< Waiata 24 >

1 He himene na Rawiri. No Ihowa te whenua, me ona tini mea, te ao, me nga tangata e noho ana i runga.
The song of Dauid. The erthe and the fulnesse therof is `the Lordis; the world, and alle that dwellen therynne `is the Lordis.
2 He mea whakatu hoki nana ki runga ki nga moana, he mea whakau ki runga ki nga roma.
For he foundide it on the sees; and made it redi on floodis.
3 Ko wai e eke ki te maunga o Ihowa? Ko wai e tu ki tona wahi tapu?
Who schal stie in to the hil of the Lord; ethir who schal stonde in the hooli place of hym?
4 Ko te tangata he ma nei nga ringa, he harakore tona ngakau, kahore nei i ara tona wairua ki te horihori, a kahore i oati teka.
The innocent in hondis, and in cleene herte; whiche took not his soule in veyn, nether swoor in gile to his neiybore.
5 Ka riro i a ia te manaaki a Ihowa, me te tika a te Atua o tona whakaoranga.
`This man schal take blessyng of the Lord; and mercy of God his helthe.
6 Ko te whakatupuranga tenei o te hunga e rapu ana ki a ia, e rapu nei i tou mate, e Hakopa. (Hera)
This is the generacioun of men sekynge hym; of men sekynge the face of God of Jacob.
7 Kia ara o koutou matenga, e nga tatau, ara ake, e nga tatau onamata; a ka tomo te Kingi o te kororia.
Ye princes, take vp youre yatis, and ye euerelastynge yatis, be reisid; and the kyng of glorie schal entre.
8 Ko wai tenei Kingi kororia? Ko Ihowa, ko te kaha, ko te marohirohi, ko Ihowa, ko te marohirohi ki te whawhai.
Who is this kyng of glorie? the Lord strong and myyti, the Lord myyti in batel.
9 Kia ara o koutou matenga, e nga tatau, kia ara ake, e nga tatau onamata, a ka tomo te Kingi o te kororia.
Ye princes, take vp youre yatis, and ye euerlastynge yatis, be reisid; and the kyng of glorie schal entre.
10 Ko wai tenei Kingi kororia? Ko Ihowa o nga mano, ko ia te Kingi kororia. (Hera)
Who is this kyng of glorie? the Lord of vertues, he is the kyng of glorie.

< Waiata 24 >