< 1 Imilando 11 >

1 Bonke abako-Israyeli baya kuDavida eHebhroni bafika bathi: “Thina siyinyama yakho legazi lakho.
Then all Israel came to David at Hebron and said, “Look, we are your flesh and bone.
2 Esikhathini esedlulayo, lanxa uSawuli eseseyinkosi, wena nguwe owawukhokhela u-Israyeli emkhankasweni wezimpi. Njalo uThixo uNkulunkulu wakho wathi kuwe, ‘Wena uzakuba ngumelusi wabantu bami u-Israyeli, njalo uzakuba ngumbusi wabo.’”
In the recent past, when Saul was king over us, it was you who led the Israelite army. Yahweh your God said to you, 'You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become a ruler over my people Israel.'”
3 Kwathi abadala bonke bako-Israyeli sebefikile enkosini uDavida eHebhroni, wenza isivumelwano labo eHebhroni phambi kukaThixo, basebegcoba uDavida ukuba abe yinkosi ko-Israyeli, njengesithembiso sikaThixo asenza ngoSamuyeli.
So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them before Yahweh. They anointed David king over Israel. In this way, the word of Yahweh that had been declared by Samuel came true.
4 UDavida labo bonke abako-Israyeli baya eJerusalema (kusitsho iJebusi). AmaJebusi ayehlala khona
David and all Israel went to Jerusalem (that is, Jebus). Now the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, were there.
5 athi kuDavida, “Kawuyikungena lapha.” Kodwa lanxa kunjalo, uDavida wayithumba inqaba yaseZiyoni, uMuzi kaDavida.
The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, “You will not come in here.” But David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.
6 UDavida wayethe, “Ozakhokhela ekuhlaseleni amaJebusi uzakuba nguMlawuli omkhulu wempi.” UJowabi indodana kaZeruya nguye owaqala ukuya khona, ngakho wazuza ubukhokheli.
David had said, “Whoever attacks the Jebusites first will become chief and commander.” So Joab son of Zeruiah attacked first, so he was made the chief.
7 UDavida wasehlala enqabeni, yikho yathiwa ibizo lokuthi nguMuzi kaDavida.
Then David began to live in the stronghold. So they called it the city of David.
8 Wakha idolobho inxa zonke kusukela emadundulwini kuze kuyefinyelela emidulini ehonqolozeleyo, ngalesosikhathi uJowabi esakha evuselela umuzi.
He built the city all around from the Millo and back to the surrounding wall. Joab restored the rest of the city.
9 UDavida waqhubeka njalo esiba lamandla, ngoba uThixo uSomandla wayelaye.
David became greater and greater because Yahweh of hosts was with him.
10 Lezi zinduna zamaqhawe kaDavida ezazimsekele ngokuqinileyo embusweni kanye laye wonke u-Israyeli, ukuba abe yinkosi, njengokuthembisa kukaThixo.
These were the leaders David had, who showed themselves strong with him in his kingdom, together with all Israel, to make him king, obeying the word of Yahweh concerning Israel.
11 Lolu yiluhlu lwalawo maqhawe kaDavida: UJashobheyamu, umHakhimoni, wayengumlawuli wezikhulu; waphakamisela amadoda angamakhulu amathathu umkhonto wakhe, ababulalayo ekuhlaseleni kunye.
This is a list of David's mighty men: Jashobeam, the son of a Hachmonite, was commander of the officers. He killed three hundred men with his spear on one occasion.
12 Yena elandelwa ngu-Eliyazari indodana kaDodo umʼAhohi omunye wamaqhawe amathathu.
After him was Eleazar son of Dodo, the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighty men.
13 WayeloDavida ePhasi Damimi, ekuhlomeni kwamaFilistiya elungiselela ukudibana empini. Endaweni ethile kwakulensimu yebhali, amabutho abaleka ebalekela amaFilistiya.
He was with David at Pas Dammim, and there the Philistines assembled together for battle, where there was a barley field and the army fled from the Philistines.
