliswa yizithelo zomlomo wakhe; usuthiswa yisivuno sezindebe zakhe.
A man fills his belly with the fruits of his mouth; and he shall be satisfied with the fruits of his lips.
21 Ulimi lulamandla okuphila lokufa, njalo labo abaluthandayo bazakudla izithelo zalo.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue; and they that rule it shall eat the fruits thereof.
22 Lowo ozuza umfazi ufumana okuhle, athole umusa kuThixo.
He that has found a good wife has found favours, and has received gladness from God. [He that puts away a good wife, puts away a good thing, and he that keeps an adulteress is foolish and ungodly.]
23 Umyanga uyancenga ukuthi axolelwe, kodwa isinothi siphendula ngolaka.
24 Umuntu olabangane abanengi ucina kubi, kodwa kuba khona umngane othembeka okudlula umfowenu.

< Izaga 18 >