< Luk 19 >

1 Jisu ah Jeriko hadaang ni wangta eno erah lam ih daankhoomta.
Now when Iesus entred and passed through Iericho,
2 Erah di phokhothoon sokse seete heh men ah Jakaias, changteng wah angta.
Beholde, there was a man named Zaccheus, which was the chiefe receiuer of the tribute, and he was riche.
3 Heh ih Jisu ah o angla ih jat suh taatwoot sokta, ang abah uh heh ah etho ang thoidi midung nawa ih Jisu ah tajap tupta.
And he sought to see Iesus, who hee should be, and coulde not for the preasse, because he was of a lowe stature.
4 Erah thoidi miloong ngah ko ih soonkah ano Jisu daankhoom ah japtup suh puksak bangni duungta.
Wherefore he ranne before, and climed vp into a wilde figge tree, that he might see him: for he should come that way.
5 Jisu ah erah rum adi thokkhoom haano, rangko ih toonsokta, eno Jakaias suh baatta, “Echaan ih dat raaho, Jakaias, tumeah chiinyah ngah an nok nah tong jaatjaat eh ang.”
And when Iesus came to the place, he looked vp, and saw him, and said vnto him, Zaccheus, come downe at once: for to day I must abide at thine house.
6 Jakaias ah echaan ih dat kah no Jisu ah tenroon lam ih poon kaatta.
Then he came downe hastily, and receiued him ioyfully.
7 Miloong loongtang erah sok rum ano tuwaan rumta, “Arah mih ah rangdah mina nok ni wenwah ih hoon kala nih!”
And when all they sawe it, they murmured, saying, that hee was gone in to lodge with a sinfull man.
8 Jakaias toonchap ano Teesu asuh baatta, Chuupha! “Boichaat uh! Nga nyamka thotli ko ah changthih loong suh phe koh ang, erah damdoh ngah ih o mina dowa huda ih thaang phaksatang loong asuh lekbaji than ehan we ih boot korum ang.”
And Zaccheus stood forth, and said vnto the Lord, Beholde, Lord, the halfe of my goods I giue to the poore: and if I haue taken from any man by forged cauillation, I restore him foure folde.
9 Jisu ih heh suh baatta, “Khopiiroidong ah chiinyah arah nok adi thok hala, tumeah arah mih rah uh, Abraham sutoom satoom.
Then Iesus said to him, This day is saluation come vnto this house, forasmuch as hee is also become the sonne of Abraham.
10 Mina Sah ah emat ete loong jam suh nyia pangsuh ra taha.”
For the Sonne of man is come to seeke, and to saue that which was lost.
11 Miloong ih erah banchaat rum adi, Jisu ih tiitthaak tiit wakbaat rumta. Heh ah erah di Jerusalem mong ni ejen thok eta, eno miloong ah ih Rangte Hasong ah thok nanah heh ang kola ih samthun rumta.
And whiles they heard these thinges, hee continued and spake a parable, because hee was neere to Hierusalem, and because also they thought that the kingdom of God should shortly appeare.
12 Eno heh ih liita, “Teewadi men anaam pan mih wasiit deek hoh haloot nah luungwang ih hoon kah ano heh nok nah we ngaak wangsuh thunta.
He saide therefore, A certaine noble man went into a farre countrey, to receiue for himselfe a kingdome, and so to come againe.
13 Eno heh maang dokkhoom ngakhoh ni, heh laksuh wah asih ah lompoon rum ano heh ih hun jaan ngun esiit esiit ih koh ano baat rumta, ‘Ngah moongkhoom angdoh sen ih arah ngun rah ih jaat phe kaat an.’
And he called his ten seruants, and deliuered them ten pieces of money, and sayd vnto them, Occupie till I come.
14 Amadi, heh mina loong ah ih heh ah miksuk et rumta, erah thoidi heh lilih ruurang baatte ah daapkaat rum ano jeng thuk rumta, ‘Arah mih ah seng ih seng luungwang et hoon suh tanookke.’
Nowe his citizens hated him, and sent an ambassage after him, saying, We will not haue this man to reigne ouer vs.
15 “Eno erah mih ah luungwang jen hoon kah ano we ngaakwangta. Erah damdam heh ih heh laksuh loong ah heh jiinni lompoon thukta, neng ih mathan than et dongniik rumta erah jat suh ah.
And it came to passe, when hee was come againe, and had receiued his kingdome, that he commanded the seruants to be called to him, to whome he gaue his money, that he might knowe what euery man had gained.
