< Luka 20 >

1 Lyubha limo, a Yeshu pubhaliji bhalijiganya bhandu Nniekalu na lunguya Ngani ja Mmbone, ashikalongolele bha bhakulungwanji bha bhaabhishila na bhaajiganya bha shalia na bhanangulungwa gubhaikengene,
And it came about on one of those days, when he was teaching the people in the Temple and preaching the good news,
2 nigubhaabhushiyenje, “Ntubhalanjile! Genega punkutenda kwa mashili gashi na gani ampele?”
That the chief priests and the scribes and the rulers of the people came to him and said, Make clear to us by what authority you do these things and who gave you this authority.
3 A Yeshu gubhaabhalanjilenje, “Numbe nne shinimmuyanje,
And in answer he said to them, I will put a question to you, and do you give me an answer:
4 mashili ga a Yowana ga bhatisha kugakopweshele kwa a Nnungu eu kubhandu?”
The baptism of John, was it from heaven or of men?
5 Ikabheje bhalabhonji gubhabhalanjilenenje, “Tutendaga kugakoposhele kwa a Nnungu, bhalabho shibhatubhuye, ‘Pakuti mmangaakulupalilanga?’
And they said among themselves, If we say, From heaven; he will say, Why did you not have faith in him?
6 Na tulugulaga kugakoposhele kubhandu, bhandunji bhowe shibhatukomanje na maganga, pabha bhowe bhanakulupalilanga kuti a Yowana pubhaaliji ankulondola.”
But if we say, Of men; we will be stoned by the people, for they are certain that John was a prophet.
7 Bhai, gubhajangulenje, “Tukakukumanya kugakoposhele kwei?”
And they made answer that they had no idea where it came from.
8 A Yeshu gubhaabhalanjilenje, “Nkali nne ngammalanjilanga ingutenda ino ngutenda kwa mashili gakeni?”
And Jesus said, And I will not make clear to you by what authority I do these things.
9 A Yeshu gubhaatanjilenje bhandunji aluno lutango luno, “Bhandu bhamo bhashinkulima nngunda gwa mishabhibhu, nikwaapolekanga nngunda gula bhaalimanga, kungai gubhajabhwile mwanja kwenda kushilambo sha taliya, gubhalonjeye kweneko.
And he gave the people this story: A man made a vine-garden and gave the use of it to some field-workers and went into another country for a long time.
10 Mobha ga maneng'eno, gubhantumile ntumishi jwabho ajende kubhaalimanga bhala, akatole ndalo ya maneng'eno ga nngunda gwa mishabhibhu. Ikabheje bhaalimanga bhala gubhankomilenje ntumishi jula, gubhamminjilenje gwabhujile gwaayoyo.
And at the right time he sent a servant to the workers to get part of the fruit from the vines; but the workmen gave him blows and sent him away with nothing.
11 Bhayene nngunda bhala bhakuntumaga ntumishi juna, ikabheje nneila peila gubhankomilenje na kuntokomaya, gubhamminjilenje gwaayoyo.
And he sent another servant, and they gave blows to him in the same way, and put shame on him, and sent him away with nothing.
12 Gubhantumile kabhili ntumishi jwatatu, najwalakwe, gubhanng'uleyenje, gubhamminjilenje munngunda mula.”
And he sent a third, and they gave him wounds and put him out.
13 Bhai bhayene nngunda bhala gubhaganishiye, “Shindende bhuli? ‘Shinintume mwanangu jwa jika jungumpinga peju, pana shibhanng'ishimunji.’
And the lord of the garden said, What am I to do? I will send my dearly loved son; they may give respect to him.
14 Bhaalimanga bhala bhakammonanjepe, gubhabhalanjilenenje, ‘Jweneju ni apinga tola ulishi. Bhai tummulaje, ulishi shigubhe gwetu.’
But when the workmen saw him, they said to one another, This is he who will one day be the owner of the property: let us put him to death and the heritage will be ours.
15 Bhai, gubhankwakwatilenje palanga nngunda gwa mishabhibhu gula, gubhammulegenje.” A Yeshu gubhabhushiye. “Bhai penepo bhayene nngunda bhala shibhaatendanje nndi bhene bhaalimangabho?
And driving him out of the garden they put him to death. Now what will the lord do to these workmen?