14 Kodwa bona bema bajama phakathi kwensimu. Bayivikela bawabulala amaFilistiya, uThixo wabapha ukunqoba okukhulu.
They stood in the middle of the field. They defended it and cut down the Philistines and Yahweh rescued them with a great victory.
15 Izinduna ezintathu kwezingamatshumi amathathu zaya edwaleni kuDavida ebhalwini lwase-Adulami, ngalesosikhathi amanye amaFilistiya ayebuthene eSigodini saseRefayi.
Then three of the thirty leaders went down to the rock to David, to the cave of Adullam. The army of the Philistines was camped in the Valley of Rephaim.
16 Ngalesosikhathi uDavida wayesenqabeni, iviyo lamabutho amaFilistiya laliseBhethilehema.
At that time David was in his stronghold, a cave, while the Philistines had established their camp at Bethlehem.
17 UDavida womela amanzi wasesithi, “Oh, sengathi kungaba lomuntu ongangikhela amanzi okunatha emthonjeni oseduze lesango laseBhethilehema!”
David was longing for water and said, “If only someone would give me water to drink from the well at Bethlehem, the well that is by the gate!”
18 Ngakho abathathu laba badabula phakathi kweviyo lamaFilistiya bayakukha amanzi eduzane lesango laseBhethilehema bayawanika uDavida. Kodwa wala ukuwanatha, wakhetha ukuwathululela phambi kukaThixo.
So these three mighty men broke through the army of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, the well at the gate. They took the water and brought it to David, but he refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out to Yahweh.
19 Wasesithi, “UNkulunkulu kangangivumeli ukukwenza lokhu! Kufanele yini ukuthi nginathe igazi lalababantu abanikele impilo yabo engozini bewaletha?” Ngoba babeka impilo zabo engozini bewaletha, uDavida kawanathanga. Lezi zaziyizenzo zobuqhawe zalawomabutho womathathu.
Then he said, “May it be that I should never do this! Should I drink the blood of these men who have risked their lives?” Because they had put their lives at risk, David refused to drink it. These were the deeds of the three mighty men.
20 U-Abhishayi umfowabo kaJowabi wayeyinduna yabaThathu labo. Waphakamisela umkhonto wakhe phezu kwabangamakhulu amathathu, ababulalayo, ngakho waba lodumo njengabaThathu.
Abishai brother of Joab was captain over the Three. He once used his spear against three hundred and killed them. He is mentioned along with the Three.
21 Waba lodumo oluphindwe kabili phezu kwalaba abaThathu waze waba ngumlawuli wabo, loba engazange abe phakathi kwabo.
Of the Three, he was given double honor and became their captain, even though he was not one of them.
22 UBhenaya indodana kaJehoyada wayeliqhawe elilesibindi laseKhabhizeli, elenza izenzo zobuqhawe obukhulu. Wabulala amaqhawe amaMowabi amabili ayezintshantshu ekulweni. Wake wangena emgodini wabulala isilwane mhla kulongqwaqwane.
Benaiah son of Jehoiada was a brave warrior from Kabzeel, who did great deeds. He killed the two sons of Ariel of Moab. He also went down into a pit and killed a lion on a day when the snow was falling.
23 Wabulala umGibhithe owayemude okwezingalo eyisikhombisa njalo eqatha. Lanxa umGibhithe wayephethe umkhonto esandleni kwakungani uphethe umkhonto onjengogodo lomaluki, uBhenayiya waqondana laye ngenduku. Wahluthuna umkhonto esandleni somGibhithe wambulala ngawo umkhonto wakhe.
He even killed an Egyptian, a man five cubits tall. The Egyptian had a spear like a weaver's beam, but he went down to him with only a staff. He seized the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.
24 Lezi zaziyizenzo zobuqhawe zikaBhenaya indodana kaJehoyada, laye futhi wayedume njengamaqhawe amathathu.
Benaiah son of Jehoiada did these feats, and he was named alongside the three mighty men.