16 Phangkhothoon wah ah wangha no baatta, ‘Chuupha, an ih esiit kotahang dowa ih ngah ih hun lo asih boot niik tang,’
Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy piece hath encreased ten pieces.
17 ‘Ese ih reetu,’ heh ih liita, ‘An ah wah se laksuh! An amasah di tuungmaang uno jen reetu bah, Ngah ih an samnuthung hah asih soksamte ih thiinha.’
And he sayd vnto him, Well, good seruant: because thou hast bene faithfull in a very litle thing, take thou authoritie ouer ten cities.
18 Erah lilih laksuh wasiit ah wangha no liita, ‘Chuupha, An ih lo siit kotahang dowa ih hun jaan ngun lo banga boot niik tang.’
And the second came, saying, Lord, thy piece hath encreased fiue pieces.
19 Erah wah asuh liita, ‘An ah hah banga soksamte ang uh!’
And to the same he sayd, Be thou also ruler ouer fiue cities.
20 “Laksuh wasiit ah wangha no we baatta, “Chuupha, arah an hun jaan ngunsah rah ah; ngah ih nyulep ni thoopkhak angno huthiin tang.
So the other came, and sayd, Lord, beholde thy piece, which I haue laide vp in a napkin:
21 Ngah ih an ah mithih ih jat eh taha, eno cho etang. An ih andi lah angka ah kapte nyia an ih lakiiko dowa huite mina.’
For I feared thee, because thou art a straight man: thou takest vp, that thou layedst not downe, and reapest that thou diddest not sowe.
22 Heh ih laksuh asuh liita, “Lajak, laksuh an ah! Ngah ih an jengjeng nawa dut haat hala! An ih jat et hu ngah mih chaan eah, ngah ih ngah di lah angka rah kakap ang nyia ngah ih lakiikang dowa kahui ang eah.
Then he sayde vnto him, Of thine owne mouth will I iudge thee, O euill seruant. Thou knewest that I am a straight man, taking vp that I layd not downe, and reaping that I did not sowe.
23 Ese ang ah, erah bah uh, an ih ngunnok ni taan lathiin wan mamet tu? Erah dobah ngunnok adoh hesut heboot taan ngah ngaakwang tokdoh eje ang thengta.”
Wherefore then gauest not thou my money into the banke, that at my coming I might haue required it with vantage?
24 “Eno heh ih erah di chaapte loong asuh baatta, ‘Hun ngunsah ah heh dowa esiit ah nge anno asih niikte laksuh asuh bootkoh an.’
And he sayd to them that stoode by, Take from him that piece, and giue it him that hath ten pieces.
25 Eno neng ih liita, ‘Chuupha, heh di hun ngunsah asih eje laangma ah!’
(And they sayd vnto him, Lord, hee hath ten pieces.)
26 Heh ih ngaakbaat rumta, ‘Ngah ih amiisak tiit baat rumhala,’ ‘O di amasah jeela, erah suh ehaan et bootkoh ah, enoothong o di tajeeka, amasah taat angta rah uh ethoon nge et ah.
For I say vnto you, that vnto all them that haue, it shalbe giuen: and from him that hath not, euen that he hath, shalbe taken from him.
27 Amadoh, nga pi nga ra loong ah o ih ngah suh seng luungwang naktoom ang ah ih liite loong ah, adoh siitwan hanno nga pandoh tek haat an!’”
Moreouer, those mine enemies, which would not that I should reigne ouer them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
28 Jisu ih erah baat rum ano nengngah nengngah Jerusalem ko ih wangta.
And when he had thus spoken, he went forth before, ascending vp to Hierusalem.
29 Neng Betpheej nyia Bethani reeni Olip kong ko ih thokrum adi, heliphante wanyi neng ngani daap wanta
And it came to passe, when hee was come neere to Bethphage, and Bethania, besides the mount which is called the mount of Oliues, he sent two of his disciples,
30 amet baat ano ah: “Set ngah ni hadaang esiit je ah erah doh wang ansih; erah wang ansih doh, set ih moktosah bonthiincho tupwang ansih babah uh lathaak tumsiitka rah ah. Ja ansih no anah siitjah hansih.
Saying, Goe ye to the towne which is before you, wherein, assoone as ye are come, ye shall finde a colte tied, whereon neuer man sate: loose him, and bring him hither.
31 Mih ih tumet suh ja hansih, et cheng hansih bah, erah suh baat theng changte ih jamha eah.”
And if any man aske you, why ye loose him, thus shall ye say vnto him, Because the Lord hath neede of him.