16 Shibhajiye nikwaabhulaganga bhaalimangabho na nngunda gwa mishabhibhugo shibhaapanganje bhaalimanga bhananji.” Bhandunji bhakapilikananjeje gene malobhego, gubhashitenje. “Nngabha, Inakoposhele nneyo!”
He will come and put them to destruction and give the garden to others. And when he said this, they said, May it not be so.
17 Ikabheje a Yeshu gubhaalolinje, gubhaalugulilenje, “Bhai, gene Majandiko ga malombolelo gakwe nndi? ‘Liganga libhakanilenje bhaashenganga, Nnaino lishibha liganga likulu lya pa ndumba!’
But he, looking on them, said, Is it not in the Writings, The stone which the builders put on one side, the same has become the chief stone of the building?
18 Mundu jojowe agwilaga pantundu lyene ligangalyo apinga temekanga na linngwilaga mundu jojowe, lipinga kunkandaganya.”
Everyone falling on that stone will be broken, but the man on whom the stone comes down will be crushed to dust.
19 Bhaajiganya bha Shalia na ashikalongolele bha bhakulungwanji bha bhaabhishila gwaapinjilenje kwaakamula palapepala, pabha bhamumanyinji kuti lwene lutangolo bhatanjilwenje ni bhobho pebho. Ikabheje bhatendaga kubhajogopanga bhandu.
And the chief priests and the scribes made attempts to get their hands on him in that very hour; and they were in fear of the people, for they saw that he had made up this story against them.
20 Bhai, gubhaatumilenje bhandunji bhaitembilenje bhanguja, bhakaabhuyanje a Yeshu ibhuyo ya kwaatanjiya kwa malobhe gabho, nkupinga bhaakamulanje bhaapelekanje kwa ashikalongolele bha ukulungwa.
And they kept watch on him, and sent out secret representatives, who were acting the part of good men, in order that they might get something from his words, on account of which they might give him up to the government and into the power of the ruler.
21 Bhai, bhatumilwenje bhala gubhaabhushiyenje a Yeshu, “Mmajiganya, tumumanyi mmwe nnabheleketa na kujiganya indu ya uguja na mwangali luagu, mmwe nnajiganya indu ya a Nnungu ipinjikwa bhandu bhatendanje.
And they put a question to him, saying, Master, we are certain that your teaching and your words are right, and that you have no respect for a man's position, but you are teaching the true way of God:
22 Bhuli, ni alali uwe kulipa koli kwa a Kaishali eu nngabha?”
Is it right for us to make payment of taxes to Caesar or not?
23 Ikabheje a Yeshu gubhang'amwile kuti bhanakwaatejelanga, nigubhaabhalanjilenje,
But he saw through their trick and said to them,
24 “Nnangulanje dinali. Bhuli, aji pishaji na gajandikwe pantundu jakwega ni ga keni?” Nigubhaajangwilenje, “Ga a Kaishali.”
Let me see a penny. Whose image and name are on it? And they said, Caesar's.
25 A Yeshu nigubhaabhalanjilenje, “Bhai, ili ya a Kaishali mwaapanganje a Kaishali na ya a Nnungu mwaapanganje a Nnungu.”
And he said, Then give to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things which are God's.
26 Bhangakombolanga kwaakamula kwa gene gaabhelekete palugwinjili gala. Nigubhakanganigwenje majangulo gabho, gubhatemingenenje ilili.
And they were not able to get anything from these words before the people: but they were full of wonder at his answer, and said nothing.
27 Kungai Ashimashadukayo bhalugulanga kuti bhawilenje bhakayukanga, gubhaaishilenje a Yeshu nikwaabhuya,
And some of the Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no coming back from the dead; and they said to him,
28 bhalinkutinji, “Mmajiganya, a Musha bhashinkutujandishila kuti nkulu mundu awaga nikunneka jwankongwe nshitenga gwangali kunkolela bhana, inapinjikwa mpwakwe ajinjile majumba, kupinga ankolele bhana nkulugwe.
Master, Moses said that if a man's brother comes to his end, having a wife, but no children, his brother is to take the wife, and get a family for his brother.
29 Bhai, gene mobhago bhashinkupagwanga bhangwendo shabha bha nyumba jimo. Jwa lielo jula gwalombile na gwawile gwangali kuleka mwana.