25 Wayehlonitshwa kakhulu ukwedlula bonke abangamatshumi amathathu, kodwa wayengabalwa kanye labaThathu. UDavida wambeka ukuba abe ngumphathi wabalindi bakhe.
He was more highly regarded than the thirty soldiers in general, but he was not regarded quite as highly as the three mighty men. Yet David put him in charge of his bodyguard.
26 Amaqhawe ayelamandla ayeyila: u-Asaheli umfowabo kaJowabi, u-Elihanani indodana kaDodo waseBhethilehema,
The mighty men were Asahel brother of Joab, Elhanan son of Dodo of Bethlehem,
27 uShamothi umHarori, uHelezi umPheloni,
Shammoth the Harorite, Helez the Pelonite,
28 u-Ira indodana ka-Ikheshi waseThekhowa, u-Abhiyezeri wase-Anathothi,
Ira son of Ikkesh the Tekoite, Abiezer the Anathothite,
29 uSibhekhayi umHushathi, u-Ilayi umʼAhohi,
Sibbekai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite,
30 uMaharayi umNethofathi, uHeledi indodana kaBhana umNethofa,
Maharai the Netophathite, Heled son of Baanah the Netophathite,
31 u-Ithayi indodana kaRibhayi owaseGibhiya koBhenjamini, uBhenaya umPhirathoni,
Ithai son of Ribai of Gibeah of Benjamin's descendants, Benaiah the Pirathonite,
32 uHurayi wasezindongeni zaseGashi, u-Abhiyeli umʼAribhathi,
Hurai of the valleys of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,
33 u-Azimavethi umBhaharumi, u-Eliyaba umShalibhoni,
Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba the Shaalbonite,
34 amadodana kaHashemi umGizoni, uJonathani indodana kaShageye umHarari,
the sons of Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan son of Shagee the Hararite,
35 u-Ahiyamu indodana kaSakhari umHarari, u-Elifali indodana ka-Uri,
Ahiam son of Sakar the Hararite, Eliphal son of Ur,
36 uHeferi indodana kaMekherathi, u-Ahija umPheloni,
Hepher the Mekerathite, Ahijah the Pelonite,
37 uHeziro umKhameli, uNarayi indodana ka-Ezibhayi,
Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai son of Ezbai,
38 uJoweli umfowabo kaNathani, uMibhari indodana kaHagiri,
Joel brother of Nathan, Mibhar son of Hagri,
39 uZelekhi umʼAmoni, uNaharayi umBherothi, owayethwala izikhali zikaJowabi indodana kaZeruya,
Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite (the armor bearer of Joab son of Zeruiah),
40 u-Ira umʼIthira, uGarebhi umʼIthiri,
Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
41 u-Uriya umHithi, uZabhadi indodana ka-Ahilayi,
Uriah the Hittite, Zabad son of Ahlai,
42 lo-Adina indodana kaShiza owakoRubheni, owayeyinduna yakoRubheni, kanye labangamatshumi amathathu ababelaye,
Adina son of Shiza the Reubenite (a chief of the Reubenites) and thirty with him,
43 loHanani indodana kaMahakha, loJoshafathi umʼMithini,
Hanan son of Maacah, and Joshaphat the Mithnite,
44 lo-Uziya umʼAshitherathi, loShama loJeyiyeli amadodana kaHothamu umʼAroweri,
Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama and Jeiel sons of Hotham the Aroerite,
45 loJediyeli indodana kaShimiri, umfowabo uJoha umThizi,
Jediael son of Shimri, Joha (his brother the Tizite),
46 lo-Eliyeli umʼMahavi, loJeribhayi loJoshaviya amadodana ka-Elinamu, lo-Ithima waseMowabi,
Eliel the Mahavite, Jeribai and Joshaviah sons of Elnaam, Ithmah the Moabite,
47 lo-Eliyeli, lo-Obhedi kanye loJasiyeli waseMezobha.
Eliel, Obed, and Jaasiel the Mezobaite.

< 1 Imilando 11 >