< Mika 5 >

1 Na inaianei ka whakahuihui a ropu koe i a koe, e te tamahine a nga ropu: kua oti tatou te whakapae e ia: ka patua e ratou ki te rakau te paparinga o te kaiwhakawa o Iharaira.
Now thou, douyter of a theef, schalt be distried; thei puttiden on vs bisegyng, in a yerde thei schulen smyte the cheke of the iuge of Israel.
2 Na ko koe, e Peterehema Eparata, he iti nei i roto i nga mano o Hura, e puta mai i roto i a koe tetahi maku hei kawana mo Iharaira: ko ona putanga nonamata, no nga ra o tua iho.
And thou, Bethleem Effrata, art litil in the thousyndis of Juda; he that is the lordli gouernour in Israel, schal go out of thee to me; and the goyng out of hym is fro bigynnyng, fro daies of euerlastyngnesse.
3 Mo reira ratou ka tukua atu ai e ia, kia tae ra ano ki te wa e whanau ai tenei e whakamamae nei: hei reira nga toenga o ona tuakana hoki ai ki nga tama a Iharaira.
For this thing he shal yyue hem til to the tyme in which the trauelinge of child schal bere child, and the relifs of hise britheren schulen be conuertid to the sones of Israel.
4 A ka tu ia, ka whangai i tana kahui i runga i te kaha o Ihowa, i runga hoki i te nui o te ingoa o Ihowa, o tona Atua; a ka noho ratou; no te mea akuareiia ka nui, ki nga pito ra ano o te whenua.
And he schal stonde, and schal fede in the strengthe of the Lord, in the heiythe of the name of his Lord God; and thei schulen be conuertid, for now he schal be magnefied til to the endis of al erthe.
5 A ko tenei tangata hei maunga rongo mo tatou: ina tae mai te Ahiriana ki to tatou whenua, a ka takahi ki o tatou whare kingi, hei reira ara ai i a tatou hei whawhai ki a ia etahi hepara tokowhitu me etahi tangata rangatira tokowaru.
And this schal be pees, whanne Assirius schal come in to oure lond, and whanne he schal trede in oure housis; and we schulen reise on hym seuene scheepherdis, and eiyte primatis men, ether the firste in dignytee.
6 A ka whakamotitia e ratou te whenua o Ahiria ki te hoari, te whenua hoki o Nimiroro i ona tomokanga: na ka whakaorangia tatou e ia i te Ahiriana, ina haere mai ia ki to tatou whenua, ina takahi ia i roto i o tatou rohe.
And thei schulen frete the lond of Assur bi swerd, and the lond of Nembroth bi speris of hym; and he schal delyuere vs fro Assur, whanne he schal come in to oure lond, and whanne he schal trede in oure coostis.
7 A ka rite nga toenga o Hakopa i roto i nga iwi maha ki te tomairangi a Ihowa, ki nga kouaua i runga i te tarutaru; e kore nei e whanga ki te tangata, e kore ano e tatari ki nga tama a te tangata.
And relifs of Jacob schulen be in the myddil of many puplis, as dew of the Lord, and as dropis on erbe, whiche abidith not man, and schal not abide sones of men.
8 Na ka waiho te toenga o Hakopa i roto i nga tauiwi, i roto i nga iwi maha; ka rite ki te raiona i roto i nga kararehe o te ngahere, ki te kuao raiona i roto i nga kauhui hipi: na ki te tika atu ia i waenga, ka takatakahia e ia, ka haehaea, kahore hoki he kaiwhakaora.
And relifs of Jacob schulen be in hethene men, in the myddil of many puplis, as a lioun in beestis of the woodis, and as a whelpe of a lioun rorynge in flockis of scheep; and whanne he passith, and defoulith, and takith, there is not that schal delyuere.
9 Whakaarahia tou ringa ki runga ake i ou hoariri, hatepea atu hoki ou hoariri katoa.
And thin hond schal be reisid on thin enemyes, and alle thin enemyes schulen perische.
10 Na i taua ra, e ai ta Ihowa, ka hatepea atu e ahau au hoiho i roto i a koe, ka kore ano i ahau au hariata;
And it schal be, in that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal take awei thin horsis fro the myddil of thee, and Y schal distrie thi foure horsid cartis.
11 A ka whakakorea atu e ahau nga pa o tou whenua, ka wawahia ano e ahau ou pa kaha katoa;
And Y schal leese the citees of thi lond, and Y schal distrie alle thi strengthis;
12 Ka hatepea atu hoki e ahau nga makutu i roto i tou ringa, a ka kore nga tohunga maori i roto i a koe:
and Y schal do awei witchecraftis fro thin hond, and dyuynaciouns schulen not be in thee.
13 Ka hatepea atu hoki e ahau au whakapakoko, me au pou whakaahua i roto i a koe: a e kore koe e koropiko i muri nei ki te mahi a ou ringa.
And Y schal make for to perische thi `grauun ymagis, and Y schal breke togidere fro the myddil of thee thin ymagis, and thou schalt no more worschipe the werkis of thin hondis.
14 Ka hutia ano e ahau Aherimi i roto i a koe: a ka huna e ahau ou pa.
And Y schal drawe out of the middis of thee thi woodis, and Y schal al to-breke thi citees.
15 Ka rapua hoki e ahau he utu i nga tauiwi i runga i te riri, i te weriweri, kihai nei ratou i whakarongo.
And Y schal make in woodnesse and indignacioun veniaunce in alle folkis, whiche herden not.

< Mika 5 >