< Hoani 4 >

1 A, no ka mohio te Ariki, kua rongo nga Parihi, ko nga akonga a Ihu i mea ai, i iriiri ai, he tokomaha atu i a Hoani,
And so, when Jesus realized that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made more disciples and baptized more than John,
2 He ahakoa ra ehara i a Ihu nana i iriiri, na ana akonga ia,
(though Jesus himself was not baptizing, but only his disciples)
3 Ka mahue a Huria i a ia, a hoki ana ano ki Kariri.
he left behind Judea, and he traveled again to Galilee.
4 Na, ko te ara mona i tika na Hamaria.
Now he needed to cross through Samaria.
5 A ka haere ia ki tetahi pa o Hamaria, ko Haika te ingoa, e patata ana ki te wahi i hoatu e Hakopa ki tana tama, ki a Hohepa.
Therefore, he went into a city of Samaria which is called Sychar, near the estate which Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
6 Kei reira hoki te puna a Hakopa. Na kua ngenge a Ihu i te haerenga, heoi noho ana ia ki te taha o te puna: a meake ko te ono o nga haora.
And Jacob’s well was there. And so Jesus, being tired from the journey, was sitting in a certain way on the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7 Ka haere mai tetahi wahine o Hamaria ki te utu wai: ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Homai he wai moku.
A woman of Samaria arrived to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me to drink.”
8 Kua riro hoki ana akonga ki te pa, ki te hoko kai.
For his disciples had gone into the city in order to buy food.
9 Na ko te meatanga a te wahine o Hamaria ki a ia, he aha koe, he Hurai na koe, ka tono mai ai i te wai i ahau, he wahine nei ahau no Hamaria? kahore hoki e tata ana nga Hurai ki nga Hamarai.
And so, that Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, being a Jew, are requesting a drink from me, though I am a Samaritan woman?” For the Jews do not associate with the Samaritans.
10 Ka whakahoki a Ihu, ka mea ki a ia, Me i matau koe ki ta te Atua e homai ai, ki tenei hoki e mea nei ki a koe, Homai he wai moku; penei kua tono koe ki a ia, a kua hoatu e ia te wai ora ki a koe.
Jesus responded and said to her: “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to you, ‘Give me to drink,’ perhaps you would have made a request of him, and he would have given you living water.”
11 Ka mea te wahine ki a ia, E kara, kahore au mea hei utu wai, he hohonu ano te puna: no hea tena wai ora au?
The woman said to him: “Lord, you do not have anything with which to draw water, and the well is deep. From where, then, do you have living water?
12 He nui oti koe i to matou matua, i a Hakopa, i homai ai te puna ki a matou, inu ana ia i konei, ratou ko ana tamariki, me ana kararehe?
Surely, you are not greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and who drank from it, with his sons and his cattle?”
13 Ka whakahoki a Ihu, ka mea ki a ia, E mate ano i te wai te tangata e inu ana i tenei wai:
Jesus responded and said to her: “All who drink from this water will thirst again.
14 Tena ko te tangata e inu ana i te wai e hoatu e ahau ki a ia, e kore ia e mate i te wai a ake ake; engari te wai e hoatu e ahau ki a ia, hei puna wai tena i roto i a ia e pupu ake ana, a te ora tonu ra ano. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
But whoever shall drink from the water that I will give to him will not thirst for eternity. Instead, the water that I will give to him will become in him a fountain of water, springing up into eternal life.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
15 Ka mea te wahine ki a ia, E kara, homai ki ahau tenei wai, kei mate ahau i te wai, kei haere mai hoki ki konei rawa utu ai
The woman said to him, “Lord, give me this water, so that I may not thirst and may not come here to draw water.”
16 Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Tikina, karangatia to tahu, ka hoki mai ai.
Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and return here.”
17 Ka whakahoki te wahine, ka mea, Kahore aku tahu. Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, He korero tika tau, Kahore aku tahu:
The woman responded and said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her: “You have spoken well, in saying, ‘I have no husband.’
18 Ina hoki kua tokorima au tahu; ko ia i a koe nei ehara i te tahu nau: he pono tenei korero au.
For you have had five husbands, but he whom you have now is not your husband. You have spoken this in truth.”