Now there were seven brothers, and the first had a wife and came to his end, having no children;
30 Jwabhili jula gwajinjile majumba, na jwalakwe gwawile gwangali kukola mwana,
And the second;
31 na jwatatu ni nneila peila. Nkubho gula nibha gula mpaka bhowe shabha bhala gubhawilenje gwangali kukolela bhana.
And the third took her; and in the same way, all the seven, without having any children, came to their end.
32 Kungai na jwankongwe jula gwawile.
And last of all, the woman came to her end.
33 Bhuli, pushibhayukanje, jwankongwejo shabhe nkagwe gani? Pabha ashinkulombwa na bhowe shabha bhala.”
When they come back from the dead, whose wife will she be? for all the seven had her.
34 A Yeshu gubhaabhalanjilenje, “Bhandunji bha gegano mobha gano bhanalombanga na lombwa, (aiōn g165)
And Jesus said to them, The sons of this world are married and have wives; (aiōn g165)
35 Ikabheje bhene shibhayukanje nibhalanganishiwa nndamo ja gene mobhago, bhakalombanga wala bhakalombwanga. (aiōn g165)
But those to whom is given the reward of the world to come, and to come back from the dead, have no wives, and are not married; (aiōn g165)
36 Na shibhabhanganje mbuti ashimalaika bha a Nnungu na bhana bha a Nnungu bhakawanganga kabhili, pabha bhashiyuywanga.
And death has no more power over them, for they are equal to the angels, and are sons of God, being of those who will come back from the dead.
37 Ikabheje, ga yuywa bhawilenje, nkali a Musha nneila peila bhakong'ondele Mmajandiko. Ga shitekete shakolelaga moto shila, bhanakwaashema Bhakulungwa kuti a Nnungu bha a Bhulaimu na bha a Ishaka na bha a Yakobho.
But even Moses made it clear that the dead come back to life, saying, in the story of the burning thorn-tree, The Lord, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
38 Bhai, bhenebho nngabha a Nnungu bha bhawilenje, ikabhe a Nnungu bha bhakotonji, pabha kwa bhenebho bhowe bhakotonji.”
Now he is not the God of the dead but of the living: for all men are living to him.
39 Bhaajiganya bhananji bha Shalia gubhashitenje, “Mmajiganya nshijangula ukoto kaje.”
And some of the scribes, in answer to this, said, Master, you have said well.
40 Na bhandunji bhala bhangalinganga kwaabhuya kabhili.
And they had fear of putting any more questions to him.
41 A Yeshu gubhaabhalanjilenje, “Ni kwa bhuli bhanabheleketanga kuti a Kilishitu ni bha shipinga sha a Daudi?
And he said to them, Why do they say that the Christ is the son of David?
42 Pabha bhayene a Daudi bhanabheleketa nshitabhu sha Mbeembela, ‘BHAKULUNGWA bhashinkwaalugulila Bhakulungwa bhangu, Ntame kunkono gwangu gwa nnilo
For David himself says in the book of Psalms, The Lord said to my Lord, Take your seat at my right hand,
43 Mpaka pushinaabhikanje ashaamagongo ajenunji palibhatila makongono genu.’”
Till I put under your feet all those who are against you.
44 Ibhaga a Daudi bhakwaashema bhenebho, Bhakulungwa bhai, shibhabhe bhuli bhana bhabho?
David then gives him the name of Lord, so how is it possible for him to be his son?
45 Akuno bhandu bhowe bhalikwapilikanishiyanga a Yeshu gubhaalugulilenje bhaajiganywa bhabho.
And in the hearing of all the people he said to his disciples,
46 “Mwiiteiganje na bhaajiganya bha Shalia inakwaanonyelanga pita jimajima akuno bhali bhawalilenje majoo. Inakwaanonyelanga kukomaywa mummbala ya ushiya indu na tama mwiitengu ya mmujo mmashinagogi.
Keep away from the scribes, whose pleasure it is to go about in long robes, and to have words of respect said to them in the market-places, and to take the chief seats in the Synagogues and the first places at feasts;
47 Kwa ugulumba, bhanakwaatolelanga bhanabhakongwe bha shitenga indu yabhonji, bhalikwiitembanganga kuti bhanguja, bhalikwaajuganga a Nnungu kwa leupya. Bhene bhanganyabho shibhaukumulwanje kupunda bhananji.”
Who take the property of widows and before the eyes of men make long prayers; they will get a greater punishment.

< Luka 20 >