32 Eno nyi ah kah nyu ano Jisu ih baat nyuuta jun ih japtup nyuuta.
So they that were sent, went their way, and found it as he had sayd vnto them.
33 Eno moktosah ah ja nyu adi changte wah ih cheng nyuuta, “Tumet suh ja hansih?”
And as they were loosing the colte, the owners thereof sayd vnto them, Why loose ye the colte?
34 Nyi ih ngaakbaat nyuuta, “Changte ih jamha,”
And they sayd, The Lord hath neede of him.
35 eno moktosah ah Jisu jiinni hoom wan nyuuta. Eno moktosah sakkhoh adi neng nyuh ah dekoh rum ano Jisu ah dung thuk rumta.
So they brought him to Iesus, and they cast their garments on the colte, and set Iesus thereon.
36 Eno Jisu ah moktosah khoni wang damdam, miloong ih nengnyuh nengkhat loong ah lam adi ban dam wanrumta.
And as he went, they spred their clothes in the way.
37 Neng Jerusalem reeni thokrum ano, Olip Kong lamko dat kata adi, mih hantek heliphante loong ah erong rongwah ih Rangte rangphoong lam ih lakookmi ih liirumta epaatja theng reeraang loong japtup rumta asuh ah:
And when he was nowe come neere to the going downe of the mount of Oliues, the whole multitude of the disciples began to reioyce, and to prayse God with a loude voyce, for all the great workes that they had seene,
38 “Rangte mendi ra taha luungwang asuh Teesu ih romseetam koh ah!” Rangmong nah semroongroong ang ah eno Rangte aju phaak ah!”
Saying, Blessed be the King that commeth in the Name of the Lord: peace in heauen, and glory in the highest places.
39 Eno mararah Pharisi ih midung nawa ih Jisu suh liita. “Chuupha,” neng ih liita, “An liphante loong ah nak toom cheekti rum ih baat uh!”
Then some of the Pharises of the companie sayd vnto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.
40 Jisu ih ngaakbaatta, “Ngah ih baat rumhala, nga liphante loong ah suusu taat ih tong rum abah uh, jong loong we toonriing rum ah.”
But he answered, and sayd vnto them, I tell you, that if these should holde their peace, the stones would crie.
41 Heh samnuthung ko ih tiitkhoom ano, sokta eno heh mikse ah jan eta,
And when he was come neere, he behelde the Citie, and wept for it,
42 eno liita, “Semroongroong ah mamah ang adoh se ih sen ih chiinyah taan ba lajattan! Enoothong amadoh ba sen ih takah tupkan!
Saying, O if thou haddest euen knowen at the least in this thy day those things, which belong vnto thy peace! but nowe are they hid from thine eyes.
43 Senpi senra loong ih kooknak hanno sen lam ah wanrep nawa ih tangpa han rah saapoot ah thok eha.
For the dayes shall come vpon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compasse thee round, and keepe thee in on euery side,
44 Neng ih sen nyia sen noksong loong ah tek haat et han; jongteh tesiit taan uh erah nah tadakka, tumeah sen pangsuh Rangte ra taha saapoot ah tasamjattan!”
And shall make thee euen with ye ground, and thy children which are in thee, and they shall not leaue in thee a stone vpon a stone, because thou knewest not that season of thy visitation.
45 Eno Jisu ah Rangteenok nok ni wang ano thaangsangte loong ah dokphan wang rumta,
He went also into the Temple, and began to cast out them that solde therein, and them that bought,
46 neng suh amet liirumta, “Rangteele ni raang arah Rangte amet liita, ‘Nga Rangsoomnok ah rangsoom theng ang ah.’ Enoothong sen ih ehuh loong hottong theng et hoon han!”
Saying vnto them, It is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but ye haue made it a denne of theeues.
47 Saarookwih Jisu ih Rangteenok ni nyootsoot rumta. Romwaphokhoh loong, Hootthe nyootte loong, nyia phokhoh mihak loong ih heh tek haat chung rumta,
And he taught dayly in the Temple. And the hie Priests and the Scribes, and the chiefe of the people sought to destroy him.
48 enoothong neng ih heh tek haat lampo ah tajap jam rumta, tumeah miloong rah heh jeng ban boichaat ruh et rumta, tiitkhaap esiit taan laphut haat ih boichaat thung ang rumta.
But they could not finde what they might doe to him: for all the people hanged vpon him when they heard him.

< Luk 19 >