< Hopa 4 >

1 Katahi a Eripata Temani ka oho, ka mea,
Forsothe Eliphat Themanytes answeride, and seide,
2 Ki te anga matou ki te korero ki a koe, e pouri ranei koe? otira e taea e wai te pehi te kupu?
If we bigynnen to speke to thee, in hap thou schalt take it heuyli; but who may holde a word conseyued?
3 Nana, he tokomaha i whakaakona e koe: nau hoki i whakakaha nga ringa kahakore.
Lo! thou hast tauyt ful many men, and thou hast strengthid hondis maad feynt.
4 Ara ana i au kupu te tangata e hinga ana; nau hoki i kaha ai nga turi kua piko.
Thi wordis confermyden men doutynge, and thou coumfortidist knees tremblynge.
5 Inaianei kua tae mai ki a koe, a e hemo ana koe: e pa ana ki a koe, ohorere ana koe.
But now a wounde is comun on thee, and thou hast failid; it touchide thee, and thou art disturblid.
6 He taka ianei kei tou wehi ki te Atua he okiokinga whakaaro mou? Kei te tapatahi o ou huarahi he tumanakohanga mou?
Where is thi drede, thi strengthe, and thi pacience, and the perfeccioun of thi weies?
7 Maharatia ra, ko wai o nga tangata harakore i huna? I ngaro ranei ki hea te hunga tika?
Y biseche thee, haue thou mynde, what innocent man perischide euere, ethir whanne riytful men weren doon awei?
8 Ko taku hoki tenei i kite ai, ko te hunga e parau ana i te he, e rua ana i te raruraru, ko ia ra ano ta ratou e kokoti ai.
Certis rathir Y siy hem, that worchen wickidnesse, and sowen sorewis,
9 Huna ana ratou e te ha o te Atua, moti iho ratou i te hau o tona riri.
and repen tho, to haue perischid bi God blowynge, and to be wastid bi the spirit of his ire.
10 Ko te hamama o te raiona, ko te reo o te raiona tutu, ko nga niho o nga kuao raiona, whati ana.
The roryng of a lioun, and the vois of a lionesse, and the teeth of `whelpis of liouns ben al to-brokun.
11 Ngaro ana te raiona katua i te kore kai, a marara noa atu nga kuao a te raiona.
Tigris perischide, for sche hadde not prey; and the whelpis of a lioun ben distried.
12 Na i kawea pukutia mai he korero ki ahau, a kapohia ana e toku taringa he komuhumuhu.
Certis an hid word was seid to me, and myn eere took as theueli the veynes of priuy noise therof.
13 I nga whakaaroaronga, no nga kite o te po, i te mea ka au iho te moe a te tangata,
In the hidousnesse of `nyytis siyt, whanne heuy sleep is wont to occupie men,
14 Ka pa te wehi ki ahau, me te ihiihi, a wiri ana oku wheua katoa.
drede and tremblyng helde me; and alle my boonys weren aferd.
15 Na ka tika atu he wairua i toku aroaro, tutu ana nga huruhuru o toku kikokiko.
And whanne the spirit `yede in my presence, the heiris of `my fleisch hadden hidousnesse.
16 Tu ana ia, otiia kihai ahau i mohio ki tona mata; he ahua te mea i toku aroaro: tu puku ana; na ka rongo ahau i te reo e ki ana,
Oon stood, whos chere Y knewe not, an ymage bifor myn iyen; and Y herde a vois as of softe wynd.
17 He nui atu ranei te tika o te tangata i to te Atua? He nui atu ranei i to tona Kaihanga to ma o te tangata?
Whether a man schal be maad iust in comparisoun of God? ethir whethir a man schal be clennere than his Makere?
18 Nana, kahore rawa ia e whakawhirinaki ki ana pononga; a ki tana, he he kei ana anahera.
Lo! thei that seruen hym ben not stidefast; and he findith schrewidnesse in hise aungels.
19 Tera atu to te hunga e noho ana i roto i nga whare uku, he puehu to ratou turanga; mongamonga kau ratou i te aroaro o te purehurehu.
Hou myche more thei that dwellen in housis of cley, that han an ertheli foundement, schulen be wastyd as of a mouyte.
20 I waenganui o te ata, o te ahiahi, ka whakangaromia ratou; huna ana ratou ake tonu atu, te ai tetahi hei whakaaro atu.
Fro morewtid til to euentid thei schulen be kit doun; and for no man vndurstondith, thei schulen perische with outen ende.
21 Kahore ranei to ratou taura here teneti i motuhia i roto i a ratou? Mate ana ratou, kahore hoki he matauranga.
Sotheli thei, that ben residue, schulen be takun awei; thei schulen die, and not in wisdom.

< Hopa 4 >