< Waiata 59 >

1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Aratakiti. He Mikitama na Rawiri, i a Haora i tono tangata hei tiaki mo te whare, hei whakamate mona. Whakaorangia ahau, e toku Atua, i oku hoariri: whakateiteitia ake ahau i te hunga e whakatika ana ki ahau.
`In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer, that thou lese not Dauid, meke and simple, `whanne Saul sente and kepte the hous, to slee hym. `In Ebreu thus, To the ouercomyng, leese thou not the semeli song of Dauid, and so forth. Mi God, delyuer thou me fro myn enemyes; and delyuer thou me fro hem that risen ayens me.
2 Whakaorangia ahau i nga kaimahi i te kino: kia ora ahau i te hunga toto.
Delyuer thou me fro hem that worchen wickidnesse; and saue thou me fro menquelleris.
3 Kei te whanga nei hoki ratou mo toku wairua: e whakamine ana te hunga kaha ki te whawhai ki ahau; kahore nei oku tutu, kahore oku hara, e Ihowa.
For lo! thei han take my soule; stronge men fellen in on me.
4 Hore oku kino, oma ana ratou, kei te takatu: e ara hei awhina moku, titiro mai hoki.
Nethir my wickidnesse, nether my synne; Lord, Y ran with out wickidnesse, and dresside `my werkis.
5 Ae ra, maranga, e Ihowa, e te Atua o nga mano, e te Atua o Iharaira, tirohia iho nga tauiwi katoa: kaua e tohungia tetahi o te hunga kino, e poka ke nei. (Hera)
Rise vp thou in to my meetyng, and se; and thou, Lord God of vertues, art God of Israel. Yyue thou tent to visite alle folkis; do thou not merci to alle that worchen wickidnesse.
6 Ka hoki mai ratou i te ahiahi, kei te tau, ano he kuri, taiawhiotia ana e ratou te pa.
Thei schulen be turned at euentid, and thei as doggis schulen suffre hungir; and thei schulen cumpas the citee.
7 Nana, kei te kupa o ratou mangai, he hoari kei o ratou ngutu: ki ta ratou, ko wai e rongo?
Lo! thei schulen speke in her mouth, and a swerd in her lippis; for who herde?
8 Ko tau ia, e Ihowa, he kata ki a ratou: hei tawainga mau nga tauiwi katoa.
And thou, Lord, schalt scorne hem; thou schalt bringe alle folkis to nouyt.
9 E toku kaha, ka tatari ahau ki a koe: ko te Atua hoki toku pa.
I schal kepe my strengthe to thee;
10 Kei mua i ahau toku Atua aroha: ma te Atua ahau ka kite i taku i hiahia ai ki oku hoariri.
for God is myn vptaker, my God, his mercy schal come byfore me.
11 Kaua ratou e whakamatea, kei wareware toku iwi: kia whakamararatia ratou e tou kaha; whakataka iho ratou, e te Ariki, e to matou whakangungu rakau.
God schewide to me on myn enemyes, slee thou not hem; lest ony tyme my puples foryete. Scatere thou hem in thi vertu; and, Lord, my defender, putte thou hem doun.
12 Mo te hara o to ratou mangai, mo nga kupu a o ratou ngutu, hopukia ratou i runga i to ratou whakakake, mo ta ratou korero, he kanga, he teka.
Putte thou doun the trespas of her mouth, and the word of her lippis; and be thei takun in her pride. And of cursyng and of leesyng; thei schulen be schewid in the endyng.
13 Whakamotitia i runga i te riri, kia kahore ai ratou: a kia matau ratou ko te Atua te Kawana o Hakopa puta noa ki nga pito o te whenua. (Hera)
In the ire of ending, and thei schulen not be; and thei schulen wite, that the Lord schal be Lord of Jacob, and of the endis of erthe.
14 I te ahiahi tukua ratou kia hoki, tukua ratou kia tau, ano he kuri, kia taiawhio ratou i te pa.
Thei schulen be turned at euentid, and thei as doggis schulen suffre hungur; and thei schulen cumpas the citee.
15 Ka kopikopiko noa ratou ki te rapu kai, a ka tauwhanga i te po roa ina kore ratou e makona.
Thei schulen be scaterid abrood, for to eete; sotheli if thei ben not fillid, and thei schulen grutche.
16 Ko ahau ia, ka waiatatia e ahau tou kaha; ae, i te ata ka hamamatia e ahau tau mahi toku: ko koe hoki toku pa, toku piringa i te ra o toku pouri.
But Y schal synge thi strengthe; and eerli Y schal enhaunse thi merci. For thou art maad myn vptaker; and my refuyt, in the dai of my tribulacioun.
17 Ka himene ahau ki a koe, e toku kaha: ko te Atua nei hoki toku pa, toku Atua aroha.
Myn helper, Y schal synge to thee; for thou art God, myn vptaker, my God, my mercy.

< Waiata 59 >