19 Ka mea te wahine ki a ia, E kara, e kite ana ahau he poropiti koe.
The woman said to him: “Lord, I see that you are a Prophet.
20 I karakia o matou matua i runga i tenei maunga; a e mea ana koutou, Ko Hiruharama te wahi e tika ai te karakia.
Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you say that Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.”
21 Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, E tai, whakapono ki ahau, meake puta te wa, e kore ai koutou e karakia ki te Matua i runga i tenei maunga, e kore ano i Hiruharama.
Jesus said to her: “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you shall worship the Father, neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem.
22 Kahore koutou e mohio ki ta koutou e karakia nei: e matau ana matou ki ta matou e karakia nei; no nga Hurai nei hoki te ora.
You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know. For salvation is from the Jews.
23 Otira meake puta te wa, a tenei ano, e karakia ai nga kaikarakia pono ki te Matua i runga i te wairua, i te pono: e rapu ana hoki te Matua ki te pera hei karakia ki a ia.
But the hour is coming, and it is now, when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such persons who may worship him.
24 He Wairua te Atua: me karakia hoki nga kaikarakia ki a ia i runga i te wairua, i te pono.
God is Spirit. And so, those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
25 Ka mea te wahine ki a ia, E matau ana ahau kei te haere mai te Mihaia, e kiia nei ko te Karaiti, ka tae mai ia, mana nga mea katoa e korero ki a tatou.
The woman said to him: “I know that the Messiah is coming (who is called the Christ). And then, when he will have arrived, he will announce everything to us.”
26 Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Ko ahau ano ia e korero nei ki a koe.
Jesus said to her: “I am he, the one who is speaking with you.”
27 Na ka puta i reira ana akonga, ka miharo ki tana korerotanga ki te wahine: heoi kihai tetahi i mea, He aha tau e rapu? he aha koe ka korero ai ki a ia?
And then his disciples arrived. And they wondered that he was speaking with the woman. Yet no one said: “What are you seeking?” or, “Why are you talking with her?”
28 Na ka whakarerea e te wahine tana ipu, a haere ana ki te pa, ka mea ki nga tangata,
And so the woman left behind her water jar and went into the city. And she said to the men there:
29 Haere mai, kia kite i te tangata i korerotia mai ai ki ahau nga mea katoa i mea ai ahau: ehara ranei tenei i a te Karaiti?
“Come and see a man who has told me all the things that I have done. Is he not the Christ?”
30 Ka puta ratou ki waho o te pa, a ka ahu mai ki a ia.
Therefore, they went out of the city and came to him.
31 I taua takiwa ano ka tohe nga akonga ki a ia, ka mea, E te Kaiwhakaako, e kai ra.
Meanwhile, the disciples petitioned him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”
32 Otira ka mea ia ki a ratou, he kai ano taku hei kai maku, kahore koutou e matau.
But he said to them, “I have food to eat which you do not know.”
33 Na ka mea nga akonga tetahi ki tetahi, I kawea mai ranei e tetahi he kai mana?
Therefore, the disciples said to one another, “Could someone have brought him something to eat?”
34 Ka mea a Ihu ki a ratou, Ko taku kai tenei, ko te mea i ta toku kaitono e pai ai, kia whakaotia hoki tana mahi.
Jesus said to them: “My food is to do the will of the One who sent me, so that I may perfect his work.
35 E kore ianei koutou e mea, Kia wha atu nga marama, a ka taea te kotinga? Nana, ko taku kupu tenei ki a koutou, Kia ara ake o koutou kanohi, titiro ki nga mara; kua ma noa ake: ko te kotinga tenei.
Do you not say, ‘There are still four months, and then the harvest arrives?’ Behold, I say to you: Lift up your eyes and look at the countryside; for it is already ripe for the harvest.
36 Ka whiwhi te kaikokoti ki te utu, ka kohia ano hoki e ia nga hua mo te ora tonu: kia hari tahi ai te kairui raua ko te kaikokoti. (aiōnios g166)
For he who reaps, receives wages and gathers fruit unto eternal life, so that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. (aiōnios g166)
37 Na konei hoki i pono ai taua ki, E rui ana tetahi, e kokoti ana tetahi.
For in this the word is true: that it is one who sows, and it is another who reaps.
38 I tonoa koutou e ahau ki te kokoti i te mea kihai i mahia e koutou: he tangata ke nana i mahi, a kua uru koutou ki a ratou mahi.
