< Tauanga 12 >

1 Na ka whakahe a Miriama rau ko Arona ki a Mohi mo te wahine Kuhi i marenatia e ia: he wahine Kuhi hoki tana i marena ai.
And Marie spak and Aaron ayens Moises, for his wijf a womman of Ethiope,
2 A ka mea raua, Koia ranei i a Mohi anake nga korero a Ihowa? kahore ranei ana korero hoki i a maua? A ka rongo a Ihowa.
and seiden, Whethir God spak oneli by Moises? whethir he spak not also to vs in lijk maner? And whanne the Lord hadde herd this, he was wrooth greetli;
3 Na, he tangata mahaki rawa a Mohi i nga tangata katoa o te mata o te whenua.
for Moises was the myldest man, ouer alle men that dwelliden in erthe.
4 Na i ohorere tunu te korerotanga a Ihowa ki a Mohi ratou ko Arona, ko Miriama, Puta mai koutou tokotoru ki te tapenakara o te whakaminenga. A ka puta atu ratu tokotoru.
And anoon the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron and to Marye, Go out ye thre aloone to the tabernacle of boond of pees. And whanne thei weren gon yn,
5 Na ka heke iho a Ihowa i roto i te pou kapua, a ka tu ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara, ka karanga hoki ki a Arona raua ko Miriama: a ka puta raua.
the Lord cam doun in a piler of cloude, and he stood in the entryng of the tabernacle, and clepide Aaron and Marie.
6 A ka mea ia, Tena, whakarongo ki aku korero: ki te mea he poropiti kei a koutou, ka whakaatu atu ahau, a Ihowa i ahau ki a ia, he mea whakakite, he korero moemoea ki a ia.
And whanne thei hadden go, he seide to hem, Here ye my wordis; if ony among you is a profete of the Lord, Y schal appere to hym in reuelacioun, ethir Y schal speke to hym bi `a dreem.
7 Ehara taku pononga, a Mohi i te pera; he pono ia i toku whare katoa:
And he seide, And my seruaunt Moises is not siche, which is moost feithful in al myn hows;
8 Ka korero ahau ki a ia, he mangai, he mangai, he korero mata nui, kahore hoki he kupu ngaro; a e kite ano ia i te ahua o Ihowa: he aha ra korua te wehi ai ki te whakahe mo taku pononga, mo Mohi?
for Y speke to hym mouth to mouth, and he seeth God opynli, and not bi derke spechis and figuris. Why therfor dredden ye not to bacbite `ether depraue my seruaunt Moises?
9 Na ka mutu te riri o Ihowa ki a raua, a haere ana ia.
And the Lord was wrooth ayens hem, and he wente a wei.
10 Na ka riro atu te kapua i runga i te tapenakara: na! he repera a Miriama, kua rite ki te hukarere: a ka titiro a Arona ki a Miriama, e! he repera.
And the cloude yede awei, that was on the tabernacle and lo! Marie apperide whijt with lepre as snow. And whanne Aaron biheelde hir, and siy hir bispreynd with lepre,
11 Na ka mea a Arona ki a Mohi, Aue, e toku ariki, kaua e utaina ki a maua tenei hara i poauau nei, i hara nei maua.
he seide to Moises, My lord, Y beseche, putte thou not this synne on vs,
12 Kei rite ia ki te mea kua mate, ki te mea kua pau tetahi wahi o ona kikokiko i te putanga mai i te kopu o tona whaea.
which we diden folili, that this womman be not maad as deed, and as a deed borun thing which is cast out of the `wombe of his modir; lo! now the half of hir fleisch is deuourid with lepre.
13 Na ka karanga atu a Mohi ki a Ihowa, ka mea, E te Atua, tena ra, whakaorangia ia.
And Moises criede to the Lord, and seide, Lord, Y biseche, heele thou hir.
14 Na ka mea a Ihowa, ki a Mohi, Me i tuwha kau tona papa ki tona mata e kore ianei ia e whakama, a whitu noa nga ra? kia whitu nga ra e tutakina atu ai ia ki waho o te puni, a muri iho ka mauria mai ano.
To whom the Lord answerid, If hir fadir hadde spet in to hir face, where sche ouyte not to be fillid with schame, nameli in seuene daies? Therfor be sche departid out of the tentis bi seuen daies, and aftirward sche schal be clepid ayen.
15 Na tutakina atu ana a Miriama ki waho o te puni, e whitu nga ra; kihai ano hoki te iwi i haere, kia whakahokia mai ra ano a Miriama.
And so Marie was excludid out of the tentis bi seuene daies; and the puple was not mouyd fro that place, til Marie was clepid ayen.
16 A muri iho ka turia e te iwi i Hateroto, a noho ana i te koraha o Parana.
And the puple yede forth fro Asseroth, whanne the tentis weren set in the deseert of Pharan.

< Tauanga 12 >