< Hopa 39 >

1 E mohiotia ana ranei e koe te wa e whanau ai nga koati mohoao o te kamaka? E kitea putia ana ranei e koe te wa e whakamamae ai nga hata?
[Say] if you know the time of the bringing forth of the wild goats of the rock, and [if] you have marked the calving of the hinds:
2 E taua ano ranei e koe nga marama e rite ana i a ratou? E mohio ana ranei koe ki te wa e whanau ai ratou?
and [if] you has have numbered the full months of their being with young, and [if] you have relieved their pangs:
3 Tuohu ana ratou, kua puta mai a ratou kuao, akiritia mai ana e ratou o ratou mea whakapouri.
and have reared their young without fear; and will you loosen their pangs?
4 E pai ana te ahua o a ratou kuao, e tupu ana i te parae; ka haere atu ratou, a kahore e hoki mai ano.
Their young will break forth; they will be multiplied with offspring: [their young] will go forth, and will not return to them.
5 Na wai i tuku te kaihe mohoao kia haere noa atu; nga here o te kaihe mohoao, na wai i wewete?
And who is he that sent forth the wild ass free? and who loosed his bands?
6 Ko te whare i whakaritea nei e ahau mona, ko te koraha: ko ona nohoanga ko te wahi titiohea.
whereas I made his habitation the wilderness, and the salt land his coverts.
7 Whakahaweatia iho e ia te ngangau o te pa; e kore ia e rongo ki te reo o te kaiakiaki.
He laughs to scorn the multitude of the city, and hears not the chiding of the tax-gatherer.
8 Ko tona wahi kai kei te tuahiwi o nga maunga, e rapua ana e ia nga mea matomato katoa.
He will survey the mountains [as] his pasture, and he seeks after every green thing.
9 E pai ranei te unikanga kia mahi ki a koe? Kei tau takotoranga kai ranei he moenga mona?
And will the unicorn be willing to serve you, or to lie down at your manger?
10 E herea ranei e koe te unikanga ki tona taura i te awa parautanga? E rakarakatia ranei e ia nga raorao me tana whai ano i a koe?
And will you bind his yoke with thongs, or will he plow furrows for you in the plain?
11 E whakawhirinaki atu ranei koe ki a ia, no te mea e nui ana tona kaha? E whakarerea atu ranei e koe tau mahi mana?
And do you trust him, because his strength is great? and will you commit your works to him?
12 E whakapono atu ranei koe mana au hua e whakahoki mai; mana e kohikohi mai ki tau patunga witi?
And will you believe that he will return to you your seed, and bring [it] in [to] your threshing floor?
13 E whakamanamana ana te parirau o te otereti; otira he atawhai ano ranei ta ona hou, ta ona raukura?
The peacock has a beautiful wing: if the stork and the ostrich conceive, [it is worthy of notice],
14 E whakarerea ana e ia ona hua ki te whenua, whakamahanatia iho e ia ki te puehu,
for [the ostrich] will leave her eggs in the ground, and warm them on the dust,
15 Wareware ake ia tera pea e pepe i te waewae, e takahia ranei e te kirehe o te parae.
and has forgotten that the foot will scatter them, and the wild beasts of the field trample them.
16 He mea pakeke ia ki ana pi me te mea ehara i a ia: ahakoa ka maumauria tana mahi, kahore ona manawapa;
She has hardened [herself] against her young ones, as though [she bereaved] not herself: she labors in vain without fear.
17 No te mea i whakakahoretia e te Atua he ngakau mahara mona, kihai hoki i homai he whakaaro ki a ia.
For God has withholden wisdom from her, and not given her a portion in understanding.
18 I te wa e maranga ai ia ki runga, whakahaweatia iho e ia te hoiho raua ko tona kaieke.
In her season she will lift herself on high; she will scorn the horse and his rider.
19 Nau ranei i hoatu tona kaha ki tae hoiho? Nau ranei tona kaki i whakakakahu ki te huruhuru?
Hast you invested the horse with strength, and clothed his neck with terror?
20 Nau ranei ia i mea kia pekepeke, kia pera me te mawhitiwhiti? He hanga whakawehi te kororia o tona whewhengu.
And have you clad him in perfect armor, and made his breast glorious with courage?
21 E hukari ana ia ia te raorao, me te koa ano ki tona kaha: tika tonu ia ki te hunga mau patu.
He paws exulting in the plain, and goes forth in strength into the plain.
22 Whakahawea ana ia ki te wehi, kahore ona mataku; e kore ano ia e nunumi mai i te hoari.
He laughs to scorn a king as he meets him, and will by no means turn back from the sword.
23 Papa ana te papa pere ki tona taha, te tao e rarapa ana, me te timata.
The bow and sword resound against him; and [his] rage will swallow up the ground:
24 E horomia ana e ia te whenua, me te ngangau me te riri; kahore ia i te whakapono ko te reo tera o te tetere.
and he will not believe until the trumpet sounds.
25 Ka tangi ana te tetere ka mea ia, Ha, ha! I tawhiti ano ka hongia e ia te pakanga, te whatitiri o nga rangatira, me te hamama.
And when the trumpet sounds, he says, Aha! and afar off he smells the war with prancing and neighing.
26 He mohio nou i rere ai te kahu, i roha ai i ona parirau, i anga ai whaka te tonga?
And does the hawk remain steady by your wisdom, having spread out her wings unmoved, looking toward the region of the south?
27 Nau te kupu i kake ai te ekara? i hanga ai e ia tana ohanga ki te wahi tiketike?
And does the eagle rise at your command, and the vulture remain sitting over his nest,
28 Noho ana ia i runga i te kamaka, kei reira tona kainga, kei te kamaka keokeo, kei te pa kaha.
on a crag of a rock, and in a secret [place]?
29 A rapua ana e ia he kai i reira; e kite atu ana ona kanohi i tawhiti.
Thence he seeks food, his eyes observe from far.
30 Horomititia ake ana hoki nga toto e ana pi; a ko te wahi i nga tupapaku, kei reira ano ia.
And his young ones roll themselves in blood, and wherever the carcasses may be, immediately they are found.

< Hopa 39 >