< Waiata 86 >

1 He inoi na Rawiri. Whakatitahatia iho tou taringa, e Ihowa whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau; he ware hoki ahau, he rawakore.
A Prayer of David. Incline, O Jehovah, Thine ear, Answer me, for I [am] poor and needy.
2 Tiakina toku wairua: he tapu hoki ahau; mau, e toku Atua, e whakaora tau pononga e whakawhirinaki atu nei ki a koe.
Keep my soul, for I [am] pious, Save Thy servant — who is trusting to Thee, O Thou, my God.
3 Tohungia ahau, e te Ariki: e karanga nei hoki ahau ki a koe i te ra roa nei.
Favour me, O Lord, for to Thee I call all the day.
4 Whakaharitia te wairua o tau pononga; ka ara atu nei hoki toku wairua, e te Ariki, ki a koe.
Rejoice the soul of Thy servant, For unto Thee, O Lord, my soul I lift up.
5 He pai hoki koe, e te Ariki, he ngawari: e ranea ana hoki tau mahi tohu ki te hunga katoa e karanga ana ki a koe.
For Thou, Lord, [art] good and forgiving. And abundant in kindness to all calling Thee.
6 Tahuri mai tou taringa, e Ihowa, ki taku inoi: whakarongo kitoku reo unene.
Hear, O Jehovah, my prayer, And attend to the voice of my supplications.
7 Ka karanga ahau ki a koe i te ra o toku pouri: e whakahoki kupu mai hoki koe ki ahau.
In a day of my distress I call Thee, For Thou dost answer me.
8 Kahore he rite mou, e te Ariki, i roto i nga atua: kahore hoki he rite mo au mahi.
There is none like Thee among the gods, O Lord, And like Thy works there are none.
9 Ka haere mai nga iwi katoa i hanga e koe, a ka koropiko ki tou aroaro, e te Ariki; ka whakakororia hoki i tou ingoa.
All nations that Thou hast made Come and bow themselves before Thee, O Lord, And give honour to Thy name.
10 He nui hoki koe, e mahi ana i nga mea whakamiharo: ko koe anake te Atua.
For great [art] Thou, and doing wonders, Thou [art] God Thyself alone.
11 Whakaakona ahau ki tau ara, e Ihowa; ka haere ahau i runga i tou pono: whakatapatahitia toku ngakau ki te wehi i tou ingoa.
Show me, O Jehovah, Thy way, I walk in Thy truth, My heart doth rejoice to fear Thy name.
12 Ka whakamoemiti katoa toku ngakau ki a koe, e te Ariki, e toku Atua: ka whakakororia ano i tou ingoa ake ake.
I confess Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I honour Thy name to the age.
13 He nui hoki tau mahi tohu ki ahau: a kua whakaorangia e koe toku wairua i te reinga i raro riro. (Sheol h7585)
For Thy kindness [is] great toward me, And Thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
14 E te Atua, kua whakatika ki ahau te hunga whakakake: kua whaia ano toku wairua e te huihuinga o te hunga tutu; kahore hoki koe e waiho i to ratou aroaro.
O God, the proud have risen up against me, And a company of the terrible sought my soul, And have not placed Thee before them,
15 Ko koe ia, e te Ariki, he Atua atawhai, he tohu tangata: he puhoi ki te riri, e hua ana te mahi tohu me te pono.
And Thou, O Lord, [art] God, merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abundant in kindness and truth.
16 Tahuri mai ki ahau, tohungia hoki ahau: homai tou kaha ki tau pononga, whakaorangia te tama a tau pononga wahine.
Look unto me, and favour me, Give Thy strength to Thy servant, And give salvation to a son of Thine handmaid.
17 Whakakitea mai ki ahau he tohu mo te pai: kia kite ai te hunga e kino ana ki ahau, kia whakama ai: nou e Ihowa i awhina i ahau, i whakamarie i ahau.
Do with me a sign for good, And those hating me see and are ashamed, For Thou, O Jehovah, hast helped me, Yea, Thou hast comforted me!

< Waiata 86 >