I have sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”
39 A he tokomaha nga Hamari o taua pa i whakapono ki a ia, mo te ki a te wahine i mea ra, I korerotia mai e ia ki ahau nga mea katoa i mea ai ahau.
Now many of the Samaritans from that city believed in him, because of the word of the woman who was offering testimony: “For he told me all the things that I have done.”
40 A, no ka tae nga Hamari ki a ia, ka mea kia noho ia ki a ratou: a e rua nga ra i noho ai ia ki reira.
Therefore, when the Samaritans had come to him, they petitioned him to lodge there. And he lodged there for two days.
41 Na hira noa ake nga tangata i whakapono, he mea hoki na tana kupu;
And many more believed in him, because of his own word.
42 I mea ano ki te wahine, Ehara i te mea na tau kupu i whakapono ai matou inaianei: kua rongo nei hoki matou ake, a ka matau, ko te Karaiti pu tenei, ko te Kaiwhakaora o te ao.
And they said to the woman: “Now we believe, not because of your speech, but because we ourselves have heard him, and so we know that he is truly the Savior of the world.”
43 Ka pahure aua ra e rua, ka turia atu e ia i reira, a haere ana ki Kariri.
Then, after two days, he departed from there, and he traveled into Galilee.
44 Ko Ihu tonu hoki nana te ki, Kahore he honore o te poropiti i tona kainga ake.
For Jesus himself offered testimony that a Prophet has no honor in his own country.
45 Heoi, i tona taenga ki Kariri, ka whakamanuhiritia ia e nga tangata o Kariri, i kite hoki ratou i nga mea katoa i meatia e ia ki Hiruharama i te hakari: i haere hoki ratou ki te hakari.
And so, when he had arrived in Galilee, the Galileans received him, because they had seen all that he had done at Jerusalem, in the day of the feast. For they also went to the feast day.
46 A ka tae ano a Ihu ki Kana o Kariri, ki te wahi i meatia ai e ia te wai hei waina. Na ko tetahi tangata a te kingi, kei Kaperenauma tana tama e mate ana.
Then he went again into Cana of Galilee, where he made water into wine. And there was a certain ruler, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
47 A, no ka rongo ia kua tae mai a Ihu i Huria ki Kariri, ka haere ki a ia, ka inoi ki a ia kia haere ia ki te whakaora i tana tama; meake hoki marere.
Since he had heard that Jesus came to Galilee from Judea, he sent to him and begged him to come down and heal his son. For he was beginning to die.
48 Na ko te meatanga a Ihu ki a ia, Ki te kahore koutou e kite i nga tohu, i nga merekara, e kore rawa koutou e whakapono.
Therefore, Jesus said to him, “Unless you have seen signs and wonders, you do not believe.”
49 Ka mea te tangata a te kingi ki a ia, E te Ariki, haere iho i te mea kahore ano kia mate noa taku tamaiti.
The ruler said to him, “Lord, come down before my son dies.”
50 Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Haere; kua ora tau tama. Na whakapono ana te tangata ki te kupu i korerotia e Ihu ki a ia, a haere ana.
Jesus said to him, “Go, your son lives.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and so he went away.
51 A, i a ia e haere ana, ka tutaki ana pononga ki a ia, ka korero, Kua ora tau tamaiti.
Then, as he was going down, his servants met him. And they reported to him, saying that his son was alive.
52 Na ka ui ia ki a ratou ki te haora i matutu ake ai ia. Ka mea ratou ki a ia, Nonanahi, no te whitu o nga haora, i mutu ai tona ka.
Therefore, he asked them at which hour he had become better. And they said to him, “Yesterday, at the seventh hour, the fever left him.”
53 Na ka mohio te papa, ko te tino haora ia i mea ai a Ihu ki a ia, Kua ora tau tama: a whakapono ana ia, ratou ko tona whare katoa.
Then the father realized that it was at the same hour that Jesus said to him, “Your son lives.” And both he and his entire household believed.
54 Ko te rua ano tenei o nga merekara i meatia e Ihu, i muri i tona haerenga i Huria ki Kariri.
This next sign was the second that Jesus accomplished, after he had arrived in Galilee from Judea.

< Hoani 4 >